37 research outputs found

    Condicionantes maternos y familiares relacionados con la automedicación por poder en pacientes atendidos en consultorio externo de pediatría del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza Arequipa Febrero 2020

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    Objetivo: Determinar las condicionantes maternas y familiares relacionadas con la auto medicación por poderes en pacientes atendidos en consultorio externo de pediatría del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza Arequipa febrero 2020. Métodos: se realizó la recolección de datos usando como instrumento una encuesta dirigida a las madres de pacientes atendidos en consultorio externo de pediatría del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza durante el mes de febrero, llegando a una muestra poblacional de 292 usuarios. Se realizó el estudio descriptivo documental de corte transversal. Las variables para su procesamiento han requerido de Chi cuadrado con un nivel de significancia de p<0.05. Resultados: del total se usuarios encuestados, se encontró que el 44.86% de los pacientes atendidos en consultorio externo de pediatría del HRHDE en el mes de febrero del año 2020 llegan a recibir algún tipo de medicación previa atención médica. Se realizó la prueba de chi cuadrado correspondiente para hallar una relación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables y se encontró relación entre el trabajo fuera de casa y la automedicación del paciente donde encontramos una p<0.005 (X2=23.85). En referencia a la automedicación por poder, el tratamiento más comúnmente usado fueron los antipiréticos, que llegaron al 55.73% de los casos seguida de antibióticos que llegan al 31.30% de casos. Y en relación a la causa de consulta médica, las enfermedades del sistema respiratorio encabezaban el mayor porcentaje llegando al 59.24, que en su mayoría eran por infecciones del sistema respiratorio, seguida de las enfermedades del sistema digestivo con un 46.43% de casos. Conclusiones: las condicionantes maternas y familiares relacionadas a la automedicación por poderes están ligadas con la edad materna y el trabajo fuera de casa por parte de la madre. Los niveles de automedicación por poderes en usuarios atendidos por consultorio externo de pediatría llegan al 44.86% de los casos.Tesi

    Leisure and youth development

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    Este número monográfico recoge los datos de un amplio estudio en torno al ocio y el desarrollo juvenil a nivel estatal en el que hemos participado seis universidades españolas, realizado a partir de una muestra representativa con participantes de edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 18 años. La investigación ha estado dirigida a conocer cuáles son las prácticas de ocio identificadas como más significativas por la población objeto de estudio, para poder correlacionarlas con datos relativos a la gobernanza de los espacios en que se desarrollan, la gestión de los tiempos que se les dedican, los beneficios psicosociales que los sujetos perciben derivarse de ellas, así como con información acerca de la compañía de referencia en cada uno de sus repertorios de actividades

    Ecodesign assessment information an important tool for the design of new elements for building construction

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    [EN] A new wallboard panel has been developed. The flat panel is manufacturated mainly with a nucleus of gypsum plaster and enriched with agave dry fiber and expanded plastic particles, both agave and plastic are recovered materials and they cooperate to produce a light and resistant flat building construction product. Wallboards samples were produced according several formulas and under different conditions, then they were tested in materials labs. Today most of project stages are close to be finished and the research team works on a whole new building construction system design. One of the main objectives for this project is to reach a better ecological impact than other similar systems, in order to verify those benefits an Ecodesign assessment has been carried on. In this paper some important information and data about the assessment are shown.[ES] En el proyecto que se entrega, se busca demostrar la Hipótesis que señala que es posible la fabricación de elementos constructivos, partiendo de residuos de partículas de plásticos expandidos y fibra de agave como agregados, todos conglomerados en una pasta de yeso. Se ha llevado a cabo un proceso investigación de materiales, de diseño y desarrollo de producto, que propone la aplicación de los resultados de este proyecto de investigación, en un sistema constructivo para particiones interiores y techos falsos. Una de las metas principales para este proyecto es la de ofrecer un elemento constructivo con menor impacto medioambiental. Aquí se muestran algunos avances sobre la valoración de impacto ambiental del nuevo sistema constructivo y que permiten observar una mejoría, comparado con algunos sistemas ya disponibles.González Madariaga, F.; Rosa Sierra, L.; Gómez Gómez, J. (2016). Ecodesign assessment information an important tool for the design of new elements for building construction. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 983-994. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3368OCS98399

    Nuevos materiales a partir de residuos textiles: una perspectiva del diseño industrial

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    The present work is a brief description of a few experiences performed by this research group, Technological Innovation for Design, with the collaboration of students working their terminal projects at Centro Universitario de Arte Arquitectura y Diseño from the University of Guadalajara. One of the interest areas of this group is to work with scraps from local manufacturing companies in order to develop and propose new materials and products using them, focusing research in agave fibers, textiles, plastics and basalt, just to mention a few in which work is currently being done. This is an opportunity, in one hand, for students to have a deeper knowledge of manufacturing processes, and on the other, to give them an approach to the knowledge of materials properties and attributes. Nevertheless the aim of the project is not a didactic experience, this last aspect is of great interest since, formally, many of these students, due to the type of design curriculum they had, did not receive this type of technical training.El presente trabajo es una breve descripción de algunas experiencias efectuadas por el grupo de investigación Innovación Tecnológica para el Diseño del Centro Universitario de Arte Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Guadalajara a través de proyectos terminales de diseño industrial. Una de las áreas de interés de este grupo de investigación es el trabajo con residuos de algunas empresas manufactureras de la localidad para proponer nuevos materiales a partir de dichos residuos, desarrollando investigación sobre fibras de agave, textiles, residuos plásticos y basalto por mencionar algunos en los que se está trabajando. Por otro lado, es importante destacar la participación de los estudiantes tanto en la elaboración del material como de propuestas de productos a partir de dichos materiales. Esto representa una oportunidad para, por un lado, adentrarlos en el tema de los procesos de manufactura para la elaboración de prototipos, y por otro, acercarlos sobre la marcha al conocimiento de las propiedades y atributos de los materiales. Si bien el objetivo de estas actividades no es desarrollar experiencias didácticas, sino resolver una problemática dentro de un sector productivo concreto, este último aspecto resulta de gran interés dado que de manera formal muchos de ellos, por el tipo de diseño curricular, no recibieron este tipo de formación de carácter técnico

    Scrap denim-PP composites as a material for new product design

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    [EN] The growing interest of manufacturing companies to use its scraps as raw material to design and develop alternate products has led them to news ways of processing them. The present project arises from a jeans manufacturing company’s interest on making an effort to reuse its daily denim scrap to manufacture a different kind of product without diversifying its capabilities.   Some studies on denim-binder mixtures have been previously performed, amongst which binders such as corn starch and vinyl adhesives were used. In the present work some preliminary findings are shown using denim in its woven form combined with polypropylene, a common waste worldwide.   The goal of this project is based on the assessment of some of the mechanical properties from the obtained mixtures in order to determine their attributes and possible fields of application in the process of designing new products.   For that purpose, the materials’ testing was structured in four stages regarding the variables linked to the diversification of the mixes.   In the first stage a sandwich-like material was prepared, consisting of two denim skins and a polypropylene core. In the second stage a multilayered “film-stacking” material was developed. In the third stage, a combination was developed consisting of polypropylene mixed with 5% weight of shredded denim. Based on these preliminary findings and the inherent attributes of denim, the fourth stage is a first attempt to use the obtained materials to design new products. In this process an introductory material-product mapping was used in order to provide early insights and define scenarios and user profiles. The results of the whole process yield a first approach to configure future experiments using combinations of denim scrap and other thermoplastic polymers in order to use them in new product development.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2016.3360http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/IFDP/IFDPGómez Gómez, J.; González Madariaga, F.; Rosa Sierra, L.; León Morán, R.; Abt, T. (2016). Scrap denim-PP composites as a material for new product design. En Systems&Design: Beyond Processes and Thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3360OC

    Response of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) to organic fertilizer in northern Belize

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    Among the most productive activities in northern Belize is sugar cane; as a result, it is a livelihood and income base for many Belizeans who depend on it. However, the low productivity has been an important factor since it has limited the production yield due to high costs of inputs such as synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, among others. Also, due to its intensive application, it has caused a problem in sustainability between the soil, crops and the environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of sugarcane to organic fertilization in northern Belize. The work consisted of a completely randomized experimental design of 10 treatments, made up of the control (without fertilization), synthetic chemical fertilization, bokashi, bovine biol, and their combinations. The variables evaluated were: Diameter, longitude, and stem weight, maturity index, number of dry leaves, weight of dry leaves, green tops, plant weight and plant longitude. The treatment that obtained the best result was treatment ten (T10, 3 t edaphic bokashi + 2 % foliar biol). It also obtained the highest yield of tons per hectare (t ha-1) with 330; likewise, higher maturity index with 89.9 %.Objective: To provide an ecological alternative for sugarcane producers in northern Belize evaluating the response of the crop to organic fertilizer (bovine biol and bokashi). Design/Methodology/Approach: Ten treatments with different doses and combinations of bokashi and bovine manure-based biol were applied in a crop of the sugarcane variety B79-474 in the northern region of Belize. Results: The combination of 3 t ha-1 of bokashi applied to the soil and 2% biol applied to the leaves recorded the best sugarcane yields, with an average weight of 2.0 kg per processable stalk. Study Limitations/Implications: Bokashi production involves the use of large amounts of manure, which are difficult to transport and handle with simple tools. Findings/Conclusions: The sugarcane variety B79-474 had a positive response to organic fertilizer (average yield: 2.0 kg per stalk and 330 t ha-1 of cane), applying 3 t ha-1 of bokashi to the soil and 2 % biol to the leaves

    Biliobronchial Fistula after Liver Surgery for Giant Hydatid Cyst

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    Background. Biliobronchial fistula (BBF) is a rare complication in the natural history of liver hydatid disease by Echinococcus granulosus. We present a case of BBF after resection of a giant liver hydatid cyst in a 72-year-old woman. Case Report. A total cystpericystectomy was done, leaving the left lateral section of the liver that was fixed to the diaphragm. Postoperatively, the patient developed obstructive jaundice. An ERCP showed an obstruction at the junction of the left biliary duct and the main biliary duct and contrast leak. At reoperation, the main duct was ischemic, likely due to torsion along its longitudinal axis. A hepatotomy was done at the hilar plate, and the biliary duct was dissected and anastomosed to a Roux-en-Y jejunal loop. She was discharged without complications. Five months later, the patient developed cholangitis and was successfully treated with antibiotics. However, she suffered repeated respiratory infections, and four months later she was admitted to the hospital with fever, cough, bilioptysis, and right lower lobe pneumonia. The diagnosis of BBF was confirmed with 99mTc Mebrofenin scintigraphy. At transhepatic cholangiography, bile duct dilation was seen, with a biliothoracic leak. She underwent dilatation of cholangiojejunostomy stricture with placement of an external-internal catheter. The catheter was removed 3.5 months later, and two years later the patient remains in very good condition. Conclusion. An indirect treatment of the BBF by percutaneous transhepatic dilation of the biliary stenosis avoided a more invasive treatment, with satisfactory outcome

    Jarduera fisikoaren, obesitatearen eta ezaugarri soziodemografikoen arteko erlazioa unibertsitateko langileetan

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    Lan-ingurunean bizimodu osasungarriak sustatzea funtsezkoa da langileen osasuna eta autonomia ahalik eta ondoen mantentzeko. Gero eta interes handiagoa dago gehiegizko pisuaren, obesitatearen eta ohitura osasungarrien arteko erlazioa aztertzeko, bai eta jarduera fisikoa edo loaren iraupena eta kalitatea, lanaldiarekiko elkarreraginetan aztertzeko ere. Hala ere, ikerketa gutxik aztertu dituzte elkarreragin horiek unibertsitateko langileen artean. Helburua: Gainpisuaren prebalentzia tasa eta Jarduera Fisikoaren Nazioarteko Gomendioen betetze-maila estimatzea, eta, aldi berean, parametro horien eta faktore soziodemografikoen arteko loturak aztertzea izan dira helburuak. Metodoak: Unibertsitateko 292 langileren datuak bildu ziren, lan-osasuneko azterketan. Aldagai prediktibo eta emaitza bakoitzaren arteko erlazioak aztertzeko khi karratuaren edo Fisher-en proba zehatzak erabili ziren eta hari lotutako ezaugarrien ebaluaziorako aldagai anitzeko ereduak. Emaitzak: gehiegizko pisuaren prebalentzia % 42koa izan zen. Sexuka, 35 eta 54 urte bitarteko gizonek eta ≥ 55 urteko emakumeek II. mailako gehiegizko pisua edo obesitatea izateko arrisku handiagoa izan zuten. Jarduera Fisikoaren Nazioarteko Gomendioekiko atxikimendua % 89koa izan zen, eta 7 ordu / egun baino gutxiago lo egiteak atxikimendua betetzeko probabilitatea handitu egin zuen. Ondorioak: Gehiegizko pisuaren prebalentzia adin ertaineko langileengan areagotu egiten da, eta gizonetan emakumeetan baino lehenago agertzen da. Gainera, loa eta jarduera fisikoa elkarreraginean egon daitezke.; ABSTRACT:The promotion of healthy lifestyles in the workplace is essential for the best maintenance of the health and autonomy of workers. There is an increasing interest in studying the relationship between overweight and obesity and healthy habits, such as physical activity (PA) or sleep duration and quality, in interactions with the work period. However, few studies have examined these interactions in university workers. Objective: To report the prevalence of overweight and the fulfillment of International Physical Activity Recommendations (PAR). To analyze the associations between PAR, body mass index and sociodemographic factors. Methods: Data from 292 university workers were collected during work health examinations. Chi-square or Fisher's exact tests used to assess relationships between each predictor and each outcome, and multivariate models to associated characteristics. Results: The prevalence of overweight was 42%. Interestingly, men at 35-54 years old and women at ≥55 years old presented greater risk of overweight grade II/obesity. The adherence to the PAR was 89% and sleep '7 hours/day increased the probability of fulfilling them. Conclusions: The prevalence of overweight increases in middle-aged workers, and earlier in men than in women, moreover, sleep-activity may be interacting with it.KEYWORDS: Physical activity, BMI, workers, overweight, obesity, sleep duration