1,235 research outputs found

    Synthesis of compact wind profiles using evolutionary algorithms

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    In this paper, the authors face the problem of wind speed processing as environmental variable of a wind turbine system. Generally, the information on wind speed measurements is processed over long periods of time to be relevant with respect to the site characteristics (average and maximum speeds, statistics). Subsequent large scale profiles of wind speed lead to long processing time for simulation analysis and especially for optimization design that penalizes the search of optimal solutions. An original synthesis approach of a compact and representative wind speed profile using an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is proposed. This approach is compared to a purely statistical approach based on random number generators. It allows reducing the actual wind profile duration with compression ratios greater (two months of wind speed measurements are compressed in only 1 hour). Then, the synthesis approach by EA is applied to the sizing of an autonomous hybrid system based on wind turbine with battery storage for stand-alone energy systems. It has proven its effectiveness in reducing 200 days of wind speed measurements in only 10 days, allowing sizing the storage system with a significant gain in terms of computing time in the framework of the optimization process

    The dose-response relationship between cigarette consumption, biochemical markers and risk of lung cancer.

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    The relationship between the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the incidence of lung cancer is linear but, from the multistage model of carcinogenesis, it should be quadratic (upwards curving). We investigated this anomaly in a study of 11,403 male never smokers and current smokers in whom carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) was measured in all and serum cotinine in 1175. The relationship between the biochemical markers and the reported number of cigarettes per day was approximately linear up to 20 cigarettes per day as expected. But above 20 cigarettes per day the marker levels increased less steeply and were 35% lower than expected in men who smoked more than 40 cigarettes per day. Less smoke is inhaled from each cigarette by men with high daily cigarette consumption than by men with lower consumption. Allowance for this transforms the observed linear dose-response relationship into one consistent with the expected quadratic relationship. The anomaly is explained by the observation that heavier smokers inhale less smoke from each cigarette

    New mobilities across the lifecourse: A framework for analysing demographically-linked drivers of migration

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    Date of acceptance: 17/02/2015Taking the life course as the central concern, the authors set out a conceptual framework and define some key research questions for a programme of research that explores how the linked lives of mobile people are situated in time–space within the economic, social, and cultural structures of contemporary society. Drawing on methodologically innovative techniques, these perspectives can offer new insights into the changing nature and meanings of migration across the life course.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    First direct observation of Dirac fermions in graphite

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    Originating from relativistic quantum field theory, Dirac fermions have been recently applied to study various peculiar phenomena in condensed matter physics, including the novel quantum Hall effect in graphene, magnetic field driven metal-insulator-like transition in graphite, superfluid in 3He, and the exotic pseudogap phase of high temperature superconductors. Although Dirac fermions are proposed to play a key role in these systems, so far direct experimental evidence of Dirac fermions has been limited. Here we report the first direct observation of massless Dirac fermions with linear dispersion near the Brillouin zone (BZ) corner H in graphite, coexisting with quasiparticles with parabolic dispersion near another BZ corner K. In addition, we report a large electron pocket which we attribute to defect-induced localized states. Thus, graphite presents a novel system where massless Dirac fermions, quasiparticles with finite effective mass, and defect states all contribute to the low energy electronic dynamics.Comment: Nature Physics, in pres

    Multidisciplinary treatment for functional neurological symptoms: a prospective study.

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    Although functional neurological symptoms are often very disabling there is limited information on outcome after treatment. Here we prospectively assessed the short- and long-term efficacy of an inpatient multidisciplinary programme for patients with FNS. We also sought to determine predictors of good outcome by assessing the responsiveness of different scales administered at admission, discharge and follow-up. Sixty-six consecutive patients were included. Assessments at admission, discharge and at 1 year follow-up (55%) included: the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire-15, the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire, the Common Neurological Symptom Questionnaire, the Fear Questionnaire and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. At discharge and at 1 year follow-up patients were also asked to complete five-point self-rated scales of improvement. There were significant improvements in clinician-rated mental health and functional ability. In addition, patients reported that their levels of mood and anxiety had improved and that they were less bothered by somatic symptoms in general and neurological symptoms in particular. Two-thirds of patients rated their general health such as "better" or "much better" at discharge and this improvement was maintained over the following year. Change in HoNOS score was the only measure that successfully predicted patient-rated improvement. Our data suggest that a specialized multidisciplinary inpatient programme for FNS can provide long-lasting benefits in the majority of patients. Good outcome at discharge was exclusively predicted by improvement in the HoNOS which continued to improve over the 1 year following discharge

    Improving gene-set enrichment analysis of RNA-Seq data with small replicates

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    Deregulated pathways identified from transcriptome data of two sample groups have played a key role in many genomic studies. Gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) has been commonly used for pathway or functional analysis of microarray data, and it is also being applied to RNA-seq data. However, most RNA-seq data so far have only small replicates. This enforces to apply the gene-permuting GSEA method (or preranked GSEA) which results in a great number of false positives due to the inter-gene correlation in each gene-set. We demonstrate that incorporating the absolute gene statistic in one-tailed GSEA considerably improves the false-positive control and the overall discriminatory ability of the gene-permuting GSEA methods for RNA-seq data. To test the performance, a simulation method to generate correlated read counts within a gene-set was newly developed, and a dozen of currently available RNA-seq enrichment analysis methods were compared, where the proposed methods outperformed others that do not account for the inter-gene correlation. Analysis of real RNA-seq data also supported the proposed methods in terms of false positive control, ranks of true positives and biological relevance. An efficient R package (AbsFilterG- SEA) coded with C++ (Rcpp) is available from CRAN.open

    Cavity Induced Interfacing of Atoms and Light

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    This chapter introduces cavity-based light-matter quantum interfaces, with a single atom or ion in strong coupling to a high-finesse optical cavity. We discuss the deterministic generation of indistinguishable single photons from these systems; the atom-photon entanglement intractably linked to this process; and the information encoding using spatio-temporal modes within these photons. Furthermore, we show how to establish a time-reversal of the aforementioned emission process to use a coupled atom-cavity system as a quantum memory. Along the line, we also discuss the performance and characterisation of cavity photons in elementary linear-optics arrangements with single beam splitters for quantum-homodyne measurements.Comment: to appear as a book chapter in a compilation "Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction" published by Springer in 2015, edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchel

    Adaptação do inventário parental “Language Use Inventory (LUI)” para crianças entre 18 e 47 meses para o português europeu : estudo piloto

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    Language acquisition and development takes in account the child’s interaction with the surrounding environment. Daily social interactions with people and communication with others allow the child to acquire language being pragmatics considered a system of rules that support the communicative use of language. Identification and assessment of children at risk for language disorders are crucial in order to carry out an effective early intervention. This study was carried out taking into account first, the relevance of pragmatics as a component of language, and second the lack of assessment tools in Portugal to assess these abilities. Therefore, the aim of this study consists on the translation, adaptation and validation of the inventory “Language Use Inventory” (LUI), to European Portuguese. The LUI is a standardized parent report measure designed to assess pragmatic language development in children within 18- to 47-month-old.Objetivo: A aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem resultam da interação da criança com o meio ambiente. As interações sociais cotidianas com as pessoas e a comunicação com outros permitem que a criança adquira linguagem, sendo a pragmática o sistema de regras que suporta o uso comunicativo da linguagem. A identificação e a avaliação de crianças em risco de desenvolverem transtornos de linguagem são cruciais, tendo em vista a intervenção precoce eficaz. Tendo em vista a relevância da pragmática como componente da linguagem e a escassez, em Portugal, de instrumentos de avaliação da linguagem validados para idades precoces, a finalidade deste estudo consistiu na tradução, adaptação e validação do instrumento Language Use Inventory (LUI), para o português europeu. O LUI é um inventário parental que avalia o desenvolvimento da pragmática entre os 18 e os 47 meses. Métodos: Foram adotados todos os procedimentos recomendados pelas diretrizes internacionais sobre a adaptação de testes, culminando em estudo piloto com uma amostra de 120 inventários, respondidos pelos pais/cuidadores de crianças portuguesas da referida faixa etária. Resultados: Os coeficientes de consistência interna (Alfa de Cronbach) para a versão portuguesa do LUI situaram-se em 0,97 para a escala total e entre 0,71 e 0,96 para as subescalas. Conclusão: Os resultados preliminares dos estudos de adaptação e de validação do LUI-Pt para crianças portuguesas são promissores e asseguram a validade interna desta escala em termos da sua dimensionalidade e consistência interna

    Too close for comfort: spatial patterns in acorn barnacle populations

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    Spatial patterns in aggregations form as a result of the interplay between costs and benefits experienced by individuals. Such self-organisation of aggregations can be explained using a zonal model in which a short-range zone of repulsion and longer-range zone of attraction surrounding individuals leads to emergent pattern properties. The signal of these processes can be detected using spatial pattern analyses. Furthermore, in sessile organisms, post-settlement mortality reveals the relative costs and benefits of positions within the aggregation. Acorn barnacles are known to require contact with conspecifics for reproduction and are therefore believed to aggregate for this purpose; isolated individuals may also be more susceptible to abiotic stress and predation. At short distances, however, competition for space and resources is likely to occur. In this study spatial patterns of barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides L.) were analysed using pair-correlation functions. Individuals were dispersed at distances below 0.30 cm, but peak relative density occurred at a distance of 0.36 cm from conspecifics. This is much closer than required for reproductive access, implying a strong aggregative drive, up to the point of physical contact with neighbours. Nevertheless, analysis of dead barnacles illustrated that such proximity carries a cost as barnacles with many neighbours were more likely to have died. The inferences obtained from these patterns are that barnacles aggregate as closely as they can, and that local neighbourhood competition is a powerful determinant of mortality. These processes give rise to the observed pattern properties