4,507 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the nonuniqueness problem of the potential equation

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    The nonuniqueness problem occurring at transonic speeds with the conservative potential equation is investigated numerically. The study indicates that the problem is not an inviscid phenomenon, but results from approximate treatment of shock waves inherent in the conservative potential model. A new bound on the limit of validity of the conservative potential model is proposed

    A brief description of the Jameson-Caughey NYU transonic swept-wing computer program: FLO 22

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    A computer program for analyzing inviscid, isentropic, transonic flow past 3-D swept configurations is presented. Some basic aspects of the program are: (1) the free-stream Mach number is restricted only by the isentropic assumption; (2) weak shock waves are automatically located wherever they occur in the flow; (3) the finite-difference form of the full equation for the velocity potential is solved by the method of relaxation, after the flow exterior to the airfoil is mapped to the upper half plane; (4) the mapping procedure allows exact satisfaction of the boundary conditions and use of supersonic free stream velocities; (5) the finite difference operator is locally rotated in supersonic flow regions so as to properly account for the domain of dependence; and (6) the relaxation algorithm was stabilized using criteria from a time-like analogy

    Brown Dwarfs in the Pleiades Cluster. III. A deep IZ survey

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    We present the results of a deep CCD-based IZ photometric survey of a ~1 sq. deg area in the central region of the Pleiades Galactic open cluster. The magnitude coverage of our survey (from I~17.5 down to 22) allows us to detect substellar candidates with masses between 0.075 and 0.03 Msol. Details of the photometric reduction and selection criteria are given. Finder charts prepared from the I-band images are provided.Comment: 11 pages with 8 figures, 4 of them are finder charts given in gif format. Accepted for publication in A&AS. Also available at http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    Disdrometer network observations of finescale spatial–temporal clustering in rain

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    The spatial clustering of drops is a defining characteristic of rain on all scales from centimeters to kilometers. It is the physical basis for much of the observed variability in rain. The authors report here on the temporal–spatial 1-min counts using a network of 21 optical disdrometers over a small area near Charleston, South Carolina. These observations reveal significant differences between spatial and temporal structures (i.e., clustering) for different sizes of drops, which suggest that temporal observations of clustering cannot be used to infer spatial clustering simply using by an advection velocity as has been done in past studies. It is also shown that both spatial and temporal clustering play a role in rain variability depending upon the drop size. The more convective rain is dominated by spatial clustering while the opposite holds for the more stratiform rain. Like previous time series measurements by a single disdrometer but in contradiction with widely accepted drop size distribution power-law relations, it is also shown that there is a linear relation between 1-min averages of the rainfall rate R over the network and the average total number of drops Nt. However, the network (area) R–Nt relation differs from those derived strictly from time series observations by individual disdrometers. These differences imply that the temporal and spatial size distributions and their variabilities are not equivalent

    NASA-JSC antenna near-field measurement system

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    Work was completed on the near-field range control software. The capabilities of the data processing software were expanded with the addition of probe compensation. In addition, the user can process the measured data from the same computer terminal used for range control. The design of the laser metrology system was completed. It provides precise measruement of probe location during near-field measurements as well as position data for control of the translation beam and probe cart. A near-field range measurement system was designed, fabricated, and tested

    WD0837+185:the formation and evolution of an extreme mass ratio white dwarf-brown dwarf binary in Praesepe

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    There is a striking and unexplained dearth of brown dwarf companions in close orbits (< 3AU) around stars more massive than the Sun, in stark contrast to the frequency of stellar and planetary companions. Although rare and relatively short-lived, these systems leave detectable evolutionary end points in the form of white dwarf - brown dwarf binaries and these remnants can offer unique insights into the births and deaths of their parent systems. We present the discovery of a close (orbital separation ~ 0.006 AU) substellar companion to a massive white dwarf member of the Praesepe star cluster. Using the cluster age and the mass of the white dwarf we constrain the mass of the white dwarf progenitor star to lie in the range 3.5 - 3.7 Msun (B9). The high mass of the white dwarf means the substellar companion must have been engulfed by the B star's envelope while it was on the late asymptotic giant branch (AGB). Hence, the initial separation of the system was ~2 AU, with common envelope evolution reducing the separation to its current value. The initial and final orbital separations allow us to constrain the combination of the common envelope efficiency (alpha) and binding energy parameters (lambda) for the AGB star to alpha lambda ~3. We examine the various formation scenarios and conclude that the substellar object was most likely to have been captured by the white dwarf progenitor early in the life of the cluster, rather than forming in situ.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    An example of persistent microstructure in a long rain event

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    A 2D video disdrometer (2DVD) probe was used to gather detailed drop measurements over a 770-min rain event. Accumulated totals of the rainfall and of the number of drops for each square centimeter showed persistent, significant correlated structures across the approximately 11 cm × 11 cm grid of the 2DVD. This is surprising because larger-scale studies suggest that the values in each square centimeter should be highly correlated with very little variation. Nevertheless, this correlation remains strikingly similar to what is observed at a coarser resolution, suggesting that it somehow scales with spatial resolution. However, because the correlation functions are not power laws, the origin of this scaling must be due to a factor other than fractal geometry. Analysis reveals that this occurs because of a filtering effect such that as the domain size (or resolution of a remote sensor) becomes finer, it is only the smaller wavelengths that contribute most to the variance so that the correlation function also scales. Consequently, correlated finescale structures can apparently occur even over 10 cm. This fine structure was also found for the kinetic energy and impact power of the rain, important for understanding the initiation of soil erosion. The patterns in the integrated parameters appeared to arise almost exclusively from patterns in the total number of drops with patterns in the drop sizes playing an insignificant role. Therefore, in future studies of rain it is recommended that the total number of drops be retained as a crucial variable

    On the variability of drop size distributions over areas

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    Past studies of the variability of drop size distributions (DSDs) have used moments of the distribution such as the mass-weighted mean drop size as proxies for the entire size distribution. In this study, however, the authors separate the total number of drops Nt from the DSD leaving the probability size distributions (PSDs); that is, DSD = Nt × PSD. The variability of the PSDs are then considered using the frequencies of size [P(D)] values at each different drop diameter P(PD | D) over an ensemble of observations collected using a network of 21 optical disdrometers. The relative dispersions RD of P(PD | D) over all the drop diameters are used as a measure of PSD variability. An intrinsic PSD is defined as an average over one or more instruments excluding zero drop counts. It is found that variability associated with an intrinsic PSD fails to characterize its true variability over an area. It is also shown that this variability is not due to sampling limitations but rather originates for physical reasons. Furthermore, this variability increases with the expansion of the network size and with increasing drop diameter. A physical explanation is that the network acts to integrate the Fourier transform of the spatial correlation function from smaller toward larger wavelengths as the network size increases so that the contributions to the variance by all spatial wavelengths being sampled also increases. Consequently, RDand, hence, PSD variability will increase as the size of the area increases
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