2,280 research outputs found

    Deterministic Timed Finite State Machines: Equivalence Checking and Expressive Power

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    There has been a growing interest in defining models of automata enriched with time. For instance, timed automata were introduced as automata extended with clocks. In this paper, we study models of timed finite state machines (TFSMs), i.e., FSMs enriched with time, which accept timed input words and generate timed output words. Here we discuss some models of TFSMs with a single clock: TFSMs with timed guards, TFSMs with timeouts, and TFSMs with both timed guards and timeouts. We solve the problem of equivalence checking for all three models, and we compare their expressive power, characterizing subclasses of TFSMs with timed guards and of TFSMs with timeouts that are equivalent to each other.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Synthesis and characterization of semiconducting nano-particles for water-processable active layers for OLEDs

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    Authoritarian Modernization in Indonesia’s Early Independence Period

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    In Authoritarian Modernization in Indonesia’s Early Independence Period, Farabi Fakih offers a historical analysis of the foundational years leading to Indonesia’s New Order state (1966–1998) during the early independence period. The study looks into the structural and ideological state formation during the so-called Liberal Democracy (1950–1957) and Sukarno’s Guided Democracy (1957–1965). In particular, it analyses how the international technical aid network and the dominant managerialist ideology of the period legitimized a new managerial elite. The book discusses the development of managerial education in the civil and military sectors in Indonesia. The study gives a strongly backed argument that Sukarno’s constitutional reform during the Guided Democracy period inadvertently provided a strong managerial blueprint for the New Order developmentalist state. Readership: All those interested in the political history of Indonesia, the history of the developmental state and the history of managerial ideology

    Exploring the School Experiences of a Syrian Refugee Student in a Windsor, Ontario Secondary School: A Case Study

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    The Syrian refugee crisis has displaced millions of people and left many children without proper access to education. More than 1,300 Syrian refugees have made Windsor, Ontario their home since the start of the conflicts. The purpose of the study is to explore the experiences of Syrian refugee children in the public school system in Windsor, Ontario by interrogating this issue through the eyes and voice of a Syrian refugee secondary school student. The study is guided by the theoretical perspectives of multiculturalism and culturally responsive pedagogy. Through a blended approach, this case study employs a narrative inquiry and phenomenological approach to explore the secondary school experiences of one Syrian refugee student. A review of the literature reveals the value of positive teacher-student relationships in the school experiences of refugees. Furthermore, it reveals that many teachers feel unprepared to teach refugee students, and that refugee students are often perceived through a “deficit lens”. There remains a limited understanding of the lived experiences of Syrian refugee students in a Canadian context. Data analysis was conducted through the process of “restorying” (Ollerenshaw & Creswell, 2002, p. 332), in which the participant’s experiences are combined and retold through a “three-dimensional space approach” (p. 339). Five themes emerged from the data: passion for education; maturity and resilience; community: attachment to the familiar; life as teacher; teacher as champion. Recommendations for teacher practices include facilitating a welcoming and inclusive environment for students from refugee backgrounds. Producing resources and professional development programs for educators that facilitate an understanding of refugee-student experiences and needs is also recommended. Recommendations for future research include deeper exploration of the lived experiences of Syrian refugees in various Canadian contexts as well as an investigation of the nature of teachers’ culturally responsive practice

    Telemedicine in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Patients Privacy Rights Protection Overview

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, online health services through applications or telemedicine have increased yearly. Many parties are involved in telemedicine to spread the confidentiality of information and patient privacy to various parties. Even though regulations and guidelines regarding telemedicine's implementation during the Covid-19 pandemic are established, personal data leakage still occurs. The problem discussed in this research is: How was telemedicine implemented in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic? And how is the regulation of privacy rights protection for patients who use telemedicine in Indonesia? This research uses a descriptive normative research method with a qualitative approach. The research results show various problems in Indonesia's telemedicine implementation during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially problems related to data protection regulation for telemedicine patients. Based on the author's analysis, no regulations regulate strict sanctions when the patient's data or medical records are not kept confidential. There is no explicit provision that threatens anyone who misuses the patient's data. Thus, it is necessary to have special regulations governing the protection of patients' privacy rights in the use of telemedicine in Indonesia, and Indonesian legislators need to continue the legislative process of the Personal Data Protection Bill


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas berdaur tiga siklus pada tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa tingkat III jurusan Tata Busana I di SMK Negeri 3 Probolinggo berjumlah 21 orang, sedangkan objeknya adalah pembelajaran ReadingSection. Model pembelajaran Leveling System memprasyaratkan adanya  kesetaraan kemampuan skill bahasa lnggris di level kelas tertentu setelah mengikuti placement test yang terbagai menjadi 3 tingkat kemampuan berdasarkan nilai yang diraih siswa. Selanjutnya tahap penentuan metode pengajaran yang sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa, dan diakhiri dengan tahap evaluasi. Macam evaluasi yang dilakukan, diantaranya adalah daily performancetest dilakukan di akhir tiap-tiap topik pembahasan, periodicaltest dilakukan di akhir tiap-tiap bebera paunit atau topic pembahasan, promotion test dilakukan di akhir tiap semester untuk mengkaji dan mereposisi level kemampuan siswa, dan prediction and international TOEIC test  untuk mengukur standarisasi kemampuan bahasa lnggris siswa secara lnternasional. Penerapan model ini dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar yang signifikan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran lebih dari 75% di mulai dari siklus II (84,5%) dan (98,8%) pada siklus III. Kata Kunci: Model pembelajaranLeveling System dan hasil belajar ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNINGBY LEVELING SYSTEM MODELON THIRD CLASS OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Abstrct: This research implemented Classroom Action Research by three cycles in 2012/2013 year plan. The subject is Dress Making Department 1 of third class at Vocational High School 3 Probolinggo followed by 21 students, and the object lesson is about Reading Section. Teaching Learning by Leveling System require the similarity of English Skills ability on the certain level of special class by concerning the placement test score devided into 3 kinds of abilities level based on the score achieved by the students. Next step is to choose the suitable Teaching-Learning Method based on students’s English ability level and be concluded by evaluation. Shorts of evaluation be held, one of them is daily performance test that be held at the last of lesson explanation, periodical test that be held at the last of some topics explanation, promotion test that be held at the last of semester to follow up and to determine the suitable new students ability’s level, and prediction and international TOEIC test  to measure the International standart of students’s English ability. The implementation of this teaching-learning model can increase the learning outcomes significantly. It is proved by the increasing of teching-learning quality more than 75%, start from second cycle (84,5%) and (98,8%) on the third cycle. Keyword: Teaching-Learning Model, Leveling System, and learning outcom
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