53 research outputs found

    Dominant Color Extraction with K-Means for Camera Characterization in Cultural Heritage Documentation

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    The camera characterization procedure has been recognized as a convenient methodology to correct color recordings in cultural heritage documentation and preservation tasks. Instead of using a whole color checker as a training sample set, in this paper, we introduce a novel framework named the Patch Adaptive Selection with K-Means (P-ASK) to extract a subset of dominant colors from a digital image and automatically identify their corresponding chips in the color chart used as characterizing colorimetric reference. We tested the methodology on a set of rock art painting images captured with a number of digital cameras. The characterization approach based on the P-ASK framework allows the reduction of the training sample size and a better color adjustment to the chromatic range of the input scene. In addition, the computing time required for model training is less than in the regular approach with all color chips, and obtained average color differences ΔE∗ab lower than two CIELAB units. Furthermore, the graphic and numeric results obtained for the characterized images are encouraging and confirms that the P-ASK framework based on the K-means algorithm is suitable for automatic patch selection for camera characterization purposes

    Decision making under uncertainty in environmental projects using mathematical simulation modeling

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-016-6135-yIn decision-making processes, reliability and risk aversion play a decisive role. The aim of this study is to perform an uncertainty assessment of the effects of future scenarios of sustainable groundwater pumping strategies on the quantitative and chemical status of an aquifer. The good status of the aquifer is defined according to the terms established by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). A decision support systems (DSS) is presented, which makes use of a stochastic inverse model (GC method) and geostatistical approaches to calibrate equally likely realizations of hydraulic conductivity (K) fields for a particular case study. These K fields are conditional to available field data, including hard and soft information. Then, different future scenarios of groundwater pumping strategies are generated, based on historical information and WFD standards, and simulated for each one of the equally likely K fields. The future scenarios lead to different environmental impacts and levels of socioeconomic development of the region and, hence, to a different degree of acceptance among stakeholders. We have identified the different stakeholders implied in the decision-making process, the objectives pursued and the alternative actions that should be considered by stakeholders in a public participation project (PPP). The MonteCarlo simulation provides a highly effective way for uncertainty assessment and allows presenting the results in a simple and understandable way even for non-experts stakeholders. The methodology has been successfully applied to a real case study and lays the foundations to performa PPP and stakeholders' involvement in a decisionmaking process as required by the WFD. The results of the methodology can help the decision-making process to come up with the best policies and regulations for a groundwater system under uncertainty in groundwater parameters and management strategies and involving stakeholders with conflicting interests.Llopis Albert, C.; Palacios MarquĂ©s, D.; MerigĂł -Lindahl, JM. (2016). Decision making under uncertainty in environmental projects using mathematical simulation modeling. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(19):1-11. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-6135-yS1117519Arhonditsis GB, Perhar G, Zhang W, Massos E, Shi M, Das A (2008) Addressing equifinality and uncertainty in eutrophication models. Water Resour Res 44:W01420. doi: 10.1029/2007WR005862Capilla JE, Llopis-Albert C (2009) Gradual conditioning of non-gaussian transmissivity fields to flow and mass transport data. J Hydrol 371:66–74. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.015CHJ (JĂșcar Water Agency) (2016) JĂșcar river basin authority. http://www.chj.es/CHS (Segura Water Agency) (2016) Segura river basin authority. http://www.chsegura.es/Custodio E (2002) Aquifer overexploitation: what does it mean? Hydrogeol J 10:254–277EC (2000). Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23 2000, establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy. Official Journal of the European Communities L327/1eL327/72. 22.12.2000EC (2006) Directive 2006/118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deteriorationGĂłmez-HernĂĄndez JJ, Srivastava RM (1990) ISIM3D: an ANSI-C three dimensional multiple indicator conditional simulation program. Comput Geosci 16(4):395–440Harbaugh AW, Banta ER, Hill MC and McDonald MG (2000) MODFLOW- 2000, The US geological survey modular groundwater model-user guide to modularization concepts and the groundwater flow process. US Geol. Surv. Open-File Rep 00–92, 12Hu LY (2000) Gradual deformation and iterative calibration of Gaussian related stochastic models. Math Geol 32(1):87–108Jagelke J, Barthel R (2005) Conceptualization and implementation of a regional groundwater model for the Neckar catchment in the framework of an integrated regional model. Adv Geosci 5:105–111Llopis-Albert C (2008) Stochastic inverse modeling conditional to flow, mass transport and secondary information. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia, ValĂšncia. ISBN 978-84-691-9796-7Llopis-Albert C, Capilla JE (2009a) Gradual conditioning of non-gaussian transmissivity fields to flow and mass transport data. Demonstration on a synthetic aquifer. J Hydrol 371:53–55. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.014Llopis-Albert C, Capilla JE (2009b) Gradual conditioning of non-gaussian transmissivity fields to flow and mass transport data. Application to the macrodispersion experiment (MADE-2) site, on Columbus air force base in Mississippi (USA). J Hydrol 371:75–84. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.016Llopis-Albert C, Capilla JE (2010a) Stochastic simulation of non-gaussian 3D conductivity fields in a fractured medium with multiple statistical populations: a case study. J Hydrol Eng 15(7):554–566. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000214Llopis-Albert C, Capilla JE (2010b) Stochastic inverse modeling of hydraulic conductivity fields taking into account independent stochastic structures: a 3D case study. J Hydrol 391:277–288. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.07.028Llopis-Albert C, Pulido-Velazquez D (2014) Discussion about the validity of sharp-interface models to deal with seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. Hydrol Process 28(10):3642–3654Llopis-Albert C, Pulido-Velazquez D (2015) Using MODFLOW code to approach transient hydraulic head with a sharp-interface solution. Hydrol Process 29(8):2052–2064. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10354Llopis-Albert C, Palacios-MarquĂ©s D, MerigĂł JM (2014) A coupled stochastic inverse-management framework for dealing with nonpoint agriculture pollution under groundwater parameter uncertainty. J Hydrol 511:10–16. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.021Llopis-Albert C, MerigĂł JM, Palacios-MarquĂ©s D (2015) Structure adaptation in stochastic inverse methods for integrating information. Water Resour Manage 29(1):95–107. doi: 10.1007/s11269-014-0829-2Llopis-Albert C, MerigĂł JM, Xu Y (2016) A coupled stochastic inverse/sharp interface seawater intrusion approach for coastal aquifers under groundwater parameter uncertainty. J Hydrol 540:774–783. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.06.065McDonald MG and Harbaugh AW (1988) A modular three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model. US geological survey technical manual of water resources investigation, Book 6, US geological survey, Reston, Virginia, 586Molina JL, Pulido-Velazquez M, Llopis-Albert C, Peña-Haro S (2013) Stochastic hydro-economic model for groundwater quality management using Bayesian networks. Water Sci Technol 67(3):579–586. doi: 10.2166/wst.2012.598Peña-Haro S, Llopis-Albert C, Pulido-Velazquez M (2010) Fertilizer standards for controlling groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture: El Salobral-Los Llanos case study, Spain. J Hydrol 392:174–187. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.006Peña-Haro S, Pulido-Velazquez M, Llopis-Albert C (2011) Stochastic hydro-economic modeling for optimal management of agricultural groundwater nitrate pollution under hydraulic conductivity uncertainty. Environ Model Softw 26(8):999–1008. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.02.010Pulido-Velazquez D, Llopis-Albert C, Peña-Haro S, Pulido-Velazquez M (2011) Efficient conceptual model for simulating the effect of aquifer heterogeneity on natural groundwater discharge to rivers. Adv Water Resour 34(11):1377–1389. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.07.010Reichert P, Borsuk M, Hostmann M, Schweizer S, Spörri C, Tockner K, Truffer B (2005) Concepts of decision support for river rehabilitation. Environ Model Softw 22:188–201Wright SAL, Fritsch O (2011) Operationalising active involvement in the EU water framework directive: why, when and how? Ecol Econ 70(12):2268–2274Zhou H, GĂłmez-HernĂĄndez JJ, Li L (2014) Inverse methods in hydrogeology: evolution and recent trends. Adv Water Resour 63:22–37. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.10.01

    Net contribution and predictive ability of the CUN-BAE body fatness index in relation to cardiometabolic conditions

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    BACKGROUND: The CUN-BAE (Clínica Universidad de Navarra-Body adiposity estimator) index is an anthropometric index based on age, sex and body mass index (BMI) for a refined prediction of body fatness in adults. CUN-BAE may help detect metabolically unhealthy individuals with otherwise normal weight according to BMI or waist circumference (WC). The aim of this study was to evaluate whether CUN-BAE, independent of its components (BMI, age and sex), was associated with cardiometabolic conditions including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (MetS). METHODS: The ENRICA study was based on a cross-sectional sample of non-institutionalized men and women representative of the adult Spanish population. Body weight, height, and WC were measured in all participants. The residual of CUN-BAE (rCUN-BAE), i.e. the part of the index not explained by its components, was calculated. The associations of CUN-BAE, rCUN-BAE, BMI and WC with hypertension, diabetes and MetS were analysed by multivariate logistic regression, and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was calculated. RESULTS: The sample included 12,122 individuals. rCUN-BAE was associated with hypertension (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.07-1.21) and MetS (OR 1.48, 1.37-1.60), but not with diabetes (OR 1.05, 0.94-1.16). In subjects with a BMI?<?25 kg/m2, CUN-BAE was significantly associated with all three outcome variables. CUN-BAE was more strongly associated with the cardiometabolic conditions than BMI and WC and fit similar AICs. CONCLUSIONS: The CUN-BAE index for body fatness was positively associated with hypertension, diabetes and MetS in adults independent of BMI or WC. CUN-BAE may help to identify individuals with cardiometabolic conditions beyond BMI, but this needs to be confirmed in prospective settings.Funding: The ENRICA study was funded and financed by Sanofi-Aventis. Specific funding for this analysis came from the governmental Spain FIS PI12/1166 and PI11/01379 projects and from the “UAM Chair in Epidemiology and Control of Cardiovascular Risk”

    Endocytic regulation of alkali metal transport proteins in mammals, yeast and plants

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    The relative concentrations of ions and solutes inside cells are actively maintained by several classes of transport proteins, in many cases against their concentration gradient. These transport processes, which consume a large portion of cellular energy, must be constantly regulated. Many structurally distinct families of channels, carriers, and pumps have been characterized in considerable detail during the past decades and defects in the function of some of these proteins have been linked to a growing list of human diseases. The dynamic regulation of the transport proteins present at the cell surface is vital for both normal cellular function and for the successful adaptation to changing environments. The composition of proteins present at the cell surface is controlled on both the transcriptional and post-translational level. Post-translational regulation involves highly conserved mechanisms of phosphorylation- and ubiquitylation-dependent signal transduction routes used to modify the cohort of receptors and transport proteins present under any given circumstances. In this review, we will summarize what is currently known about one facet of this regulatory process: the endocytic regulation of alkali metal transport proteins. The physiological relevance, major contributors, parallels and missing pieces of the puzzle in mammals, yeast and plants will be discussed.This work was supported by grant BFU2011-30197-C03-03 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). V.L.-T. is supported by a fellowship from the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. C. P. is supported by a fellowship from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain).Mulet Salort, JM.; Llopis Torregrosa, V.; Primo Planta, C.; Marques Romero, MC.; Yenush, L. (2013). Endocytic regulation of alkali metal transport proteins in mammals, yeast and plants. Current Genetics. 59(4):207-230. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00294-013-0401-2S207230594Abe F, Iida H (2003) Pressure-induced differential regulation of the two tryptophan permeases Tat1 and Tat2 by ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 and its binding proteins, Bul1 and Bul2. Mol Cell Biol 23:7566–7584Abriel H, Loffing J, Rebhun JF, Pratt JH, Schild L, Horisberger JD, Rotin D, Staub O (1999) Defective regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel by Nedd4 in Liddle’s syndrome. J Clin Invest 103:667–673. doi: 10.1172/JCI5713Alesutan I, Munoz C, Sopjani M, DĂ«rmaku-Sopjani M, Michael D, Fraser S, Kemp BE, Seebohm G, Föller M, Lang F (2011) Inhibition of Kir2.1 (KCNJ2) by the AMP-activated protein kinase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 408:505–510. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.04.015Alvarez CE (2008) On the origins of arrestin and rhodopsin. 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    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Resist based silver nanocomposites synthesized by lithographic methods

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    In this work, the formation of silver metal nanoparticles inside a negative-tone resist based on poly(vinyl alcohol) is achieved by electron beam lithography. The chemistry of this sensitive resist allows the production of nanoparticles as well as the polymer crosslinking by the electron radiation. Due to the presence of the silver nanoparticles, the final composite exhibits a plasmonic behavior, which was characterized by measuring the absorbance. The lithographic properties of the resist have been characterized. The technique has also been exported to UV lithography, where silver nanoparticles are obtained inside the polymeric patterns after optical lithography

    Clinical benefits of a Bayesian model for plasma-derived factor VIII/VWF after one year of pharmacokinetic-guided prophylaxis in severe/moderate hemophilia A patients.

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    Introduction: Individual pharmacokinetic (PK) profiling in hemophilia A (HA) helps to individualize prophylaxis using population PK models (popPK). A specific popPK model for plasma-derived factor VIII containing von- Willebrand Factor (pdFVIII/VWF) was developed. Aim: To compare standard versus PK-driven prophylaxis, using a generic or a specific popPK model for pdFVIII/ VWF. Materials and methods: A prospective study conducted in HA patients in prophylaxis with pdFVIII/VWF (FanhdiÂź) comparing three one-year study periods: (1) standard prophylaxis, (2) PK-guided prophylaxis using a generic pdFVIII popPK model which described FVIII activity irrespective of FVIII concentrate, and (3) PK-guided prophylaxis with specific pdFVIII/VWF popPK model. PK parameters analyzed were half-life, trough levels (TL) at 24, 48 and 72 h, and time to reach FVIII levels of 1, 2, 5% (T5%). Clinical outcomes were dose/kg, FVIII consumption, annualized bleeding rate (ABR), annualized joint bleeding rate (AJBR), spontaneous and traumatic bleeds. Results: Of the 30 analyzed patients, 28 had severe HA and the median age was 31.2. Fifteen patient's prophylaxis doses were PK-adjusted. After the generic PK-guided prophylaxis period, younger patients showed more joint bleeds, a shorter half-life, and lower TL48, TL72 and T5%. Using the specific pdFVIII/VWF popPK model compared with standard prophylaxis, a lower spontaneous AJBR was observed in the entire cohort and in patients aged >15 years. Additionally, lower spontaneous ABR was reported in patients aged ≀15 years comparing specific and generic models. Conclusions: PK-guided prophylaxis with a specific pdFVIII/VWF popPK model allowed treatment individualization and improved bleedin

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