5 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Study on Solving Knight’s Tour Problem Using Binary Magnetic Optimization Algorithm

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    The knight’s tour problem is a sub chess puzzle where the objective of the puzzle is to find combination moves made by a knight so that it visits every square of the chessboard exactly once. This paper proposes a model using Binary Magnetic Optimization Algorithm to solve the problem. Each particle represents a possible solution of the problem. A pair of 3 binary bits is used to represent a move made by the knight for each move. The numerical value for each move can be in the range of 0 to 7 according to the 8 possible moves that can be taken by the knight. The fitness of a particle is then calculated based on the number of legal moves it has taken starting from the first move. The proposed model has been tested using the standard 8x8 chessboard setup. A comparative performance study is done based on two updating rules of Binary Magnetic Optimization Algorithm: sigmoid & tanh functions. Results obtained show that the proposed model has a potential for further improvement

    Assessment parameters for coal-fired generation plant site selection

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    In order to meet future demand for electricity, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is committed to the long-term strategic planning in locating statable sites for future development of power stations. Site selection is an important process in the early planning stage of any power plant development as it will have significant implications on the capital investment, operational as well as the environment and socio-economic costs of the power plant. The aim of this presentation is to briefly describe the ten (10) main assessment parameters having the most profound effects on the selection of potential coal-fired generation plant sites.: These assessment parameters were derived based on a survey of approximately 40 experts, comprising from various specialists such as engineers from TNB, senior officers from Department Of Environment Malaysia (DOE), scientist from University Malaya (UM) and a number of other independent consultants

    The progress of fuel cell for malaysian residential consumption: Energy status and prospects to introduction as a renewable power generation system

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