377 research outputs found

    Global Tuberculosis Report 2020 - Reflections on the Global TB burden, treatment and prevention efforts

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    The October 2020 Global TB report reviews TB control strategies and United Nations (UN) targets set in the political declaration at the September 2018 UN General Assembly high-level meeting on TB held in New York. Progress in TB care and prevention has been very slow. In 2019, TB remained the most common cause of death from a single infectious pathogen. Globally, an estimated 10.0 million people developed TB disease in 2019, and there were an estimated 1.2 million TB deaths among HIV-negative people and an additional 208, 000 deaths among people living with HIV. Adults accounted for 88% and children for 12% of people with TB. The WHO regions of South-East Asia (44%), Africa (25%), and the Western Pacific (18%) had the most people with TB. Eight countries accounted for two thirds of the global total: India (26%), Indonesia (8.5%), China (8.4%), the Philippines (6.0%), Pakistan (5.7%), Nigeria (4.4%), Bangladesh (3.6%) and South Africa (3.6%). Only 30% of the 3.5 million five-year target for children treated for TB was met. Major advances have been development of new all oral regimens for MDRTB and new regimens for preventive therapy. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic dislodged TB from the top infectious disease cause of mortality globally. Notably, global TB control efforts were not on track even before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many challenges remain to improve sub-optimal TB treatment and prevention services. Tuberculosis screening and diagnostic test services need to be ramped up. The major drivers of TB remain undernutrition, poverty, diabetes, tobacco smoking, and household air pollution and these need be addressed to achieve the WHO 2035 TB care and prevention targets. National programs need to include interventions for post-tuberculosis holistic wellbeing. From first detection of COVID-19 global coordination and political will with huge financial investments have led to the development of effective vaccines against SARS-CoV2 infection. The world now needs to similarly focus on development of new vaccines for TB utilizing new technological methods

    Influence of homogenization conditions on physical properties and antioxidant activity of fully biodegradable pea protein-alpha-tocopherol films

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    In this study, antioxidant biodegradable films based on pea protein and alpha-tocopherol were successfully developed by solution casting. The effect of both the homogenization conditions (rotor stator and microfluidizer) and the relative humidity (RH) on the microstructure and physical properties (transparency, tensile, oxygen and water vapour barrier properties) of pea protein/alpha-tocopherol-based films was evaluated. The addition of alpha-tocopherol produced minimal changes in the films transparency, while providing them with antioxidant properties and improved water vapour and oxygen barrier properties (up to 30 % in both water vapour and oxygen permeability) when films were at low and intermediate RH. The addition of alpha-tocopherol in microfluidized films gave rise to an increase in their resistance to break and extensibility (up to 27 % in E values) at intermediate and high RH. These results add a new insight into the potential of employing pea protein and alpha-tocopherol in the development of fully biodegradable antioxidant films which are of interest in food packagingThe authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia throughout the project AGL2010-20694, co-funded by FEDER. Author M.J.Fabra is a recipient of a Juan de la Cierva contract from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad.Fabra, MJ.; Jiménez, A.; Talens Oliag, P.; Chiralt, A. (2014). Influence of homogenization conditions on physical properties and antioxidant activity of fully biodegradable pea protein-alpha-tocopherol films. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 7(12):3569-3578. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-014-1372-0S35693578712ASTM (1995). Standard test methods for water vapor transmission of materials. Standards Desingnations: E96-95. In: Annual Book of ASTM Standards (pp. 406-413); American Society for Testing and Materials: Philadelphia, PA.ASTM (2001). Standard test method for tensile properties of thin plastic sheeting. Standard D882. In: Annual book of American Standard Testing Methods (pp 162-170). D882. Philadelphia:ASTM.Bertan, L. C., Tanada-Palmu, P. S., Siani, A. C., & Grosso, C. R. F. (2005). Effect of fatty acids and “Brazilian elemi” on composite films based on gelatin. Food Hydrocolloids, 19(1), 73–82.Byun, Y., Kim, Y. T., & Whiteside, S. (2010). Characterization of an antioxidant polylactic acid (PLA) film prepared with alpha-tocopherol, BHT and polyethylene glycol using film cast extruder. Journal of Food Engineering, 100, 239–244.Cerqueira, M. A., Costa, M. J., Fuciños, C., Pastrana, L. M., & Vicente, A. A. (2014). Development of active and nanotechnology-based smart edible packaging systems: physical-chemical characterization. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(5), 1472–1482.Choi, W. S., & Han, J. H. (2001). Physical and mechanical properties of pea–protein-based edible films. Journal of Food Science, 66, 319–322.Choi, W. S., & Han, J. H. (2002). Film-forming mechanism and heat denaturation effects on the physical and chemical properties of pea-protein-isolate edible films. Journal of Food Science, 67, 1399–1406.Fabra, M. J., Talens, P., & Chiralt, A. (2009). Microstructure and optical properties of sodium caseinate films containing oleic acidebeeswax mixtures. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 676–683.Fabra, M. J., Talens, P., & Chiralt, A. (2010). Water sorption isotherms and phase transitions of sodium caseinate–lipid films as affected by lipid interactions. Food Hydrocolloids, 24, 384–391.Fabra, M. J., Hambleton, A., Talens, P., Debeaufort, F., & Chiralt, A. (2011). Effect of ferulic acid and α-tocopherol antioxidants on properties of sodium caseinate edible films. Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 1441–1447.Fabra, M. J., Talens, P., Gavara, R., & Chiralt, A. (2012). Barrier properties of sodium caseinate films as affected by lipid composition and moisture content. Journal of Food Engineering, 109, 372–379.Frankel, E. N., Huang, S. W., Kanner, J., & German, J. B. (1994). Interfacial phenomena in the evaluation of antioxidants: bulk oils vs emulsions. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 42(5), 1054–1059.Gómez-Estaca, J., Giménez, B., Montero, P., & Gómez-Guillén, M. C. (2009). Incorporation of antioxidant borage extract into edible films based on sole skin gelatin or a commercial fish gelatin. Journal of Food Engineering, 92, 78–85.Huang, S. W., Frankel, E. N., & German, J. B. (1994). Antioxidant activity of alpha.- and.gamma.-tocopherols in bulk oils and in oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 42(10), 2108–2114.Hutchings, J. B. (1999). Food and colour appearance (2nd ed.). Gaithersburg: Chapman and Hall Food Science Book, Aspen Publication.Jiménez, A., Fabra, M. J., Talens, P., & Chiralt, A. (2010). Effect of lipid self-association on the microstructure and physical properties of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose edible films containing fatty acids. Carbohydrate Polymers, 82(3), 585–593.Jiménez, A., Fabra, M. J., Talens, P., & Chiralt, A. (2013). Physical properties and antioxidant capacity of starch-sodium caseinate films containing lipids. Journal of Food Engineering, 116(3), 695–702.Jung, M. Y., & Min, D. B. (1990). Effects of alpha-. γ-, and δ-tocopherols on oxidative stability of soybean oil. Journal of Food Science, 55(5), 1464–1465.López-de-Dicastillo, C., Alonso, J. M., Catalá, R., Gavara, R., & Hernández-Muñoz, P. (2010). Improving the antioxidant protection of packaged food by incorporating natural flavonoids into ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) films. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 10958–10964.Ma, W., Tang, C.-H., Yin, S.-W., Yang, X. Q., Qi, J. R., & Xia, N. (2012). Effect of homogenization conditions on properties of gelatin-olive oil composite films. Journal of Food Engineering, 113(1), 136–142.Mauer, L. J., Smith, D. E., & Labuza, T. P. (2000). Water vapor permeability, mechanical, and structural properties of edible β-casein films. International Dairy Journal, 10(5–6), 353–358.Mc Hugh, T. H., Avena-Bustillos, R., & Krochta, J. M. (1993). Hydrophobic edible films:modified procedure for water vapor permeability and explanation of thickness effects. Journal of Food Science, 58(4), 899–903.McHugh, T. H., & Krochta, J. M. (1994). Dispersed phase particle size effects on water vapour permeability of whey protein–beeswax emulsion films. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 18, 173–188.Ozkan, G., Simsek, B., & Kuleasan, H. (2007). Antioxidant activities of Satureja cilicica essential oil in butter and in vitro. Journal of Food Engineering, 79, 1391–1396.Pereira de Abreu, D. A., Paseiro Losada, P., Maroto, J., & Cruz, J. M. (2011). Natural antioxidant active packaging film and its effect on lipid damage in frozen blue shark (Prionace glauca). Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 12, 50–55.Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decoloration assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231–1237.Roos, Y. H. (1995). Phase transitions in food. San Diego: Academic Press.Salgado, P. R., Molina Ortiz, S. E., Petruccelli, S., & Mauri, A. N. (2010). Biodegradable sunflower protein films naturally activated with antioxidant compounds. Food Hydrocolloids, 24(5), 525–533.Salgado, P. R., Fernández, G. B., Drago, S. R., & Mauri, A. N. (2011). Addition of bovine plasma hydrolysates improves the antioxidant properties of soybean and sunflower protein-based films. Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 1433–1440.Samaranayaka, A. G. P., & Li-Chan, E. C. Y. (2008). Autolysis-assisted production of fish protein hydrolysates with antioxidant properties form Pacific hake (Merluccius productus). Food Chemistry, 107, 768–776.Souza, B. W. S., Cerqueira, A., Casariego, A., Lima, A. M. P., Teixeira, J. A., & Vicente, A. A. (2009). Effect of moderate electric fields in the permeation properties of chitosan coatings. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 2110–2115

    Frequency, mutual exclusivity and clinical associations of myositis autoantibodies in a combined European cohort of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy patients

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    Objectives: To determine prevalence and co-existence of myositis specific autoantibodies (MSAs) and myositis associated autoantibodies (MAAs) and associated clinical characteristics in a large cohort of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) patients. Methods: Adult patients with confirmed IIM recruited to the EuroMyositis registry (n = 1637) from four centres were investigated for the presence of MSAs/MAAs by radiolabelled-immunoprecipitation, with confirmation of anti-MDA5 and anti-NXP2 by ELISA. Clinical associations for each autoantibody were calculated for 1483 patients with a single or no known autoantibody by global linear regression modelling. Results: MSAs/MAAs were found in 61.5% of patients, with 84.7% of autoantibody positive patients having a sole specificity, and only three cases (0.2%) having more than one MSA. The most frequently detected autoantibody was anti-Jo-1 (18.7%), with a further 21 specificities each found in 0.2–7.9% of patients. Autoantibodies to Mi-2, SAE, TIF1, NXP2, MDA5, PMScl and the non-Jo-1 tRNA-synthetases were strongly associated (p < 0.001) with cutaneous involvement. Anti-TIF1 and anti-Mi-2 positive patients had an increased risk of malignancy (OR 4.67 and 2.50 respectively), and anti-SRP patients had a greater likelihood of cardiac involvement (OR 4.15). Interstitial lung disease was strongly associated with the anti-tRNA synthetases, anti-MDA5, and anti-U1RNP/Sm. Overlap disease was strongly associated with anti-PMScl, anti-Ku, anti-U1RNP/Sm and anti-Ro60. Absence of MSA/MAA was negatively associated with extra-muscular manifestations. Conclusions: Myositis autoantibodies are present in the majority of patients with IIM and identify distinct clinical subsets. Furthermore, MSAs are nearly always mutually exclusive endorsing their credentials as valuable disease biomarkers

    Radiation-induced cancer after radiotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the head and neck: a retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>survivors of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) are well known to be at an increased risk of second malignancies. In this study, we evaluated the incidence and clinical features of head and neck cancer (HNC) occurring after radiotherapy (RT) for NHL.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>We investigated the clinical records of 322 patients who had received RT for early-stage NHL of the head and neck at our institute between 1952 and 2000.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 4 patients with a second HNC developing in the irradiated field, consisting of 2 patients with gum cancer, 1 case with tongue cancer and 1 case with maxillary sinus cancer. The pathological diagnosis in all the 4 patients was squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Two of the patients (one with gum cancer and one with maxillary sinus cancer) died of the second HNC, while the remaining 2 patients are still living at the time of writing after therapy for the second HNC, with neither recurrence of the second tumor nor relapse of the primary tumor. The ratio of the observed to the expected number (O/E ratio) of a second HNC was calculated to be 12.7 (95%CI, 4.07–35.0), and the absolute excess risk (AER) per 10,000 person-years was 13.3. The median interval between the RT and the diagnosis of the second HNC was 17.0 years (range, 8.7 to 22.7 years).</p> <p>Conlusion</p> <p>The risk of HNC significantly increased after RT for early-stage NHL. These results suggest that second HNC can be regarded as one of the late complications of RT for NHL of the head and neck.</p

    Designing perturbative metamaterials from discrete models

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    Identifying material geometries that lead to metamaterials with desired functionalities presents a challenge for the field. Discrete, or reduced-order, models provide a concise description of complex phenomena, such as negative refraction, or topological surface states; therefore, the combination of geometric building blocks to replicate discrete models presenting the desired features represents a promising approach. However, there is no reliable way to solve such an inverse problem. Here, we introduce ‘perturbative metamaterials’, a class of metamaterials consisting of weakly interacting unit cells. The weak interaction allows us to associate each element of the discrete model with individual geometric features of the metamaterial, thereby enabling a systematic design process. We demonstrate our approach by designing two-dimensional elastic metamaterials that realize Veselago lenses, zero-dispersion bands and topological surface phonons. While our selected examples are within the mechanical domain, the same design principle can be applied to acoustic, thermal and photonic metamaterials composed of weakly interacting unit cells

    Search for Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Hole Binary Coalescences in the Galactic Halo

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    We use data from the second science run of the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors to search for the gravitational waves from primordial black hole (PBH) binary coalescence with component masses in the range 0.2--1.0M1.0 M_\odot. The analysis requires a signal to be found in the data from both LIGO observatories, according to a set of coincidence criteria. No inspiral signals were found. Assuming a spherical halo with core radius 5 kpc extending to 50 kpc containing non-spinning black holes with masses in the range 0.2--1.0M1.0 M_\odot, we place an observational upper limit on the rate of PBH coalescence of 63 per year per Milky Way halo (MWH) with 90% confidence.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comparative 3D analyses and palaeoecology of giant early amphibians (Temnospondyli: Stereospondyli)

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    Macroevolutionary, palaeoecological and biomechanical analyses in deep time offer the possibility to decipher the structural constraints, ecomorphological patterns and evolutionary history of extinct groups. Here, 3D comparative biomechanical analyses of the extinct giant early amphibian group of stereospondyls together with living lissamphibians and crocodiles, shows that: i) stereospondyls had peculiar palaeoecological niches with proper bites and stress patterns very different than those of giant salamanders and crocodiles; ii) their extinction may be correlated with the appearance of neosuchians, which display morphofunctional innovations. Stereospondyls weathered the end-Permian mass extinction, re-radiated, acquired gigantic sizes and dominated (semi) aquatic ecosystems during the Triassic. Because these ecosystems are today occupied by crocodilians, and stereospondyls are extinct amphibians, their palaeobiology is a matter of an intensive debate: stereospondyls were a priori compared with putative living analogous such as giant salamanders and/or crocodilians and our new results try to close this debate.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version