169 research outputs found

    Investigations on the 1.7 micron residual absorption feature in the vegetation reflection spectrum

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    The detection and interpretation of the weak absorption features associated with the biochemical components of vegetation is of great potential interest to a variety of applications ranging from classification to global change studies. This recent subject is also challenging because the spectral signature of the biochemicals is only detectable as a small distortion of the infrared spectrum which is mainly governed by water. Furthermore, the interpretation is complicated by complexity of the molecules (lignin, cellulose, starch, proteins) which contain a large number of different and common chemical bonds. In this paper, we present investigations on the absorption feature centered at 1.7 micron; these were conducted both on AVIRIS data and laboratory reflectance spectra of leaves

    Prospect redux

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    The remote estimation of leaf biochemical content from spaceborne platforms has been the subject of many studies aimed at better understanding of terrestrial ecosystem functioning. The major ecological processes involved in exchange of matter and energy, like photosynthesis, primary production, evaportranspiration, respiration, and decomposition can be related to plant properties e.g., chlorophyll, water, protein, cellulose and lignin contents. As leaves represent the most important plant surfaces interacting with solar energy, a top priority has been to relate optical properties to biochemical constituents. Two different approaches have been considered: first, statistical correlations between the leaf reflectance (or transmittance) and biochemical content, and second, physically based models of leaf scattering and absorption developed using the laws of optics. Recently reviewed by Verdebout et al., the development of models of leaf optical properties has resulted in better understanding of the interaction of light with plant leaves. Present radiative transfer models mainly use chlorophyll and/or water contents as input parameters to calculate leaf reflectance. Inversion of these models allows to retrieve these constituents from spectrophotometric measurements. Conel et al. recently proposed a two-stream Kubelka-Munk model to analyze the influence of protein, cellulose, lignin, and starch on leaf reflectance, but in fact, the estimation of leaf biochemistry from remote sensing is still an open question. In order to clarify it, a laboratory experiment associating visible/infrared spectra of plan leaves both with physical measurements and biochemical analyses was conducted at the Joint Research Center during the summer of 1993. This unique data set has been used to upgrade the PROSPECT model, by including leaf biochemistry

    Using foreground/background analysis to determine leaf and canopy chemistry

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    Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) has become a well established procedure for analyzing imaging spectrometry data, however, the technique is relatively insensitive to minor sources of spectral variation (e.g., discriminating stressed from unstressed vegetation and variations in canopy chemistry). Other statistical approaches have been tried e.g., stepwise multiple linear regression analysis to predict canopy chemistry. Grossman et al. reported that SMLR is sensitive to measurement error and that the prediction of minor chemical components are not independent of patterns observed in more dominant spectral components like water. Further, they observed that the relationships were strongly dependent on the mode of expressing reflectance (R, -log R) and whether chemistry was expressed on a weight (g/g) or are basis (g/sq m). Thus, alternative multivariate techniques need to be examined. Smith et al. reported a revised SMA that they termed Foreground/Background Analysis (FBA) that permits directing the analysis along any axis of variance by identifying vectors through the n-dimensional spectral volume orthonormal to each other. Here, we report an application of the FBA technique for the detection of canopy chemistry using a modified form of the analysis

    Comparing small-footprint lidar and forest inventory data for single strata biomass estimation: a case study over a multi-layered mediterranean forest

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    Current methods for accurately estimating vegetation biomass with remote sensing data require extensive, representative and time consuming field measurements to calibrate the sensor signal. In addition, such techniques focus on the topmost vegetation canopy and thus they are of little use over multi-layered forest ecosystems where the underneath strata hold considerable amounts of biomass. This work is the first attempt to estimate biomass by remote sensing without the need for massive in situ measurements. Indeed, we use small-footprint airborne laser scanning (ALS) data to derive key forest metrics, which are used in allometric equations that were originally established to assess biomass using field measurements. Field- and ALS-derived biomass estimates are compared over 40 plots of a multi-layered Mediterranean forest. Linear regression models explain up to 99% of the variability associated with surface vegetation, understory, and overstory biomass

    Citrus of the world: a Citrus directory

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    De nombreuses classifications ont tenté de structurer le genre citrus qui constitue un groupe végétal complexe. L'importance des noms locaux, issus de la tradition orale, et plus récemment, l'apparition de dénominations commerciales augmentent encore le nombre des appellations. Cet annuaire représente une tentative d'identification et de standardisation du groupe. Il s'appuie sur la classification très détaillée du Japonais Tanaka, les équivalences avec celle de l'Américain Swingle sont données en annexes. Les tableaux indiquent pour chaque nom rencontré (nom local, appellation commerciale, variante orthographique...) son binôme latin et son nom standardisé. Un synthèse des appellations hybrides complète cet annuair

    A review of applying second-generation wavelets for noise removal from remote sensing data.

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    The processing of remotely sensed data includes compression, noise reduction, classification, feature extraction, change detection and any improvement associated with the problems at hand. In the literature, wavelet methods have been widely used for analysing remote sensing images and signals. The second-generation of wavelets, which is designed based on a method called the lifting scheme, is almost a new version of wavelets, and its application in the remote sensing field is fresh. Although first-generation wavelets have been proven to offer effective techniques for processing remotely sensed data, second-generation wavelets are more efficient in some respects, as will be discussed later. The aim of this review paper is to examine all existing studies in the literature related to applying second-generation wavelets for denoising remote sensing data. However, to make a better understanding of the application of wavelet-based denoising methods for remote sensing data, some studies that apply first-generation wavelets are also presented. In the part of hyperspectral data, there is a focus on noise removal from vegetation spectrum

    The Laegeren site: an augmented forest laboratory combining 3-D reconstruction and radiative transfer models for trait-based assessment of functional diversity

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    Given the increased pressure on forests and their diversity in the context of global change, new ways of monitoring diversity are needed. Remote sensing has the potential to inform essential biodiversity variables on the global scale, but validation of data and products, particularly in remote areas, is difficult. We show how radiative transfer (RT) models, parameterized with a detailed 3-D forest reconstruction based on laser scanning, can be used to upscale leaf-level information to canopy scale. The simulation approach is compared with actual remote sensing data, showing very good agreement in both the spectral and spatial domains. In addition, we compute a set of physiological and morphological traits from airborne imaging spectroscopy and laser scanning data and show how these traits can be used to estimate the functional richness of a forest at regional scale. The presented RT modeling framework has the potential to prototype and validate future spaceborne observation concepts aimed at informing variables of biodiversity, while the trait-based mapping of diversity could augment in situ networks of diversity, providing effective spatiotemporal gap filling for a comprehensive assessment of changes to diversity

    In vivo measurement of skin surface strain and sub-surface layer deformation induced by natural tissue stretching.

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    Stratum corneum and epidermal layers change in terms of thickness and roughness with gender, age and anatomical site. Knowledge of the mechanical and tribological properties of skin associated with these structural changes are needed to aid in the design of exoskeletons, prostheses, orthotics, body mounted sensors used for kinematics measurements and in optimum use of wearable on-body devices. In this case study, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and digital image correlation (DIC) were combined to determine skin surface strain and sub-surface deformation behaviour of the volar forearm due to natural tissue stretching. The thickness of the epidermis together with geometry changes of the dermal-epidermal junction boundary were calculated during change in the arm angle, from flexion (90°) to full extension (180°). This posture change caused an increase in skin surface Lagrange strain, typically by 25% which induced considerable morphological changes in the upper skin layers evidenced by reduction of epidermal layer thickness (20%), flattening of the dermal-epidermal junction undulation (45-50% reduction of flatness being expressed as Ra and Rz roughness profile height change) and reduction of skin surface roughness Ra and Rz (40-50%). The newly developed method, DIC combined with OCT imaging, is a powerful, fast and non-invasive methodology to study structural skin changes in real time and the tissue response provoked by mechanical loading or stretching