4,538 research outputs found

    Geografia emocional d'un exode: La retirada republicana de 1939

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    This thesis proposes to trace and explore an emotional geography and cartography of the republican withdrawal at the end of the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia during the months of January and February 1939. Thus, it complements existing historiographical scholarship on the Spanish Civil War and Spanish Republican Exile, especially with regard to what was experienced in Catalan territory. However, its main purpose is not that of the historian, to reveal and explain unexplored stories, but to locate existing narratives, memoirs, journals and testimonies carefully in the landscape in which they took place, exposing their emotional bonds with the places and spaces of the withdrawal of the protagonists of the Republican exodus of 1939. Whilst there has been significant work in recent years to “recover” spaces associated with violent of traumatic memories of conflict and displacement, including the creation of a network of “Democratic Memory” places in Catalonia, the spaces explored in this thesis have not so far been construed as places of memory. In part, this is because of the diversity of emotions and affective responses they provoked and continue to evoke, but also because the geography of the Retirada is characterized by mobility and multiplicity. So instead of an historical approach, despite being influenced by Walter Benjamin's concept of history, this thesis draws on existing methods and approaches related to cultural geography, in particular, the emerging interdisciplinary field known as emotional geographies. In order to create a vision of La Retirada that is sensitive to its mobility and multiplicity, the primary methodology used has been that of interdisciplinary assemblage, juxtaposing images, documents and stories of past and present, in a process redolent of that which Marianne Hirsch calls "post-memory"

    Analysis of critical moments in the league ACB 2007-08

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    The aim of this paper was to identify the variables that determine winning or losing in the critical moments of the basketball games. A total of forty one critical moments were analyzed, corresponding to 30 games of the regular season from the Spanish Professional League (ACB, season 2007-2008). Games were selected according to the definition of critical moments (described in the available literature), which corresponded to overtime and the last 5 minutes of games with score differences equal or below to six points. The results revealed better values in the winners in defensive rebounds and successful free-throws

    Front Matter

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    Aunque la Ley General de Educación representa un avance histórico en la legislación, semabstuvo de regular el derecho humano a la educación, y con ello dejó sin precisar la responsabilidad del Estado frente a su respeto, protección y garantía. Dos décadas después, no solamente no existe una Ley Estatutaria que lo regule, sino que un conjunto de distintas reformas han afectado las condiciones de su realización. Es el caso del financiamiento, que sufrió un importante ajuste, mediante el Acto Legislativo 01 y la Ley 715 de 2001, con lo cual se profundizó el subsidio a la demanda, en detrimento de las condiciones de la oferta, y restando dinamismo a los recursos que habían sido pactados para cerrar la brecha histórica de desfinanciamiento

    A homotopical property of attractors

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    We construct a 2-dimensional torus T ⊆ R3 having the property that it cannot be an attractor for any homeomorphism of R3. To this end we show that the fundamental group of the complement of an attractor has certain finite generation property that the complement of T does not have

    Wooden-based materials: Eco-friendly materials for direct mass spectrometric analysis and microextraction

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    Lignocellulosic materials have arisen as a sustainable alternative in microextraction techniques during the last 10 years. As they are natural materials, their use fits into some of the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry. Their inherent porosity, narrow shape, and rigidity permit their use in ambient ionization mass spectrometry techniques. In particular, the combination of wooden-based materials and direct analysis gives birth to the so-called wooden-tip electrospray ionization mass spectrometry technique. This approach has been used for the direct analysis of complex samples, and as a streamlined tool for fingerprint quality analysis. Also, wooden-based materials can be superficially modified to boost the interaction with target compounds, allowing their isolation from complex samples. This review describes the potential and applicability of direct analysis using lignocellulosic materials, as well as other alternatives related to their use in microextraction

    Intoxicación por plomo en un ternero de la zona minera de Sierra Madrona y el Valle de Alcudia

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    [EN]: We notify the first reported case of lead (Pb) poisoning in a calf from the old mining district of Sierra Madrona and Alcudia Valley (Spain), which appeared in a farm with visible signs of historic mining activity in the surrounding land. The blood Pb level found in this calf was 311 μg/dL, and was associated to several symptoms of clinical Pb poisoning, including severe paralysis, loss of sensitivity from hip to the hind legs and incoordination. Soils, plants and water points inside the farm showed Pb levels above the threshold values to be classified as highly polluted soils, toxic pastures for livestock and non-potable water for humans. This report indicates that Pb pollution denotes a health risk for cattle reared in the mining area of Sierra Madrona and Alcudia Valley.[ES]: Se notifica el primer caso registrado de intoxicación por plomo (Pb) en un ternero del antiguo distrito minero de Sierra Madrona y el Valle de Alcudia (España), que apareció en una finca ganadera con restos visibles de antiguas actividades mineras en los terrenos circundantes. El nivel de Pb en sangre detectado en el animal fue de 311 μg/dL, y estuvo asociado a diversos síntomas de intoxicación clínica por Pb, que incluyen parálisis severa, pérdida de sensibilidad en los cuartos traseros e incoordinación. Los suelos, las plantas y los puntos de agua presentes en la finca mostraron niveles de Pb por encima de los valores umbral, siendo considerados como suelos altamente contaminados, pastos tóxicos para el ganado y agua no potable para el consumo humano. Estos datos indican que la contaminación por Pb implica un riesgo para la salud del ganado criado en la zona minera de Sierra Madrona y el Valle de Alcudia.The Department of Education and Science of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha funded this study (PCI08-0096-1295).Peer Reviewe

    Acoustical rehabilitation project of the Santa María de la Mota church, in Montoro (Córdoba)

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    The current importance of cultural heritage is traduced in recuperation programs of historic heritage. One of these working lines is the rehabilitation of churches for their conditioning for cultural uses. Intervention on ecclesiastic spaces should respond to acoustic conditioning. The aim of this work is to study the acoustic conditions of the Santa María de la Mota Church, in Montoro (Cordoba), starting from values measured in situ and by means of computer simulation. This church, from the XIIIth century, was restored and adapted for cultural uses, but presents acoustic disfunctions. Therefore, architectural solutions to obtain a correct acoustical rehabilitation have been proposed, both for theatral and musical uses. Ponencia presentada en European and Japanese Symposium on Acoustics: Forum Acusticu

    Energy Dissipation of Highly Convergent Chutes in Stilling Basins of Concrete Dams

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    This article presents the results of a combination of experimental and numerical research on the performance of stilling basins of spillways with highly convergent chutes (HCC). The comparison between the energy dissipation of the stilling basins with flat slab and baffle blocks shows that the latest are more efficient. Because of that, the cost savings of using such blocks can be significant. The results obtained could be applied in different cases such as increasing the capacity of existing spillways and protecting dams against overtopping. The application of HCC spillways in new dams could lead to a reduction in the cost of the stilling basin compared to conventional hydraulic jump energy dissipators