290 research outputs found

    Proper Motion of Water Masers Associated with IRAS 21391+5802: Bipolar Outflow and an AU-Scale Dusty Circumstellar Shell

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    We present VLBA observations of water maser emission associated with the star-forming region IRAS 21391+5802, which is embedded in a bright rimmed cometary globule in IC1396. The angular resolution of the maps is about 0.8 mas, corresponding to a spatial resolution of about 0.6 AU, at an estimated distance of 750 pc. Proper motions are derived for 10 maser features identified consistently over three epochs, which were separated by intervals of about one month. The masers appear in four groups, which are aligned linearly on the sky, roughly along a northeast-southwest direction, with a total separation of about 520 AU (about 0.7 arcseconds). The 3-D velocities of the masers have a maximum value of about 42 km/s (about 9 AU/yr). The average error on the derived proper motions is about 4 km/s. The overall pattern of proper motions is indicative of a bipolar outflow. Proper motions of the masers in a central cluster, with a projected extent of about 20 AU, show systematic deviations from a radial outflow. However, we find no evidence of Keplerian rotation, as has been claimed elsewhere. A nearly circular loop of masers lies near the middle of the cluster. The radius of this loop is 1 AU and the line-of-sight velocities of the masers in the loop are within 2 km/s of the systemic velocity of the region. These masers presumably exist at the radial distance where significant dust condensation occurs in the outflow emanating from the star.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Version 2.12.00: Astrometric coordinates of maser revise

    A Binary Millisecond Pulsar in Globular Cluster NGC6544

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    We report the detection of a new 3.06 ms binary pulsar in the globular cluster NGC6544 using a Fourier-domain ``acceleration'' search. With an implied companion mass of ~0.01 solar masses and an orbital period of only P_b~1.7 hours, it displays very similar orbital properties to many pulsars which are eclipsed by their companion winds. The orbital period is the second shortest of known binary pulsars after 47 Tuc R. The measured flux density of 1.3 +/- 0.4 mJy at 1332 MHz indicates that the pulsar is almost certainly the known steep-spectrum point source near the core of NGC6544.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters on 11 October 2000, 5 page

    X-ray Luminosity and Absorption Column Fluctuations in the H2O Maser Galaxy NGC 4258 from Weeks to Years

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    We report monitoring of the 0.3-10 keV spectrum of NGC4258 with XMM over 1.5 years.We als o report reprocessing of an overlapping series of archival Chandra observations. By including earlier ASCA and SAX observations, we present a new, nine-year time series of models fit to the X-ray spectrum of NGC4258. Over the nine years, the photoelectric absorbing column (~10^23 cm^-2) did not vary detectably, except for a ~40% drop between two ASCA epochs separated by 3 years and a ~60% rise between two XMM epochs separated by just 5 months. In contrast, factor of 2-3 changes are seen in absorbed flux on the timescale of years. These are uncorrelated with changes in absorbing column and indicative of central engine variability. The most rapid change in luminosity (5-10 keV) that we detect is ~30% over 19 days. The warped disk, a known source of H2O maser emission in NGC4258, is believed to cross the line of sight to the central engine. We propose that the variations in absorbing column arise from inhomogeneities sweeping across the line of sight in the rotating disk at the radius where the disk crosses the line of sight. We estimate that the inhomogeneities are ~10^15 cm in size at the crossing radius of 0.29 pc, slightly smaller than the expected scale height of the disk. This result thus provides strong evidence that the warped accretion disk is the absorber. This is the first direct confirmation that obscuration in type-2 AGN may, in some cases, arise in thin, warped accretion disks, rather than in geometrically thick tori. We do not detect Fe Kalpha line emission in any of our XMM spectra. We do not observe evidence of absorption lines in the XMM or reprocessed Chandra data.Comment: 36 pages,14 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Discovery of Candidate H2_2O Disk Masers in AGN and Estimations of Centripetal Accelerations

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    Based on spectroscopic signatures, about one-third of known H2_2O maser sources in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are believed to arise in highly inclined accretion disks around central engines. These "disk maser candidates" are of interest primarily because angular structure and rotation curves can be resolved with interferometers, enabling dynamical study. We identify five new disk maser candidates in studies with the Green Bank Telescope, bringing the total number published to 30. We discovered two (NGC1320, NGC17) in a survey of 40 inclined active galaxies (v_{sys}< 20000 kms^{-1}). The remaining three disk maser candidates were identified in monitoring of known sources: NGC449, NGC2979, NGC3735. We also confirm a previously marginal case in UGC4203. For the disk maser candidates reported here, inferred rotation speeds are 130-500 kms^{-1}. Monitoring of three more rapidly rotating candidate disks (CG211, NGC6264, VV340A) has enabled measurement of likely orbital centripetal acceleration, and estimation of central masses (2-7x10^7 M_\odot) and mean disk radii (0.2-0.4pc). Accelerations may ultimately permit estimation of distances when combined with interferometer data. This is notable because the three AGN are relatively distant (10000<v_{sys}<15000 kms^{-1}). As signposts of highly inclined geometries at galactocentric radii of \sim0.1-1pc, disk masers also provide robust orientation references that allow analysis of (mis)alignment between AGN and surrounding galactic stellar disks, even without interferometric mapping. We find no preference among published disk maser candidates to lie in high-inclination galaxies, providing independent support for conclusions that central engines and galactic plane orientations are not correlated. (ABRIDGED)Comment: 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, Dec. 10, 200

    Precise Black Hole Masses From Megamaser Disks: Black Hole-Bulge Relations at Low Mass

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    The black hole (BH)-bulge correlations have greatly influenced the last decade of effort to understand galaxy evolution. Current knowledge of these correlations is limited predominantly to high BH masses (M_BH> 10^8 M_sun) that can be measured using direct stellar, gas, and maser kinematics. These objects, however, do not represent the demographics of more typical L< L* galaxies. This study transcends prior limitations to probe BHs that are an order of magnitude lower in mass, using BH mass measurements derived from the dynamics of H_2O megamasers in circumnuclear disks. The masers trace the Keplerian rotation of circumnuclear molecular disks starting at radii of a few tenths of a pc from the central BH. Modeling of the rotation curves, presented by Kuo et al. (2010), yields BH masses with exquisite precision. We present stellar velocity dispersion measurements for a sample of nine megamaser disk galaxies based on long-slit observations using the B&C spectrograph on the Dupont telescope and the DIS spectrograph on the 3.5m telescope at Apache Point. We also perform bulge-to-disk decomposition of a subset of five of these galaxies with SDSS imaging. The maser galaxies as a group fall below the M_BH-sigma* relation defined by elliptical galaxies. We show, now with very precise BH mass measurements, that the low-scatter power-law relation between M_BH and sigma* seen in elliptical galaxies is not universal. The elliptical galaxy M_BH-sigma* relation cannot be used to derive the BH mass function at low mass or the zeropoint for active BH masses. The processes (perhaps BH self-regulation or minor merging) that operate at higher mass have not effectively established an M_BH-sigma* relation in this low-mass regime.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A Wide Field Survey of Satellite Galaxies around the Spiral Galaxy M106

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    We present a wide field survey of satellite galaxies in M106 (NGC 4258) covering a 1.7\degr \times 2\degr field around M106 using Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope/MegaCam. We find 16 satellite galaxy candidates of M106. Eight of these galaxies are found to be dwarf galaxies that are much smaller and fainter than the remaining galaxies. Four of these galaxies are new findings. Surface brightness profiles of 15 out of 16 satellite galaxies can be represented well by an exponential disk profile with varying scale length. We derive the surface number density distribution of these satellite galaxies. The central number density profile (d <100<100 kpc) is well fitted by a power-law with a power index of −2.1±0.5-2.1\pm0.5, similar to the expected power index of isothermal distribution. The luminosity function of these satellites is represented well by the Schechter function with a faint end slope of −1.19−0.06+0.03-1.19^{+0.03}_{-0.06}. Integrated photometric properties (total luminosity, total colour, and disk scale length) and the spatial distribution of these satellite galaxies are found to be roughly similar to those of the Milky Way and M31.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Dynamical Measurements of Black Hole Masses in Four Brightest Cluster Galaxies at 100 Mpc

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    We present stellar kinematics and orbit superposition models for the central regions of four Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs), based upon integral-field spectroscopy at Gemini, Keck, and McDonald Observatories. Our integral-field data span radii from < 100 pc to tens of kpc. We report black hole masses, M_BH, of 2.1 +/- 1.6 x 10^10 M_Sun for NGC 4889, 9.7 + 3.0 - 2.6 x 10^9 M_Sun for NGC 3842, and 1.3 + 0.5 - 0.4 x 10^9 M_Sun for NGC 7768. For NGC 2832 we report an upper limit of M_BH < 9 x 10^9 M_Sun. Stellar orbits near the center of each galaxy are tangentially biased, on comparable spatial scales to the galaxies' photometric cores. We find possible photometric and kinematic evidence for an eccentric torus of stars in NGC 4889, with a radius of nearly 1 kpc. We compare our measurements of M_BH to the predicted black hole masses from various fits to the relations between M_BH and stellar velocity dispersion, luminosity, or stellar mass. The black holes in NGC 4889 and NGC 3842 are significantly more massive than all dispersion-based predictions and most luminosity-based predictions. The black hole in NGC 7768 is consistent with a broader range of predictions.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
