72 research outputs found

    Una aproximación a la importancia de la elección lingüística en la configuración de la identidad hispánica en los Estados Unidos

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    En el món globalitzat actual, s'ha incrementat en gran mesura el contacte intercultural i la migració entre països. En conseqüència, la comunicació entre grups diversos que comparteixen un mateix espai es d'una gran importància. Aquest article ofereix una visió de la connexió entre cultura i llenguatge en la societat, amb una atenció especial en els grups multilingües, i més específicament, aquelles comunitats bilingües anglès-espanyol que són objecte de generalitzacions i marginalització per part dels individus de la cultura dominant. La revisió dels estudis realitzats fins al moment ens porta a apreciar el lligam entre llengua i identitat, mostrant que els grups bilingües utilitzen aquesta condició, i particularment l'alternança de codi, per tal de diferenciar-se del grup dominant. Així mateix, també apliquen la mateixa estratègia per distingir-se de les comunitats monolingües de parla hispana, amb les quals no s'identifiquen, potser com a resposta a la generalització que la societat americana fa de tots els grups de parlants d'espanyol, normalment reduïts a la categoria `latino'. Les identitats són fluïdes, i en molts casos contenen elements de cultures diverses. Per això és important contemplar els diferents components que conformen la identitat, incloent-hi, a més a més del llenguatge, altres aspectes com són el gènere, l'etnicitat, la situació sòcio-econòmica, i com tots aquests varien entre els diferents grups

    How Specialized is "Too" Specialized? Outmigration and Industry Diversification in Nonmetropolitan Counties across America

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    Outmigration and industrial composition have separately been the focal points of a significant amount of research related to nonmetropolitan counties; however, few (if any) studies have explicitly looked at the relationship between the two topics. The primary objective of this research is to identify what industry specialization level is "too" specialized with regards to outmigration - that is, to determine the level where specialization begins to have a damaging effect on population change. County-level data from a variety of sources is used to explore the impact of both earnings-based and employment-based definitions of specialization on net migration in nonmetropolitan counties from 2000 - 2009. Two distinct techniques (ordinary least squares and average treatment effects) are then used to assess both the impact and causality of being "too specialized." Economic development professionals utilize a large array of tools to encourage job growth and quality-of-life improvement in their regions. This research suggests that they should also consider current industrial employment thresholds when targeting long-term goals such as population growth. Dependency categories most commonly found to have a negative relationship with outmigration were farming and manufacturing. Service, recreation and retirement dependency were found to have a positive relationship with the net migration rate. It can also be concluded that each of these dependencies can cause either outmigration or in-migration, depending on the direction of the relationship previously stated. These conclusions are supported at both the national and regional levels. Key "too specialized" categories with a positive relationship with the net migration rate, and also said to cause in-migration included agriculture (20%), accommodation and food services (10% and 20%), and construction (10 and 20%). The "too specialized" categories with a negative relationship with the net migration rate, and also said to cause outmigration included agriculture (10%), accommodation and food services (30%), healthcare (10 and 20%), and manufacturing (10 and 20%). A thorough analysis of the results given for the nation in general and for individual regions should allow local leaders to efficiently create policies aimed at impacting their net migration rate by changing their industrial specialization and dependency levels to the optimal levels.Department of Agricultural Economic

    Biochemical characterization of the castor bean ent-kaurene synthase(-like) family supports quantum chemical view of diterpene cyclization

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    It has become apparent that plants have extensively diversified their arsenal of labdane-related diterpenoids (LRDs), in part via gene duplication and neo-functionalization of the ancestral entkaurene synthase (KS) required for gibberellin metabolism. For example, castor bean (Ricinus communis) was previously shown to produce an interesting set of biosynthetically related diterpenes, specifically ent-sandracopimaradiene, ent-beyerene, and ent-trachylobane, in addition to ent-kaurene, using four separate diterpene synthases, albeit these remain unidentified. Notably, despite mechanistic similarity of the underlying reaction to that catalyzed by KSs, ent-beyerene and ent-trachylobane synthases have not yet been identified. Given our interest in LRD biosynthesis, and the recent availability of the castor bean genome sequence, we applied a synthetic biology approach to biochemically characterize the four KS(-like) enzymes [KS(L)s] found in Ricinus communis [i.e., the RcKS(L)s]. In particular, using bacteria engineered to produce the relevant ent-copalyl diphosphate precursor and synthetic genes based on the predicted RcKS(L)s, although this ultimately required correction of a “splicing” error in one of the predicted genes, highlighting the dependence of such a synthetic biology approach on accurate gene sequences. Nevertheless, we can assign each of the four RcKS(L)s to one of the previously observed diterpene synthase activities, providing access to functionally novel enzymes. Intriguingly, the product distribution of the RcKS(L)s seems to support the distinct diterpene synthase reaction mechanism proposed by quantum chemical calculations, rather than the classically proposed pathway

    Biosynthesis of Lycosantalonol, a cis-Prenyl Derived Diterpenoid

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    Terpenoid natural products are generally derived from isoprenyl diphosphate precursors with trans double-bond configuration, and no diterpenoid derived from the cisoid precursor (Z,Z,Z)-nerylneryl diphosphate (1) has yet been identified. Here further investigation of a terpenoid biosynthetic gene cluster from tomato is reported, which resulted in identification of a biosynthetic pathway from 1, in a pathway featuring a number of interesting transformations. Compound 1 is first cyclized to a tricyclene core ring structure analogous to that found in α-santalene, with the resulting diterpene termed here lycosantalene (2). Quantum chemical calculations indicate a role for the diphosphate anion coproduct in this cyclization reaction. Subsequently, the internal cis double bond of the neryl side chain in 2 is then further transformed to an α-hydroxy ketone moiety via an epoxide intermediate (3). Oxygen labeling studies indicate 3 undergoes oxidative conversion to lycosantalonol (4). Thus, in addition to elucidating the cisoid origins of 4, this work has further provided mechanistic insight into the interesting transformations required for its production

    1600 RN

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    Due to a changing employment arena, healthcare organizations are hiring more new graduate RNs into acute care units. MMC’s usual process is to put new hires into night shift. Historically, night shifts have less resource availability. These combined factors left staff feeling unsupported; patient care could be compromised when less support is available to those in the beginning of their careers

    Combining Metabolomics and Transcriptomics to Characterize Tanshinone Biosynthesis in Salvia Miltiorrhiza

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    Plant natural products have been co-opted for millennia by humans for various uses such as flavor, fragrances, and medicines. These compounds often are only produced in relatively low amounts and are difficult to chemically synthesize, limiting access. While elucidation of the underlying biosynthetic processes might help alleviate these issues (e.g., via metabolic engineering), investigation of this is hindered by the low levels of relevant gene expression and expansion of the corresponding enzymatic gene families. However, the often-inducible nature of such metabolic processes enables selection of those genes whose expression pattern indicates a role in production of the targeted natural product. Here, we combine metabolomics and transcriptomics to investigate the inducible biosynthesis of the bioactive diterpenoid tanshinones from the Chinese medicinal herb, Salvia miltiorrhiza(Danshen). Untargeted metabolomics investigation of elicited hairy root cultures indicated that tanshinone production was a dominant component of the metabolic response, increasing at later time points. A transcriptomic approach was applied to not only define a comprehensive transcriptome (comprised of 20,972 non-redundant genes), but also its response to induction, revealing 6,358 genes that exhibited differential expression, with significant enrichment for up-regulation of genes involved in stress, stimulus and immune response processes. Consistent with our metabolomics analysis, there appears to be a slower but more sustained increased in transcript levels of known genes from diterpenoid and, more specifically, tanshinone biosynthesis. Among the co-regulated genes were 70 transcription factors and 8 cytochromes P450, providing targets for future investigation. Our results indicate a biphasic response of Danshen terpenoid metabolism to elicitation, with early induction of sesqui- and tri- terpenoid biosynthesis, followed by later and more sustained production of the diterpenoid tanshinones. Our data provides a firm foundation for further elucidation of tanshinone and other inducible natural product metabolism in Danshen

    Analisis Signifikansi Keterkaitan Geopolitik dalam Pelaksanaan Diplomasi Preventif Indonesia pada Kasus Laut Cina Selatan

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    Kehadiran Tiongkok di Laut Cina Selatan (LCS) menciptakan ketegangan di kawasan Asia Tenggara akibat klaim sepihak terhadap wilayah LCS. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara di dalamnya ikut terkena dampak dari ketegangan yang terbentuk melihat terancamnya kepentingan Indonesia dalam aspek keamanan dan ekonomi berkaitan dengan Perairan Natuna. Tidak hanya itu, kehadiran Indonesia di tengah-tengah konflik LCS juga didukung dengan posisinya sebagai pemimpin de facto ASEAN untuk menjaga keamanan maritim kawasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep kepentingan nasional untuk melihat motivasi Indonesia, konsep diplomasi preventif untuk melihat usaha Indonesia dalam menyukseskan tiga kerangka kerja sama yaitu ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP), Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), dan juga Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) dan pendekatan geopolitik dalam melihat implikasinya terhadap kawasan. Maka, penelitian ini berargumen bahwa kepentingan Indonesia dalam aspek keamanan dan ekonomi mendorong keikutsertaannya dalam tiga kerjasama sekaligus sebagai bentuk diplomasi preventif dalam meredam tensi di LCS. Kata Kunci: Indonesia, Laut Cina Selatan, Diplomasi Preventif, Kepentingan Nasional, GeopolitikKehadiran Tiongkok di Laut Cina Selatan (LCS) menciptakan ketegangan di kawasan Asia Tenggara akibat klaim sepihak terhadap wilayah LCS. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara di dalamnya ikut terkena dampak dari ketegangan yang terbentuk melihat terancamnya kepentingan Indonesia dalam aspek keamanan dan ekonomi berkaitan dengan Perairan Natuna. Tidak hanya itu, kehadiran Indonesia di tengah-tengah konflik LCS juga didukung dengan posisinya sebagai pemimpin de facto ASEAN untuk menjaga keamanan maritim kawasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep kepentingan nasional untuk melihat motivasi Indonesia, konsep diplomasi preventif untuk melihat usaha Indonesia dalam menyukseskan tiga kerangka kerja sama yaitu ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP), Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), dan juga Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) dan pendekatan geopolitik dalam melihat implikasinya terhadap kawasan. Maka, penelitian ini berargumen bahwa kepentingan Indonesia dalam aspek keamanan dan ekonomi mendorong keikutsertaannya dalam tiga kerjasama sekaligus sebagai bentuk diplomasi preventif dalam meredam tensi di LCS.   Kata Kunci: Indonesia, Laut Cina Selatan, Diplomasi Preventif, Kepentingan Nasional, Geopoliti

    Interactions between a Trawl Fishery and Spatial Closures for Biodiversity Conservation in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Australia

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    Background\ud The Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery (ECOTF) for penaeid shrimp fishes within Australia's Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA). The past decade has seen the implementation of conservation and fisheries management strategies to reduce the impact of the ECOTF on the seabed and improve biodiversity conservation. New information from electronic vessel location monitoring systems (VMS) provides an opportunity to review the interactions between the ECOTF and spatial closures for biodiversity conservation.\ud \ud Methodology and Results\ud We used fishing metrics and spatial information on the distribution of closures and modelled VMS data in a geographical information system (GIS) to assess change in effort of the trawl fishery from 2001–2009 and to quantify the exposure of 70 reef, non-reef and deep water bioregions to trawl fishing. The number of trawlers and the number of days fished almost halved between 2001 and 2009 and new spatial closures introduced in 2004 reduced the area zoned available for trawl fishing by 33%. However, we found that there was only a relatively minor change in the spatial footprint of the fishery as a result of new spatial closures. Non-reef bioregions benefited the most from new spatial closures followed by deep and reef bioregions.\ud \ud Conclusions/Significance\ud Although the catch of non target species remains an issue of concern for fisheries management, the small spatial footprint of the ECOTF relative to the size of the GBRWHA means that the impact on benthic habitats is likely to be negligible. The decline in effort as a result of fishing industry structural adjustment, increasing variable costs and business decisions of fishers is likely to continue a trend to fish only in the most productive areas. This will provide protection for most benthic habitats without any further legislative or management intervention

    The BLAST View of the Star Forming Region in Aquila (ell=45deg,b=0deg)

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    We have carried out the first general submillimeter analysis of the field towards GRSMC 45.46+0.05, a massive star forming region in Aquila. The deconvolved 6 deg^2 (3\degree X 2\degree) maps provided by BLAST in 2005 at 250, 350, and 500 micron were used to perform a preliminary characterization of the clump population previously investigated in the infrared, radio, and molecular maps. Interferometric CORNISH data at 4.8 GHz have also been used to characterize the Ultracompact HII regions (UCHIIRs) within the main clumps. By means of the BLAST maps we have produced an initial census of the submillimeter structures that will be observed by Herschel, several of which are known Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs). Our spectral energy distributions of the main clumps in the field, located at ~7 kpc, reveal an active population with temperatures of T~35-40 K and masses of ~10^3 Msun for a dust emissivity index beta=1.5. The clump evolutionary stages range from evolved sources, with extended HII regions and prominent IR stellar population, to massive young stellar objects, prior to the formation of an UCHIIR.The CORNISH data have revealed the details of the stellar content and structure of the UCHIIRs. In most cases, the ionizing stars corresponding to the brightest radio detections are capable of accounting for the clump bolometric luminosity, in most cases powered by embedded OB stellar clusters