462 research outputs found
O diálogo inter-religioso numa sociedade pluralista
I. Fundamento teológico do diálogoII. Desafios e frutos do diálogo1. Empenhamento e abertura2. Fé pessoal e experiência do outro3. Enriquecimento recÃproc
Fiber Orientation and Concentration in an Injection-Molded Ethylene-Propylene Copolymer Reinforced by Hemp
This paper characterizes and analyzes the microstructures of injection-molded polypropylene parts reinforced with 20 wt% of hemp fibers in order to understand the process induced variations in thermomechanical properties. In-thickness fiber orientation and fiber content were determined by X-ray tomography along the flow. The fiber content along the flow path was also determined by direct fiber content measurements after matrix dissolution, showing an increase of 2%/100 mm for a 2.2 mm-thick plate due to fiber migration during the filling stage. A typical shell/core structure for fiber orientation in injection molding was observed, but with a very clear transition between the layer solidified under high shear rates and the core in which the fiber content was reduced by more than 50%. The orientation of hemp fibers is lower than the one of glass fibers, especially in thickness direction. However, the overall fiber orientation in the injection direction induces significant anisotropic thermomechanical properties, which cannot be explained by simple micromechanical models that consider isotropic mechanical properties for hemp fibers. These phenomena must be taken into account in process simulation codes for injection molding to better predict thermomechanical properties as well as part shrinkage and warpage to design molds.This paper characterizes and analyzes the microstructures of injection-molded polypropylene parts reinforced with 20 wt% of hemp fibers in order to understand the process induced variations in thermomechanical properties. In-thickness fiber orientation and fiber content were determined by X-ray tomography along the flow. The fiber content along the flow path was also determined by direct fiber content measurements after matrix dissolution, showing an increase of 2%/100 mm for a 2.2 mm-thick plate due to fiber migration during the filling stage. A typical shell/core structure for fiber orientation in injection molding was observed, but with a very clear transition between the layer solidified under high shear rates and the core in which the fiber content was reduced by more than 50%. The orientation of hemp fibers is lower than the one of glass fibers, especially in thickness direction. However, the overall fiber orientation in the injection direction induces significant anisotropic thermomechanical properties, which cannot be explained by simple micromechanical models that consider isotropic mechanical properties for hemp fibers. These phenomena must be taken into account in process simulation codes for injection molding to better predict thermomechanical properties as well as part shrinkage and warpage to design molds.This research was funded by the Association Nationale Recherche Technologie, France, based on the decision number 2017/1103 and Faurecia company
Use of the 3D radon transform to examine the properties of oceanic Rossby waves
One of the most successful applications of satellite-borne radar altimeter data over the oceans in recent years has been the extraction of information about long-wavelength baroclinic Rossby (or planetary) waves, which play a significant role in ocean circulation and climate dynamics. These waves cross ocean basins from east to west at speeds of few centimetres per second at mid-latitudes. The cross-basin propagation time may therefore be several months or even years and an accurate estimation of the speed of the waves is important. We review the methods for obtaining information on Rossby wave velocity from altimetry data, particularly the two-dimensional Radon transform. Unfortunately the use of longitude-time plots, although it allows the estimation of the zonal phase speeds, does not give any information on the speed vector when the propagation of the waves is not purely zonal (east-west). We show how the two-dimensional Radon Transform can be generalised to three dimensions, enabling not only the true propagation velocity component to be determined, but also the direction of the waves and thus any deviation from the pure-westward case. As examples of the application of this extended technique, we show maps of direction, speed and energy of Rossby waves in the North Atlantic Ocean
Hinduismo e cristianesimo in dialogo
Il volume presenta in modo sintetico non solo la ricchezza che la tradizione religiosa hindú racchiude in sé, ma anche le principali prospettive su cui si sta sviluppando il dialogo hindū-cristiano.- Indice #9-Introduzione, Andrea Pacini #13- Hinduismo: elementi fondamentali caratterizzanti la tradizione hindū, Stefano Piano #19- Dio nelle tradizioni religiose hindū, Francis X. D’Sa #39- L’uomo e la salvezza nella tradizione hindū, Mario Piantelli #59- Le pratiche religiose nello hinduismo, Kala Acharya #81- Hinduismo, modernità e politica nell’India contemporanea, Urvashi Butalia #109- Hinduismo e religioni universali. Relazioni storiche e prospettive attuali di dialogo, Anantanand Rambachan #121- Le visioni hindū di Cristo, Anand Amaladass S. J. #139- Un volto indiano per Gesù Cristo, Jacques Dupuis #165- Possibilità molteplici di dialogo fra cristiani e hindū, Thomas Matus #193- Bibliografia generale #20
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