45 research outputs found

    Seed morphology of two distinct european species of Erica L. (Ericaceae)

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    Seed morphology of two distinct european species of Erica L. (Ericaceae). Erica spiculifolia is a distinct species within the genus Erica, considered by some authors as part of a monospecific genus: Bruckenthalia. The second species studied, E. umbellata, is the only European species of section Pyronium. Seed morphology of the two species was studied by means of SEM techniques. Seeds from different populations were used. Characters concerning size and shape of seeds, primary and secondary ornamentation were observed and measured. The seeds of E. spiculifolia are close to those of other species within the genus, supporting the inclusion in Erica. E. umbellata seeds have some exclusive characters within the European species of the genus: a verrucate secondary ornamentation and surface cells with �omega type� cell boundaries. The systematics of genus Erica is still unresolved, and the taxonomic position of these species has to be clarified. As found in previous studies, seed characters provide useful taxonomic characters that should be used in the interpretation of the taxonomic position of these species within EricaMorfología de las semillas de dos especies europeas de Erica L. (Ericaceae). Erica spiculifolia es una especie con características únicas dentro del género Erica en Europa, considerada por algunos autores como perteneciente al género monoespecífico Bruckenthalia. La segunda especie estudiada, E. umbellata, es la única especie de la sección Pyronium dentro del núcleo norte del género.Se estudia la morfología de las semillas mediante la fotografía de microscopía electrónica. Se miden semillas de diferentes poblaciones de cada especie. Se estudian y miden diversos caracteres del tamaño y la forma de las semillas, la ornamentación primaria y secundaria. Las semillas de E. spiculifolia coinciden en la mayor parte de los caracteres con otras especies del género, lo que apoya su pertenencia a Erica. Las semillas de E. umbellata presentan algunos caracteres exclusivos que permiten diferenciarla de otras especies europeas del género: una ornamentación secundaria verrucosa y las uniones entre las células de la testa de �tipo omega�. La taxonomía del género Erica no está aún resuelta, y la posición sistemática de estas especies debe clarificarse. Como se desprende de éste y otros estudios publicados, la morfología de las semillas aportan caracteres de diagnóstico que deben utilizarse para una correcta interpretación de las relaciones taxonómicas dentro del géner

    Morfología de semillas de Calluna Salisb.

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    Morfología de semillas de Calluna Salisb. (Ericaceae). Se estudia la morfología de las semillas de Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, única especie de Calluna Salisb. (Ericaceae). Las semillas se recolectaron y almacenaron en condiciones de baja humedad y temperatura. Se realizaron fotos de microscopía electrónica de semillas completas y de detalle. Se realizaron medidas de diferentes caracteres cuantitativos . Se realiza una descripción completa. Las semillas son pequeñas (0.55-0.65 mm), elipsoidales y con una ornamentación de la testa reticulada. La región hilar se transforma en un poro, carácter que diferencia a Calluna del género próximo Erica

    Two wild hybrids of Erica L. (Ericaceae) from northwest Spain

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    Two hybrids of genus Erica L. are recorded from northwest Spain. Erica x stuartii (MacFarl.) Mast. (E. tetralix L. x E. mackaiana Bab.) is recorded from Aranga (A Coruña, NW Spain). Hitherto this hybrid was only known from Ireland and Asturias (N Spain). Erica x veitchii Bean (E. arborea L. x E. lusitanica Rudolphi) is recorded from Asturias for first time in the wild. E. lusitanica corresponds to the recently described subspecies cantabrica Fagúndez & Izco, therefore a new name for the nothosubspecies is proposed: E. x veitchii nothosubsp. Asturica nothosubsp. nov.Se citan dos nuevos híbridos del género Erica L. del noroeste de España. Erica x stuartii (MacFarl.) Mast. (E. tetralix L. x E. mackaiana Bab.) se recolectó en Aranga (A Coruña, NO España). Hasta ahora este híbrido sólo se conocía de Irlanda y Asturias (N España). Erica x veitchii Bean (E. arborea L. x E. lusitanica Rudolphi) se cita de Asturias por primera vez en el medio natural. E. lusitanica corresponde a la subspecie cantabrica Fagúndez & Izco, por lo que se propone un nombre para la nueva nothosubespecie: E. x veitchii nothosubsp. Asturica nothosubsp. nov

    Novedades provinciales de la flora del término municipal de Ferrol (A Coruña, NO de la Península Ibé

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    Durante la realización de un estudio de la flora vascular del municipio de Ferrol (A Coruña) se recolectaron varias especies de interés, entre las que destacan 8 novedades para la provincia. Se trata de Silene nocturna L., Juncus foliosus Desf., Juncus tenuis Willd., Orobanche amethystea Thuill. subsp. amethystea, Orobanche foetida Poir., Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur, Nigella damascena L. y Poa infirma Kunth

    Changes in Management Shape the Spatial Ecology of Wild Ponies in Relation to Habitat Conservation

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Large herbivores are key regulators of open habitats across the world. Free roaming ponies have a prominent ecological role in many Atlantic landscapes, where different habitats with conservation interest are linked to ponies’ occurrence. The traditional management of wild ponies, which implies minimum human intervention, is declining in Galicia, NW Spain. Changes in the management regimes include the confinement of ponies in fenced areas, the use of improved pastures (IPs) and rotation between fields. Indirect effects of these changes are expected on the ecological condition of important habitats for conservation such as dry and wet heathlands and bogs. We studied social structure, spatial ecology and habitat use in 29 mares fitted with global positioning system (GPS) collars and field observations in two areas of Galicia dominated by wet heaths and blanket bogs (Xistral), and dry heaths (Sabucedo). We used spatial location and field observations to identify each band, and calculated band size, sex ratio, home range (HR) and core areas size and overlap, and habitat use. We addressed differences and adjusted Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) for these variables as functions of the type of management: free roaming vs rotation, use of IPs, fencing, and available ranging area. Larger bands were found in smaller commons, fenced and with rotation management. Home ranges, but not core area, varied as a function of the available ranging area. Bands overlap more on fenced areas with rotation management. Increasing management may concentrate grazing pressure by reducing HR and increasing bands overlapping areas, and this may have a long-term effect on habitat quality and conservation.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG. This work has beed developed in Serra do Xistral supported by the project Life in Common Land (LIFE16 NAT/ES/000707), co-funded by the LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Programme of the European Union. In Montes de Sabucedo the study was supported by the project FEADER 2017/049B, co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Otherwise the funding sources did not influence study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of data, or the decision to submit the paper for publicationAxencia Galega da Calidade Alimentaria; FEADER 2017/049

    Comparative Phylogeography of a Restricted and a Widespread Heather: Genetic Evidence of Multiple Independent Introductions of Erica Mackayana Into Ireland From Northern Spain

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Species of flora and fauna occurring in the west of Ireland and south-west Europe, known as Lusitanian elements, constitute a puzzling case of isolated populations of uncertain origin. Here we studied the population genetic structure of the heather Erica mackayana in Ireland and northern Spain and compared it with its widespread close relative Erica tetralix using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships using maximum likelihood (ML), inferred population genetic structure using cluster assignment and principal component analysis, and estimated population genetic diversity. The cluster analysis and ML phylogenetic tree showed a geographical pattern for E. tetralix supporting a post-glacial migration from Iberia to Ireland. In contrast, Irish populations of E. mackayana were supported in independent clades in the phylogenetic tree and shared clusters with Iberian populations in the structure analysis, and FST values were lower among Irish and Spanish populations than among Irish ones. This suggests that Irish populations of E. mackayana are the result of recent multiple independent introductions from its native area in northern Spain, probably assisted by humans. However, the origin of the largest Irish population at Roundstone Bog is unclear and should be further investigated. Post-glacial, long-distance dispersal is the most plausible explanation for Lusitanian species distribution in Ireland.This work was partially supported by Xunta de Galicia ‘Talento Senior’ (grant 03IN858A2019-1630129) to P.D-.T. and ‘Axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas do SUG’ (grants ED431D 2017/20, ED431B 2018/49). Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUGXunta de Galicia; 03_IN858A_2019_1630129Xutna de Galicia; ED431D 2017/20Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/4

    Estudio de la flora vascular del concello de Ferrol (A Coruña, NO de la Península Ibérica). Flora exótica

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    Se estudia la flora vascular exótica presente en el concello de Ferrol y se relaciona con los valores descritos en el territorio nacional y otros lugares. Se consideran 87 especies exóticas, que supone un 11,9% del catálogo florístico de Ferrol. Cerca de la mitad provienen del continente americano. Más de un 60% se introdujeron de forma intencionada, la gran mayoría de éstas para su uso en jardinería. Los tipos biológicos se reparten en una cuarta parte de terófitos, seguido de fanerófitos, hemicriptófitos, geófitos y caméfitos. La mayoría de las especies se naturalizan de forma ocasional (Diaphyta) o bien ocupan ambientes ruderales o antropizados (Epecophyta). En torno a un 30% están presentes en medios naturales o seminaturales (Agriophyta). Estos valores son similares a los obtenidos para la flora exótica de España. Esto sugiere que a escalas mayores se reproducen las tendencias en la flora exótica

    Soil properties of North Iberian wet heathlands in relation to climate, management and plant community

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Background and aims: Heathlands are a broad vegetation type characterized by the dominance of evergreen shrub species that thrive on nutrient-poor soils, thus sensitive to small changes in soil conditions. Here we aimed to identify soil gradients related to climate, management and main species in wet heathlands. Methods: Soil nutrient levels, organic matter and acidity were studied at two soil depths on ninety plots from 18 sites in Erica mackayana wet heaths of NW Iberian Peninsula, in relation to presence and cover of structural plant species (shrubs and graminoids) at two scales: plot and site (landscape) scale. Results: We identified one main soil gradient explained by soil organic matter (SOM), the effective cation exchange complex (eCEC), available phosphorus (P), and Aluminium-Calcium ratio (Al:Ca). Cattle density had a positive correlation with the main gradient in the surface layer, all other climate and management factors were unrelated to soil conditions. Molinia caerulea had a positive relation with SOM, eCEC, basic cations and low Al:Ca ratio. Erica cinerea showed the opposite reaction at both scales. Ulex gallii showed a negative correlation with C:N ratio at the plot scale and deeper layer. Conclusion: SOM accumulation, low nutrient levels and Al toxicity explain the uniqueness of E. mackayana heathland vegetation and soils. Main indicator species react to soil conditions at plot and landscape scales. Cattle density correlated positively with soil nutrient levels, but density of wild ponies is unrelated to soil conditions. Large herbivores, especially ponies, are needed for conservation management of these heathlands

    Estudio de la flora vascular del concello de Ferrol (A Coruña, NO de la Península Ibérica). Citas florísticas

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    Continuando los trabajos relativos a la flora de Ferrol (Fagúndez, 2003), se aportan varias citas del concello de varias especies de distribución poco conocida o con algún interés de tipo corológico. Sinapis alba L. subsp. mairei (H. Lindb.) Maire y Taraxacum palustre (Lyons) Symons son novedad para Galicia

    A New Gall Midge Species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) as a Potential Candidate for Biological Control of the Invasive Plant Cortaderia Selloana (Poaceae)

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    This is an accepted version of the published document. This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections.[Abstract] A gall midge (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) is reported here for the first time from spikelets of Cortaderia selloana, a prominent alien invasive grass species in southern Europe. The insect is described as a new genus and species, Spanolepis selloanae Gagné. Based on morphological and molecular analyses, the new genus and species are tentatively placed within the supertribe Lasiopteridi and tribe Dasineurini. Its effects on seed production were studied in order to ascertain its effectiveness in limiting sexual reproduction of the invasive plant species. The larvae of S. selloanae feed on the ovaries with a mean seed depletion of 74% in the studied population in northwest Spain. The new species is a potential candidate agent for the effective biological control against C. selloana.This work received funding from Xunta de Galicia (grant ED431C 2018/57) and the University of A CoruñaXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/5