41 research outputs found

    Analisis Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna Lelakaq dalam Acara Sorong Serah pada Ritual Pernikahan Adat Sasak

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    Lelakaq adalah ungkapan tradisional yang menyerupai pantun, terdiri dari empat baris, dua baris sampiran dan dua baris isi yang biasa di gunakan dalam adat tradisional suku Sasak.Lelakaq bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pikiran masyarakat yang tumbuh dan berkembang dari waktu ke waktu, khususnya dalam acara sorong serah pada ritual pernikahan adat sasak. Penelitian ini adalah tentang kajian terhadap lelakaq yang merupakan ungkapan tradisional. Masalah dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan bentuk, fungsi dan makna lelakaq.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana berdasarkan teori pragmatik semantic ( Kempson 1984) Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi,wawancara dan analisis dokumen yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data interaktif (Miles & Huberman 1994).Kajian bentuk yang meliputi tipologi, diksi, dan stilistika yang mengungkapkan beberapa pokok persoalan yang berkaitan dengan aspek fungsi dan makna lelakaq. Fungsi lelakaq dalam Sorong Serah adalah sebagai mencakup fungsi imformasional,Expresif,Direktif,Estetik dan Fatik . Adapun analisis makna lelakaq menunjukan bahwa lelakaq mempunyai makna pragmatik,yaitu makna lokusi,ilokusi dan perlokusi(Kempson,1984) Sedangkan makna semantic lelakaq adalah: makna konsepsional, konotatif, sosial, afektif, reflektif, kolokatif, dan makna tematik. Menurut ( Leech 1981).Kata Kunci : Lelakaq,Analisis wacana,Sorong serah . Lelakaq is a traditional expression which is similar to traditional poetry that consists of four lines, the first line being sampiran and the others are contents its usually used in sasak traditional ceremony. Lelakaq aim to communicate society thought which rises and develops from day to day especially when the process of sorong serah sasak ritual.This research inspect on lelakaq which is used as traditional expression.In this study the discussion is limited to looking at the form,function and meaning of lelakaq. The research use the discourse analysis based on the semantic Kempson(1984)speech act Searle(1969) and pragmatic meaning in lelakaq. The methology used in this research by observation, interview and analysis documents than analyzed by using interactive data.The result of the research conclude that Lelakaq in Sorong Serah have form, function and meaning.The form of lelakaq include the typology, diction and stylistic that expression that correlation with the form,function and meaning of lelakaq. Functions of Lelakaq in Sorong Serah are: As Entertainment, tool of education, cultivation of moral value, medium fastener of brotherhood and advice.The analysis of meaning,in term of pragmatic meaning as proposed by Kempson(1984) are locution, illocution and perlocution meaning,while the semantic meaning as proposed by leech(1981)are conceptual, connotative, social, affective, reflective, collocative and thematic meaning

    Core competencies of the halal executive from the practitioners’ perspective

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    Malaysia strives to accelerate the growth of its halal industry and attain its vision of being a global halal centre for innovation, production, and commerce. In attaining the vision, human competency and capability building through competent halal executives is important. It is in fact, one of the success factors in supporting comprehensive and future development of the Malaysian halal industry. Prior research, however, has revealed issues regarding halal executives’ competency. To fill the gap, 16 semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with halal executives to identify the core competencies that were most related to their job performance. The identification of core competencies could aid in the development of guidelines that can be used to inform halal policymakers. These identified core competencies could also inform the industry about the recruitment of halal executives, their placement, training, and succession planning

    Quinine, an old anti-malarial drug in a modern world: role in the treatment of malaria

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    Quinine remains an important anti-malarial drug almost 400 years after its effectiveness was first documented. However, its continued use is challenged by its poor tolerability, poor compliance with complex dosing regimens, and the availability of more efficacious anti-malarial drugs. This article reviews the historical role of quinine, considers its current usage and provides insight into its appropriate future use in the treatment of malaria. In light of recent research findings intravenous artesunate should be the first-line drug for severe malaria, with quinine as an alternative. The role of rectal quinine as pre-referral treatment for severe malaria has not been fully explored, but it remains a promising intervention. In pregnancy, quinine continues to play a critical role in the management of malaria, especially in the first trimester, and it will remain a mainstay of treatment until safer alternatives become available. For uncomplicated malaria, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) offers a better option than quinine though the difficulty of maintaining a steady supply of ACT in resource-limited settings renders the rapid withdrawal of quinine for uncomplicated malaria cases risky. The best approach would be to identify solutions to ACT stock-outs, maintain quinine in case of ACT stock-outs, and evaluate strategies for improving quinine treatment outcomes by combining it with antibiotics. In HIV and TB infected populations, concerns about potential interactions between quinine and antiretroviral and anti-tuberculosis drugs exist, and these will need further research and pharmacovigilance

    A review of current techniques for the evaluation of powder mixing

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    Blending a mixture of powders to a homogeneous system is a crucial step in many manufacturing processes. To achieve a high quality of the end product, powder mixtures should be made with high content uniformity. For instance, producing uniform tablets depends on the homogeneous dispersion of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), often in low level quantities, into excipients. To control the uniformity of a powder mixture, the first required step is to estimate the powder content information during blending. There are several powder homogeneity evaluation techniques which differ in accuracy, fundamental basis, cost and operating conditions. In this article, emerging techniques for the analysis of powder content and powder blend uniformity, are explained and compared. The advantages and drawbacks of all the techniques are reviewed to help the readers to select the appropriate equipment for the powder mixing evaluation. In addition, the paper highlights the recent innovative on-line measurement techniques used for the non-invasive evaluation of the mixing performance

    The Influence of Leader Member Exchange and Followership on Employees Innovative Work Behavior (A Study in Universitas Gadjah Mada)

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    Universitas Gadjah Mada is the oldest and the largest state university in Indonesia which envisioned itself to be a world class research university. In order to be so, this organization must undergo transformational change in which innovation becomes the key for it. As an organization with 6,977 employees, the university needs to involve these employees as partner in achieving its goals, as their innovative work behavior is needed in the endeavor. Among others, the factors that affected innovative work behavior are leader � member exchange and followership. This research intended to describe how leader � member exchange and followership affect innovative work behavior of the employees in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Research was conducted in 18 faculties at Universitas Gadjah Mada in which the non academic civil servants are the population. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. The data collection was conducted in two stages, the pre-test and main test. Pre-test was conducted on 30 respondents of the central office, while the main test was conducted by sending out 270 questionnaires to the respondents in 18 faculties. Likert scale is used for data measurement technique. The hypotheses in this research were: leader � member exchange positively influences innovative work behavio

    Predicting scoliosis in DXA scans using intermediate representations

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    We describe a method to automatically predict scoliosis in Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scans. We also show that in- termediate representations, which in our case are segments of body parts, help improve performance. Hence, we propose a two step process for pre- diction: (i) we learn to segment body parts via a segmentation Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which we show outperforms the noisy labels it was trained on, and (ii) we predict with a classification CNN that uses as input both the raw DXA scan and also the intermediate representation, i.e. the segmented body parts. We demonstrate that this two step process can predict scoliosis with high accuracy, and can also localize the spinal curves (i.e. geometry) without additional supervision. Furthermore, we also propose a soft score of scoliosis based on the classification CNN which correlates to the severity of scoliosis

    Linear, Conic and Rational Cubic Splines

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