116 research outputs found

    HIV Treatment as Prevention: Debate and Commentary-Will Early Infection Compromise Treatment-as-Prevention Strategies?

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    Universal HIV testing and immediate antiretroviral therapy for infected individuals has been proposed as a way of reducing the transmission of HIV and thereby bringing the HIV epidemic under control. It is unclear whether transmission during early HIV infection—before individuals are likely to have been diagnosed with HIV and started on antiretroviral therapy—will compromise the effectiveness of treatment as prevention. This article presents two opposing viewpoints by Powers, Miller, and Cohen, and Williams and Dye, followed by a commentary by Fraser

    Decline in HIV Prevalence among Young Women in Zambia: National-Level Estimates of Trends Mask Geographical and Socio-Demographic Differences

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    Background: A decline in HIV incidence has been reported in Zambia and a number of other sub-Saharan countries. The trend of HIV prevalence among young people is a good marker of HIV incidence. In this study, different data sources are used to examine geographical and sub-population group differentials in HIV prevalence trends among men and women aged 15–24 years in Zambia. Design and Methods: We analysed ANC data for women aged 15–24 years from 22 sentinel sites consistently covered in the period 1994–2008, and HIV data for young men and women aged 15–24 years from the ZDHS 2001/2 and 2007. In addition, we systematically reviewed peer-reviewed articles that have reported findings on HIV prevalence and incidence among young people. Findings: Overall trends of the ANC surveillance data indicated a substantial HIV prevalence decline among young women in both urban and rural areas. However, provincial declines differed substantially, i.e. between 10 % and 68 % among urban women, and from stability to 86 % among rural women. Prevalence declines were steeper among those with the highest educational attainments than among the least educated. The ZDHS data indicated a significant reduction in prevalence between the two survey rounds among young women only. Provincial-level ZDHS changes were difficult to assess because the sample sizes were small. ANC-based trend patterns were consistent with those observed in PMTCT-based data (2002

    Impairment of Gradual Muscle Adjustment during Wrist Circumduction in Parkinson's Disease

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    Purposeful movements are attained by gradually adjusted activity of opposite muscles, or synergists. This requires a motor system that adequately modulates initiation and inhibition of movement and selectively activates the appropriate muscles. In patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) initiation and inhibition of movements are impaired which may manifest itself in e.g. difficulty to start and stop walking. At single-joint level, impaired movement initiation is further accompanied by insufficient inhibition of antagonist muscle activity. As the motor symptoms in PD primarily result from cerebral dysfunction, quantitative investigation of gradually adjusted muscle activity during execution of purposeful movement is a first step to gain more insight in the link between impaired modulation of initiation and inhibition at the levels of (i) cerebrally coded task performance and (ii) final execution by the musculoskeletal system. To that end, the present study investigated changes in gradual adjustment of muscle synergists using a manipulandum that enabled standardized smooth movement by continuous wrist circumduction. Differences between PD patients (N = 15, off-medication) and healthy subjects (N = 16) concerning the relation between muscle activity and movement performance in these groups were assessed using kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) recordings. The variability in the extent to which a particular muscle was active during wrist circumduction – defined as muscle activity differentiation - was quantified by EMG. We demonstrated that more differentiated muscle activity indeed correlated positively with improved movement performance, i.e. higher movement speed and increased smoothness of movement. Additionally, patients employed a less differentiated muscle activity pattern than healthy subjects. These specific changes during wrist circumduction imply that patients have a decreased ability to gradually adjust muscles causing a decline in movement performance. We propose that less differentiated muscle use in PD patients reflects impaired control of modulated initiation and inhibition due to decreased ability to selectively and jointly activate muscles

    Visual Stability and the Motion Aftereffect: A Psychophysical Study Revealing Spatial Updating

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    Eye movements create an ever-changing image of the world on the retina. In particular, frequent saccades call for a compensatory mechanism to transform the changing visual information into a stable percept. To this end, the brain presumably uses internal copies of motor commands. Electrophysiological recordings of visual neurons in the primate lateral intraparietal cortex, the frontal eye fields, and the superior colliculus suggest that the receptive fields (RFs) of special neurons shift towards their post-saccadic positions before the onset of a saccade. However, the perceptual consequences of these shifts remain controversial. We wanted to test in humans whether a remapping of motion adaptation occurs in visual perception

    Goal-directed and habitual control in the basal ganglia: implications for Parkinson's disease

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    Progressive loss of the ascending dopaminergic projection in the basal ganglia is a fundamental pathological feature of Parkinson's disease. Studies in animals and humans have identified spatially segregated functional territories in the basal ganglia for the control of goal-directed and habitual actions. In patients with Parkinson's disease the loss of dopamine is predominantly in the posterior putamen, a region of the basal ganglia associated with the control of habitual behaviour. These patients may therefore be forced into a progressive reliance on the goal-directed mode of action control that is mediated by comparatively preserved processing in the rostromedial striatum. Thus, many of their behavioural difficulties may reflect a loss of normal automatic control owing to distorting output signals from habitual control circuits, which impede the expression of goal-directed action. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    PET and SPECT Imaging in Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders

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    Movement disorders can be classified in hypokinetic (e.g., Parkinson's disease, PD) and hyperkinetic disorders (e.g., dystonia, chorea, tremor, tics, myoclonus, and restless legs syndrome). In this chapter, we will discuss results from positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging studies in patients with tremor, tics, myoclonus, and restless legs syndrome. Most studies in patients with tremor included patients with essential tremor (ET): a bilateral, largely symmetric, postural or kinetic tremor mainly involving the upper limbs and sometimes the head. Other studies evaluated patients with orthostatic tremor (OT): an unusually high frequent tremor in the legs that mainly occurs when patients are standing still. Increased regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and increased glucose metabolism have been found in the cerebellum, sensorimotor cortex, and thalamus in both patients with ET and OT compared to controls. Both PET and SPECT studies have evaluated the dopamine system in patients with ET and OT. Most imaging studies in patients with ET showed no, or only subtle loss of striatal tracer binding to the dopamine transporter indicating that ET is not characterized by nigrostriatal cell loss. The serotonin and/or gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) systems may play a role in the pathophysiology of ET. PET and SPECT imaging of the dopamine and serotonin system in patients with OT showed no abnormalities. Tics, the clinical hallmark of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS), are relatively brief and intermittent involuntary movements (motor tic) and sounds (phonic tic). The essential features of tics are that (1) they can be temporarily suppressed; after suppression a rebound usually occurs with a flurry of tics; (2) the patient experiences an urge to tic, and (3) the tic is followed by a short moment of relief. Using 18F-FDG PET, it was shown that TS is a network disorder where multiple brain areas are active or inactive at the same time. The exact composition of this network is yet to be determined. Using rCBF PET and SPECT many brain regions were found to be abnormal, however, tics mostly correlated with hypoperfusion of the caudate nucleus and cingulate cortex. Both dopamine and serotonin are likely to play a role in the pathophysiology of TS. It is hypothesized that TS is characterized by low serotonin levels that modulate increased phasic dopamine release. Myoclonus is defined as a brief muscle jerk and occurs in many neurologic and non-neurologic disorders. Imaging with PET and SPECT in patients with myoclonus mainly showed abnormalities consistent with the underlying disorder. We described PET and SPECT imaging results in patients in which myoclonus was a prominent symptom. Hypoperfusion and/or hypometabolism of the frontoparietal cortex was found in patients with negative epileptic myoclonus, Alzheimer's disease, corticobasal degeneration, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, fatal familiar insomnia, and posthypoxic myoclonus. Other findings that were frequently reported were decreased rCBF and/or glucose metabolism in the cerebellum and thalamus and abnormalities in the dopamine system. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is defined as an urge to move the legs accompanied with an unpleasant sensation in the legs or in another body part that is especially present during the evening and night and that can be accompanied by periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS). Imaging studies in these patients have mainly focused on the dopamine system. Most PET studies found decreased tracer binding to the dopamine transporter, although this was not found in SPECT studies. Both PET and SPECT studies showed conflicting results regarding dopamine D2/3 receptor binding: both increased and decreased tracer binding was reported. Furthermore, it is likely that the serotonin and opioid systems also play a role in the pathophysiology of RLS.</p

    The pathophysiology of restricted repetitive behavior

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    Restricted, repetitive behaviors (RRBs) are heterogeneous ranging from stereotypic body movements to rituals to restricted interests. RRBs are most strongly associated with autism but occur in a number of other clinical disorders as well as in typical development. There does not seem to be a category of RRB that is unique or specific to autism and RRB does not seem to be robustly correlated with specific cognitive, sensory or motor abnormalities in autism. Despite its clinical significance, little is known about the pathophysiology of RRB. Both clinical and animal models studies link repetitive behaviors to genetic mutations and a number of specific genetic syndromes have RRBs as part of the clinical phenotype. Genetic risk factors may interact with experiential factors resulting in the extremes in repetitive behavior phenotypic expression that characterize autism. Few studies of individuals with autism have correlated MRI findings and RRBs and no attempt has been made to associate RRB and post-mortem tissue findings. Available clinical and animal models data indicate functional and structural alterations in cortical-basal ganglia circuitry in the expression of RRB, however. Our own studies point to reduced activity of the indirect basal ganglia pathway being associated with high levels of repetitive behavior in an animal model. These findings, if generalizable, suggest specific therapeutic targets. These, and perhaps other, perturbations to cortical basal ganglia circuitry are mediated by specific molecular mechanisms (e.g., altered gene expression) that result in long-term, experience-dependent neuroadaptations that initiate and maintain repetitive behavior. A great deal more research is needed to uncover such mechanisms. Work in areas such as substance abuse, OCD, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and dementias promise to provide findings critical for identifying neurobiological mechanisms relevant to RRB in autism. Moreover, basic research in areas such as birdsong, habit formation, and procedural learning may provide additional, much needed clues. Understanding the pathophysioloy of repetitive behavior will be critical to identifying novel therapeutic targets and strategies for individuals with autism