645 research outputs found

    Parameter identification for soil simulation based on the discrete element method and application to small scale shallow penetration tests

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    The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is well-established and widely used in soil-tool interaction related applications. As for all simulation tools, a proper calibration of the model parameters is crucial. In this contribution, we present the parametrization procedure of the DEM software GRAnular Physics Engine (GRAPE), developed and implemented at Fraunhofer ITWM, and attempt to use two parametrized soil samples for the simulation of small scale shallow penetration tests. The results are compared to laboratory measurements

    Triaxial compression and direct shear tests in the parametrization of soil modeled via the Discrete Element Method

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    Investigation in the parametrization of soil modeled with DEM based on measurements in triaxial compression and direct shear tests

    Massive Galaxies in COSMOS: Evolution of Black hole versus bulge mass but not versus total stellar mass over the last 9 Gyrs?

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    We constrain the ratio of black hole (BH) mass to total stellar mass of type-1 AGN in the COSMOS survey at 1<z<2. For 10 AGN at mean redshift z~1.4 with both HST/ACS and HST/NICMOS imaging data we are able to compute total stellar mass M_(*,total), based on restframe UV-to-optical host galaxy colors which constrain mass-to-light ratios. All objects have virial BH mass-estimates available from the COSMOS Magellan/IMACS and zCOSMOS surveys. We find zero difference between the M_BH--M_(*,total)-relation at z~1.4 and the M_BH--M_(*,bulge)-relation in the local Universe. Our interpretation is: (a) If our objects were purely bulge-dominated, the M_BH--M_(*,bulge)-relation has not evolved since z~1.4. However, (b) since we have evidence for substantial disk components, the bulges of massive galaxies (logM_(*,total)=11.1+-0.25 or logM_BH~8.3+-0.2) must have grown over the last 9 Gyrs predominantly by redistribution of disk- into bulge-mass. Since all necessary stellar mass exists in the galaxy at z=1.4, no star-formation or addition of external stellar material is required, only a redistribution e.g. induced by minor and major merging or through disk instabilities. Merging, in addition to redistributing mass in the galaxy, will add both BH and stellar/bulge mass, but does not change the overall final M_BH/M_(*,bulge) ratio. Since the overall cosmic stellar and BH mass buildup trace each other tightly over time, our scenario of bulge-formation in massive galaxies is independent of any strong BH-feedback and means that the mechanism coupling BH and bulge mass until the present is very indirect.Comment: Published in ApJL; 7 pages, 2 figures; updated to accepted version (methods changed, results unchanged

    Inter-comparison of Radio-Loudness Criteria for Type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS Survey

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    Limited studies have been performed on the radio-loud fraction in X-ray selected type 1 AGN samples. The consistency between various radio-loudness definitions also needs to be checked. We measure the radio-loudness of the 407 type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS quasar sample using nine criteria from the literature (six defined in the rest-frame and three defined in the observed frame): RL=log(L5GHz/LB)R_L=\log(L_{5GHz}/L_B), q24=log(L24μm/L1.4GHz)q_{24}=\log(L_{24\mu m}/L_{1.4GHz}), Ruv=log(L5GHz/L2500A˚)R_{uv}=\log(L_{5GHz}/L_{2500\AA}), Ri=log(L1.4GHz/Li)R_{i}=\log(L_{1.4GHz}/L_i), RX=log(νLν(5GHz)/LX)R_X=\log(\nu L_{\nu}(5GHz)/L_X), P5GHz=log(P5GHz(W/Hz/Sr))P_{5GHz}=\log(P_{5GHz}(W/Hz/Sr)), RL,obs=log(f1.4GHz/fB)R_{L,obs}=\log(f_{1.4GHz}/f_B) (observed frame), Ri,obs=log(f1.4GHz/fi)R_{i,obs}=\log(f_{1.4GHz}/f_i) (observed frame), and q24,obs=log(f24μm/f1.4GHz)q_{24, obs}=\log(f_{24\mu m}/f_{1.4GHz}) (observed frame). Using any single criterion defined in the rest-frame, we find a low radio-loud fraction of 5%\lesssim 5\% in the XMM-COSMOS type 1 AGN sample, except for RuvR_{uv}. Requiring that any two criteria agree reduces the radio-loud fraction to 2%\lesssim 2\% for about 3/4 of the cases. The low radio-loud fraction cannot be simply explained by the contribution of the host galaxy luminosity and reddening. The P5GHz=log(P5GHz(W/Hz/Sr))P_{5GHz}=\log(P_{5GHz}(W/Hz/Sr)) gives the smallest radio-loud fraction. Two of the three radio-loud fractions from the criteria defined in the observed frame without k-correction (RL,obsR_{L,obs} and Ri,obsR_{i,obs}) are much larger than the radio-loud fractions from other criteria.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS submitte

    The bulk of the black hole growth since z ~ 1 occurs in a secular universe: no major merger-AGN connection

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    What is the relevance of major mergers and interactions as triggering mechanisms for active galactic nuclei (AGNs) activity? To answer this long-standing question, we analyze 140 XMM-Newton-selected AGN host galaxies and a matched control sample of 1264 inactive galaxies over z ~ 0.3–1.0 and M_∗ < 10^(11.7) M_⊙ with high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging from the COSMOS field. The visual analysis of their morphologies by 10 independent human classifiers yields a measure of the fraction of distorted morphologies in the AGN and control samples, i.e., quantifying the signature of recent mergers which might potentially be responsible for fueling/triggering the AGN. We find that (1) the vast majority (>85%) of the AGN host galaxies do not show strong distortions and (2) there is no significant difference in the distortion fractions between active and inactive galaxies. Our findings provide the best direct evidence that, since z ~ 1, the bulk of black hole (BH) accretion has not been triggered by major galaxy mergers, therefore arguing that the alternative mechanisms, i.e., internal secular processes and minor interactions, are the leading triggers for the episodes of major BH growth.We also exclude an alternative interpretation of our results: a substantial time lag between merging and the observability of the AGN phase could wash out the most significant merging signatures, explaining the lack of enhancement of strong distortions on the AGN hosts. We show that this alternative scenario is unlikely due to (1) recent major mergers being ruled out for the majority of sources due to the high fraction of disk-hosted AGNs, (2) the lack of a significant X-ray signal in merging inactive galaxies as a signature of a potential buried AGN, and (3) the low levels of soft X-ray obscuration for AGNs hosted by interacting galaxies, in contrast to model predictions

    Spectropolarimetric Evidence for Radiatively Inefficient Accretion in an Optically Dull Active Galaxy

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    We present Subaru/FOCAS spectropolarimetry of two active galaxies in the Cosmic Evolution Survey. These objects were selected to be optically dull, with the bright X-ray emission of an AGN but missing optical emission lines in our previous spectroscopy. Our new observations show that one target has very weak emission lines consistent with an optically dull AGN, while the other object has strong emission lines typical of a host-diluted Type 2 Seyfert galaxy. In neither source do we observe polarized emission lines, with 3-sigma upper limits of P_BLR < 2%. This means that the missing broad emission lines (and weaker narrow emission lines) are not due to simple anisotropic obscuration, e.g., by the canonical AGN torus. The weak-lined optically dull AGN exhibits a blue polarized continuum with P = 0.78 +/- 0.07% at 4400 A < lambda_rest < 7200 A (P = 1.37 +/- 0.16% at 4400 A < lambda_rest < 5050 A). The wavelength dependence of this polarized flux is similar to that of an unobscured AGN continuum and represents the intrinsic AGN emission, either as synchrotron emission or the outer part of an accretion disk reflected by a clumpy dust scatterer. Because this intrinsic AGN emission lacks emission lines, this source is likely to have a radiatively inefficient accretion flow.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 6 pages, 2 figure

    Atomistic spin textures on-demand in the van der Waals layered magnet CrSBr

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    Controlling magnetism in low dimensional materials is essential for designing devices that have feature sizes comparable to several critical length scales that exploit functional spin textures, allowing the realization of low-power spintronic and magneto-electric hardware. [1] Unlike conventional covalently-bonded bulk materials, van der Waals (vdW)-bonded layered magnets [2-4] offer exceptional degrees of freedom for engineering spin textures. [5] However, their structural instability has hindered microscopic studies and manipulations. Here, we demonstrate nanoscale structural control in the layered magnet CrSBr creating novel spin textures down to the atomic scale. We show that it is possible to drive a local structural phase transformation using an electron beam that locally exchanges the bondings in different directions, effectively creating regions that have vertical vdW layers embedded within the horizontally vdW bonded exfoliated flakes. We calculate that the newly formed 2D structure is ferromagnetically ordered in-plane with an energy gap in the visible spectrum, and weak antiferromagnetism between the planes. Our study lays the groundwork for designing and studying novel spin textures and related quantum magnetic phases down to single-atom sensitivity, potentially to create on-demand spin Hamiltonians probing fundamental concepts in physics, [6-10] and for realizing high-performance spintronic, magneto-electric and topological devices with nanometer feature sizes. [11,12]Comment: Main manuscript: 11 pages, 4 figures ; Extended data: 22 pages, 19 figure

    Accretion Rate and the Physical Nature of Unobscured Active Galaxies

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    We show how accretion rate governs the physical properties of a sample of unobscured broad-line, narrow-line, and lineless active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We avoid the systematic errors plaguing previous studies of AGN accretion rate by using accurate accretion luminosities (L_int) from well-sampled multiwavelength SEDs from the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), and accurate black hole masses derived from virial scaling relations (for broad-line AGNs) or host-AGN relations (for narrow-line and lineless AGNs). In general, broad emission lines are present only at the highest accretion rates (L_int/L_Edd > 0.01), and these rapidly accreting AGNs are observed as broad-line AGNs or possibly as obscured narrow-line AGNs. Narrow-line and lineless AGNs at lower specific accretion rates (L_int/L_Edd < 0.01) are unobscured and yet lack a broad line region. The disappearance of the broad emission lines is caused by an expanding radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) at the inner radius of the accretion disk. The presence of the RIAF also drives L_int/L_Edd < 10^-2 narrow-line and lineless AGNs to 10 times higher ratios of radio to optical/UV emission than L_int/L_Edd > 0.01 broad-line AGNs, since the unbound nature of the RIAF means it is easier to form a radio outflow. The IR torus signature also tends to become weaker or disappear from L_int/L_Edd < 0.01 AGNs, although there may be additional mid-IR synchrotron emission associated with the RIAF. Together these results suggest that specific accretion rate is an important physical "axis" of AGN unification, described by a simple model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 15 pages, 9 figure