43 research outputs found

    Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA): Protocol for individual participant data meta-analyses

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    Objectives: Psychosocial factors have been hypothesized to increase the risk of cancer. This study aims (1) to test whether psychosocial factors (depression, anxiety, recent loss events, subjective social support, relationship status, general distress, and neuroticism) are associated with the incidence of any cancer (any, breast, lung, prostate, colorectal, smoking-related, and alcohol-related); (2) to test the interaction between psychosocial factors and factors related to cancer risk (smoking, alcohol use, weight, physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep, age, sex, education, hormone replacement therapy, and menopausal status) with regard to the incidence of cancer; and (3) to test the mediating role of health behaviors (smoking, alcohol use, weight, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep) in the relationship between psychosocial factors and the incidence of cancer. Methods: The psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA) consortium was established involving experts in the field of (psycho-)oncology, methodology, and epidemiology. Using data collected in 18 cohorts (N = 617,355), a preplanned two-stage individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis is proposed. Standardized analyses will be conducted on harmonized datasets for each cohort (stage 1), and meta-analyses will be performed on the risk estimates (stage 2). Conclusion: PSY-CA aims to elucidate the relationship between psychosocial factors and cancer risk by addressing several shortcomings of prior meta-analyses

    Novel Approach Identifies SNPs in SLC2A10 and KCNK9 with Evidence for Parent-of-Origin Effect on Body Mass Index

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    Marja-Liisa Lokki työryhmien Generation Scotland Consortium, LifeLines Cohort Study ja GIANT Consortium jäsenPeer reviewe

    Elastic web crippling of thin-walled cold formed steel members

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    In this paper, first two different analytical web crippling stiffness models are described, namely a beam-on-elastic-foundation model and an energy model. Then a description is given of the finite element model, which was used to check the accuracy of these models. These finite element simulations have been validated against experimental results. Subsequently the parameter study is described, which was carried out to compare the results of the beam-on-elastic foundation model and the energy model with the results of finite element simulations. Based on these results the analytical models have been optimized by adding empirical correction factors. Finally conclusions and recommendations for further research are given

    Human and environmental risks of containers containing dangerous volatile substances

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    Dit rapport is vervangen door 609021091 (20090526)Mensen in de directe nabijheid van een net geopende (gegaste) zeecontainer staan mogelijk bloot aan hoge concentraties vluchtige organische stoffen. Blootstelling hieraan kan leiden tot een acuut gezondheidsrisico. Consumenten kunnen met deze stoffen in aanraking komen als deze uitdampen uit goederen die in die containers zijn vervoerd. Het RIVM onderzocht drie van zulke producten: twee matrassen en een paar schoenen. Deze producten zijn geselecteerd omdat de consument bij het gebruik ervan langdurig aan de stoffen wordt blootgesteld. Ondanks deze lange duur treden geen onacceptabele gezondheidsrisico's op. Het RIVM kan niet voor alle situaties gezondheidsrisico's uitsluiten. Het is echter niet mogelijk deze risico's te kwantificeren. Gegevens ontbreken en er bestaan veel blootstellingsroutes. De gevaarlijke stoffen komen op twee manieren in containers en producten terecht. Stoffen als methylbromide en 1,2-dichloorethaan worden gebruikt om goederen en verpakkingshout te ontsmetten. Ze worden voor het transport in de containers ingebracht. Tijdens langdurig transport kunnen ze in de vervoerde producten gaan zitten. Andere stoffen, zoals benzeen en tolueen, worden tijdens het productieproces als bestanddeel of oplosmiddel gebruikt. Als de stoffen in de producten zitten kunnen ze daaruit binnenshuis uitdampen. Voor het verminderen van de blootstelling van burgers ziet het RIVM verschillende opties. Het verminderen van het gebruik van deze middelen is er een. Dit kunnen producenten en importeurs bereiken door meer eisen te stellen aan het gebruik van dergelijke stoffen tijdens productie of voor transport.People in the immediate surroundings of a maritime container that has been opened recently may be exposed to high concentrations of volatile organic substances. Exposure to such substances may result in an acute health risk. These substances may come into contact with consumers if they evaporate from products that were transported in those containers. RIVM has examined three such products: two mattresses and a pair of shoes. These products were selected because the consumer, when using these products, is exposed to these substances for a long time. Despite this prolonged duration, no unacceptable health risks were found. RIVM cannot rule out health risks in all situations. However, it is not possible to quantify these risks: the relevant data are lacking and there are many exposure pathways. The hazardous substances get into containers and products in two ways. Substances such as methyl bromide and 1,2-dichloroethane are used to disinfect products and packaging timber, and are put into the container before transport. During prolonged transport they may enter the relevant goods. Other substances, e.g. benzene en toluene, are used as components or solvents in the production process. If such substances are contained in the products, they may evaporate from the products in enclosed areas. RIVM sees various options for reducing exposure to these substances. One option is to reduce their use. Producers and importers may achieve this by placing additional requirements on the use of such substances in the production process or during transport.VROM-Inspecti

    C-reactive protein modifies the relationship between blood pressure and microalbuminuria

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    C-reactive protein (CRP) and microalbuminuria reflect intimately related components of the atherosclerotic disease process. Epidemiological studies found only modest associations between CRP and microalbuminuria. Blood pressure, one of the components of the metabolic syndrome in the general population, is the main determinant of microalbuminuria in diabetes and hypertension. We questioned whether CRP modifies the relationship of blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors with microalbuminuria in a cross-sectional study in 8592 inhabitants from Groningen, The Netherlands. The crude data showed an increase in the prevalence of microalbuminuria with increasing CRP quartiles (4.8, 9.6, 14.5, and 18.6%,