10 research outputs found

    Survival and cellular heterogeneity of epithelium in cultured mouse and rat precision-cut intestinal slices

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    Precision-cut intestinal slices (PCIS) are used to study intestinal (patho)physiology, drug efficacy, toxicity, transport and metabolism ex vivo. One of the factors that limit the use of PCIS is a relatively short life-span. Moreover, culture-induced changes in cellular composition of PCIS remain largely uncharacterized. In this study, we demonstrated the epithelial cell heterogeneity in mouse and rat PCIS and its alterations during culture. In addition, we evaluated whether the presence of niche growth factors impacts the survival of PCIS epithelial cells. We showed that freshly prepared PCIS retained the main epithelial cell types, namely absorptive enterocytes, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells, stem cells, transit-amplifying cells and Paneth cells. Once placed in culture, PCIS displayed progressive epithelial damage, and loss of these epithelial cell types. Cells comprising the intestinal stem cell niche were especially sensitive to the damage, and the addition of niche growth factors beneficially affected the survival of stem cells and transit-amplifying cells in PCIS during culture. In conclusion, this study provides new insights into the dynamic changes in cellular composition of epithelium in cultured PCIS, paving the way to future toxicological and pharmacological studies in an informed and reliable ex vivo setting

    Human 3D multicellular microtissues: An upgraded model for the in vitro mechanistic investigation of inflammation-associated drug toxicity

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    Inflammation is one of the factors that may increase the sensitivity of hepatic cells to acetaminophen (APAP) induced toxicity. To investigate the mechanisms, we exposed 3-dimensional (3D) Human Liver Microtissues, a co-culture of primary human hepatocytes (PHH) and Kupffer cells (KCs), to 0, 0.5 (low), 5 (median) and 10 mM (high dose) APAP for 24 h, with/without lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Microarray-technology was used to evaluate the transcriptome changes. In the presence of LPS, the median-dose of APAP is sufficient to inhibit the expression of respiratory chain-and antioxidant-related genes, suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress. Furthermore, the median- and high-dose of APAP inhibited the expression of Fc fragment receptor (Fc gamma R)-coding genes, regardless of the presence of LPS. The toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression, however, was continuously elevated after the LPS/APAP co-exposures, which may result in reduced KC-phagocytosis and unbalanced cytokine patterns. Compared to the treatment with LPS only, LPS/APAP co-exposures induced the production of interleukin (IL)-8, a pro-inflammatory cytokine, but suppressed the secretion of IL-6, a cytokine regulating hepatic regeneration, along with the increase in APAP dosages. In addition to the disrupted mitochondrial functions, the presence of LPS exacerbated APAP toxicity. These findings suggest that 3D Microtissues are a suitable model for the mechanistic exploration of inflammation-associated drug toxicity

    Recent advances in 2D and 3D in vitro systems using primary hepatocytes, alternative hepatocyte sources and non-parenchymal liver cells and their use in investigating mechanisms of hepatotoxicity, cell signaling and ADME

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    This review encompasses the most important advances in liver functions and hepatotoxicity and analyzes which mechanisms can be studied in vitro. In a complex architecture of nested, zonated lobules, the liver consists of approximately 80 % hepatocytes and 20 % non-parenchymal cells, the latter being involved in a secondary phase that may dramatically aggravate the initial damage. Hepatotoxicity, as well as hepatic metabolism, is controlled by a set of nuclear receptors (including PXR, CAR, HNF-4α, FXR, LXR, SHP, VDR and PPAR) and signaling pathways. When isolating liver cells, some pathways are activated, e.g., the RAS/MEK/ERK pathway, whereas others are silenced (e.g. HNF-4α), resulting in up- and downregulation of hundreds of genes. An understanding of these changes is crucial for a correct interpretation of in vitro data. The possibilities and limitations of the most useful liver in vitro systems are summarized, including three-dimensional culture techniques, co-cultures with non-parenchymal cells, hepatospheres, precision cut liver slices and the isolated perfused liver. Also discussed is how closely hepatoma, stem cell and iPS cell–derived hepatocyte-like-cells resemble real hepatocytes. Finally, a summary is given of the state of the art of liver in vitro and mathematical modeling systems that are currently used in the pharmaceutical industry with an emphasis on drug metabolism, prediction of clearance, drug interaction, transporter studies and hepatotoxicity. One key message is that despite our enthusiasm for in vitro systems, we must never lose sight of the in vivo situation. Although hepatocytes have been isolated for decades, the hunt for relevant alternative systems has only just begun