16 research outputs found

    IgG Autoantibody Response against Keratinocyte Cadherins in Endemic Pemphigus Foliaceus (Fogo Selvagem)

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    It is well established that autoantibodies against desmoglein 3 and desmoglein 1 (Dsg1) are relevant in the pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus, including its endemic form fogo selvagem (FS). Isolated reports have shown that in certain patients with these diseases, autoantibodies against other desmosomal cadherins and E-cadherin may also be present. The goal of this investigation was to determine whether FS patients and normal individuals living in endemic areas possess autoantibodies against other desmosomal cadherins and E-cadherin. By testing a large number of FS and endemic control sera by ELISA, we found a consistent and specific autoantibody response against Dsg1 and other keratinocyte cadherins in these individuals, which is quite different from healthy individuals from the United States (US controls). Overall, the highest correlations among the autoantibody responses tested were in the endemic controls, followed by FS patients, and lowest in the US controls. These findings suggest that multiple, perhaps cross-reactive, keratinocyte cadherins are recognized by FS patients and endemic controls.NIH [R01-AR30281, R01-AR32599, T32-AR07369

    Mucosal Pemphigus Vulgaris Anti-Dsg3 IgG Is Pathogenic to the Oral Mucosa of Humanized Dsg3 Mice

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    There are two major clinical subsets of pemphigus vulgaris (PV), mucosal PV (mPV) and mucocutaneous PV (mcPV). The mPV subset exhibits anti-human desmoglein (Dsg) 3 autoantibodies that fail to recognize murine Dsg3; thus, passive transfer experiments of mPV IgG into WT mice have been unsuccessful at inducing disease. We therefore generated a fully humanized Dsg3 (hDSG3) murine model utilizing a human Dsg3 transgenic animal crossed to the murine Dsg3 knockout line. Expression of hDsg3 in the mucosa rescues the murine Dsg3 knockout phenotype. Well characterized mPV sera bind mucosal epithelia from the hDsg3 mice, but not mucosal tissues from WT mice by as detected by indirect immunofluorescence. The majority of mPV sera preferentially recognize hDsg3 compared to mDsg3 by immunoprecipitation as well. Passive transfer of mPV IgG into adult hDsg3 mice, but not WT mice, induces suprabasilar acantholysis in mucosal tissues, thus confirming pathogenicity of mPV anti-hDsg3 IgG in vivo. Human anti-hDsg3 antibodies are detected in perilesional mucosa as well as in sera of recipient mice by immunofluorescence. These findings suggest that the Dsg3 epitopes targeted by pathogenic mPV IgG are human specific. This hDsg3 mouse model will be invaluable in studying the clinical transition from mPV to mcPV

    Less Bone Loss With Maraviroc- Versus Tenofovir-Containing Antiretroviral Therapy in the AIDS Clinical Trials Group A5303 Study

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    Background. There is a need to prevent or minimize bone loss associated with antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation. We compared maraviroc (MVC)- to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)–containing ART