141 research outputs found

    Immigration et logiques d'États dans les relations internationales

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    American Immigration Politics: An Unending Controversy

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    Immigration has been a controversial issue throughout American political history from the colonial period to the present. In this article I argue that we must understand how the issue of immigration is framed whether in terms of economics (markets), rights, security or culture, and we must be attentive always to place the controversy in historical context. In the period since 1945 until the 2001 terrorist attacks, immigration policy was driven by a rights-markets dynamic. But in the first decades of the 21st century the immigration debate is framed primarily in terms of culture (religion and race) as well as national security. This framing has heightened the “liberal paradox” making immigration policy reform more difficult.L’immigration a toujours été un sujet à controverse dans l’histoire politique américaine, depuis l’époque coloniale jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Dans cet article, l’auteur démontre comment cette question de l’immigration est tantôt construite en fonction de l’économie, tantôt des droits, de la sécurité ou de la culture et qu’il est nécessaire de replacer cette analyse dans un contexte historique précis. Durant la période qui va de 1945 aux attaques terroristes de 2001, la politique d’immigration a été définie en fonction du jeu entre droit et économie. Mais depuis le début du XXIe siècle, les termes du débat sur l’immigration aux États-Unis se concentrent autour d’une rhétorique relative à la culture (race et religion) et à la sécurité nationale. Ce cadre de pensée conduit à intensifier le « paradoxe libéral » compliquant ainsi toute réforme de la politique d’immigration.La inmigración siempre ha sido un tema controvertido en la historia política estadounidense, desde la época colonial hasta la actualidad. En este artículo, el autor muestra como el tema de la inmigración se construye en algunas ocasiones en función de la economía, y en otras de los derechos, de la seguridad o de la cultura; y como es necesario poner este análisis en su contexto histórico exacto. En el período de 1945 a los ataques terroristas de 2001, la política de inmigración se ha definido en función de la interacción entre el derecho y la economía. Sin embargo, desde el principio del siglo XXI, los términos del debate sobre la inmigración en los Estados Unidos se concentran alrededor de una retórica sobre la cultura (raza y religión) y sobre la seguridad nacional. Este marco de pensamiento conduce a intensificar la «paradoja liberal» que complica cualquier reforma de la política de inmigración

    Migration, trade, and development: an overview

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    Simple, neoclassical economic models predict that prices should drive factors such as labor and capital across regions and countries toward their most valuable use. As this happens, developing countries, which are typically labor-rich and capital-scarce, should experience more rapid growth, higher income, and eventually convergence to industrial world levels of well-being. This process is happening slowly in some cases, but in other cases not at all. Do migration and trade speed this convergence? If so, how? If not, why?Emigration and immigration ; International trade ; Economic development ; Developing countries

    Immigrants, Markets, and Rights: The United States As an Emerging Migration State

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    In the pages that follow, we will develop the concept of the migration state and examine U.S. immigration trends from the late nineteenth century up to 2003 in light of labor market dynamics and the business cycle. We then look at the emergence of the United States as a migration state and the rise of rights-based politics and rights-markets coalitions in the period from 1945 to 1990. These coalitions in the U.S. Congress are key to understanding immigration policy outputs and outcomes. The argument can be generalized to cover other liberal democracies in Western Europe, Canada, and Australia

    Breast milk versus Formula: What\u27s the Big deal?

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    Breastfeeding versus formula feeding infants has long been a debate and question for parents. Many negative and positive points are brought up for each side of the debate, but an overwhelming majority of evidence has pushed for breastfeeding and its positive benefits for the newborn. However, there is a concern for the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in infants and whether breastfeeding or formula feeding affects bilirubin levels. The aim of this project is to gather evidence to determine whether or not bilirubin levels in newborns are significantly influenced in the first one to three weeks of life by source of feeding, either breast feeding or formula feeding. Our evidence was gathered from the following accessed databases: Medline, Proquest, and CINAHL. Our findings did suggest that bilirubin levels are higher in breastfed newborns in the first week to three weeks of life, but the positive benefits of breastfeeding out weighted the cons; however, great caution should be taken to monitor the levels of bilirubin in all infants due to the risk of hyperbilirubinemia causing neurological harm, such as brain damage. Therefore, nurses and all medical professionals working with infants should practice effective monitoring of bilirubin levels in newborns to effectively intervene when bilirubin levels reach a dangerous level and provide sufficient education to the parents

    Znanost i vjera

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    Closing the Gap Between Mammalian and Invertebrate Peripheral Nerve Injury: Protocol for a Novel Nerve Repair

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    Background: Outcomes after peripheral nerve injuries are poor despite current nerve repair techniques. Currently, there is no conclusive evidence that mammalian axons are capable of spontaneous fusion after transection. Notably, certain invertebrate species are able to auto-fuse after transection. Although mammalian axonal auto-fusion has not been observed experimentally, no mammalian study to date has demonstrated regenerating axolemmal membranes contacting intact distal segment axolemmal membranes to determine whether mammalian peripheral nerve axons have the intrinsic mechanisms necessary to auto-fuse after transection.Objective: This study aims to assess fusion competence between regenerating axons and intact distal segment axons by enhancing axon regeneration, delaying Wallerian degeneration, limiting the immune response, and preventing myelin obstruction. Methods: This study will use a rat sciatic nerve model to evaluate the effects of a novel peripheral nerve repair protocol on behavioral, electrophysiologic, and morphologic parameters. This protocol consists of a variety of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative interventions. Fusion will be assessed with electrophysiological conduction of action potentials across the repaired transection site. Axon-axon contact will be assessed with transmission electron microscopy. Behavioral recovery will be analyzed with the sciatic functional index. A total of 36 rats will be used for this study. The experimental group will use 24 rats and the negative control group will use 12 rats. For both the experimental and negative control groups, there will be both a behavior group and another group that will undergo electrophysiological and morphological analysis. The primary end point will be the presence or absence of action potentials across the lesion site. Secondary end points will include behavioral recovery with the sciatic functional index and morphological analysis of axon-axon contact between regenerating axons and intact distal segment axons. Results: The author is in the process of grant funding and institutional review board approval as of March 2020. The final follow-up will be completed by December 2021. Conclusions: In this study, the efficacy of the proposed novel peripheral nerve repair protocol will be evaluated using behavioral and electrophysiologic parameters. The author believes this study will provide information regarding whether spontaneous axon fusion is possible in mammals under the proper conditions. This information could potentially be translated to clinical trials if successful to improve outcomes after peripheral nerve injury

    Straining Psychic and Social Sinew: Trauma among Adolescent Psychiatric Patients in New Mexico

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    Drawing on data from a longitudinal study of 47 adolescents of diverse ethnic backgrounds hospitalized for psychiatric disorder in New Mexico, the article critically examines the relevance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to address anthropological questions of how to define the problem. Factors include the utility/limitation of psychiatric diagnostic categories, the lived experience of severe distress, the socioeconomic and political conditions of suffering, and reciprocal relations between immediate and remote social institutions. I discuss the mental health care system for adolescents and present two case studies of young inpatients, emphasizing the need for dual specification of the conditions of trauma and the structure of experience. I argue for understanding patterns of abandonment that shape the raw existence of young people at both the personal and collective levels to apprehend their depth and durability