3,936 research outputs found

    On the Upper Ordovician unconformity in the Pyrenees: New evidence from the La Cerdanya area

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    In recent years, contradictory reports about whether or not an unconformity exists at the base of the Upper Ordovician succession of the Pyrenees have been made. In the Cerdanya area (Central Pyrenees), good outcrop evidence for this unconformity is displayed at the base of the Rabassa conglomerates. In this area, the Upper Ordovician rocks overlie a tilted Cambro-Ordovician sequence, displaying an angular unconformity and indicating a break in the stratigraphic series. Moreover, the existence of such an unconformity is supported by the distribution of Variscan minor structures, suggesting that the Cambro-Ordovician and the Upper Ordovician strata initially had different orientations before the main Variscan folding

    Duración de la gestación en el ganado vacuno de raza Retinta

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    Este trabajo ha sido extraído de la tesina de licenciatura "Duración de la gestación en el ganado vacuno Retinto: Aplicación práctica en el plan de mejora", realizada por J. M. Pastor y dirigida por A. Molina. Esta fue delendida en la Universidad de Córdoba en 1996, obteniendo la calificación de Sobresaliente

    Mira de Amescua, maestro de Calderón

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    The monitoring plan of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) is a fundamental element within its management plan, being designed for meeting the requirements of the site, as well as controlling and informing about the processes affecting the system analysed. Despite its importance, several deficiencies have been found in the monitoring and management plans of the Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) of the Macaronesian Region within Natura 2000 network. One of these shortfalls deals with the indicators selected. Taking advantage of the need of producing a management plan for upgrading the Banco de La Concepción to a SAC, a methodology able to deal with this issue and to generate the necessary guidelines and recommendations on which the management plan can be based, has been set up. Banco de La Concepción is an offshore seamount located in the Macaronesian biogeographical region, characterized by being a spot of high productivity and biodiversity within a more oligotrophic environment. Among the communities and species existing there we can highlight the presence of reef communities considered a priority habitat and included in the Annex I of the European Habitats Directive as sensitive habitat, as well as the presence of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), both sensitive species included in the Annex II of the same directive. The methods used have been various including: i) the development of a driver-pressure-state-impacts-response (DPSIR) conceptual model, with the aim of determining the elements affecting the MPA for selecting a suitable list of indicators, ii) the Delphi method for incorporating the experts’ opinion, and iii) the implementation of a Multicriteria-Decision-Analysis (MCDA) approach, specifically the Analytical-Hierarchy-Process (AHP) for determining the suitability of the indicators for the evaluated system, thus generating a novel methodological combination used for the first time in a Spain for MPA evaluation. The results obtained highlight the suitability of 18 indicators from 144 initially detected, divided within four groups considered (driving forces, pressures, state/impact and responses). Among them “Fishing effort”, “Catch per unit effort”, “Extent of Habitats/Communities” and “Existence and adoption of a monitoring plan” stand out as the more appropriate for each group regarding the Banco de La Concepción monitoring. Finally, the advices given by the project INDEMARES have been followed and an alternative methodology able to perform in a transparent way the selection of indicators for the Spanish marine SACs management plans, which they currently lack, has been developed

    La proyección térmica en la obtención de recubrimientos biocompatibles ventajas de la proyección térmica por alta velocidad (HVOF) sobre la proyección térmica por plasma atmosférico (APS)

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    Aunque el uso de biomateriales se remonta a la antigüedad, no fue hasta el siglo XX cuando se empezaron a utilizar los materiales biocerámicos en aplicaciones ortopédicas y dentales debido a las similitudes con los componentes que se encuentran en los tejidos duros. Pese a que estudios clínicos han demostrado la evidencia de osteointegración de la hidroxiapatita (HAp) su uso se ha limitado a aquellas aplicaciones que no soporten grandes cargas debido su carácter rígido y frágil. Una solución fue recubrir metales de manera que se aunaron las propiedades bioactivas que presenta la hidroxiapatita y las buenas propiedades mecánicas que ofrecen los metales, evitando los problemas de fragilidad de un implante totalmente cerámico. El recubrimiento de un metal con HAp es un proceso complejo y de él depende, en gran parte, el éxito clínico del implante. La proyección por plasma atmosférico (APS), aunque se trata de la técnica más utilizada por la industria, presenta el inconveniente de degradar térmicamente las partículas de HAp generando una fase amorfa y otras fases de fosfato de calcio que pueden ser resorbidas por el cuerpo degradando rápidamente el recubrimiento y comprometer el implante. La proyección térmica por alta velocidad (HVOF) se presenta en este trabajo como una alternativa para obtener recubrimientos de gran calidad conservando las mismas ventajas que APS

    Agronomic, economic and ecological aspects of the papaya (Carica papaya) production in Tabasco, Mexico

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    The cultivation of papaya is important in the tropic because it provides source of income to the farmer within a short time. Statistical data were obtained from farmers located in the Chontalpa, Rios and Centro-Sierra regions; the size of the survey was 67 farmers. The study shows the results of the farmers’ problem in a drastic reduction of their productivity because of the virosis and low prices in commercialization. The farmers were classified into three levels of technology, “low”, “middle” and “high”. The first one covers 88% of the farmers in seasonal conditions in contrast with the high technology that concentrates 4.5% in irrigation conditions. According to the technology used, the fertilizer shows more yields. Economically, the high technology had an internal tax return of 0.43 in comparison with the low technology of 0.25, which means that the investment is recovered with different yields. However, the use of high technology makes the system more competitive. Key words

    Electronic medical record alert in patients with hemophilia at a teaching hospital emergency department

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    P157 Introduction: Patients with hemophilia are often not treated appropriately when they present out-of-hours to an emergency department (ED). Delays in replacement therapy can affect morbi- mortality. Clinical decision support systems include electronic medical record alerts (EMRA) and guidelines that assist in diagnosis and treatment. Aim: Audit the computerized automated alert tool in the electronic medical record in order to notify the need of health care provision of hemophilia patients in ED. Methods: Retrospective review (February 2015- March 2019) of health care alert notification emails regarding of hemophilia patients in our centre, received and generated by computer alert in the electronic medical record of the ED. Results: 164 visits to ED were registered, corresponding to 39 (37.5%) of the 104 hemophilia patients (pts) from our center. 28 of 80 pts with hemophilia A (HA) and 11 of 24 pts with HB. Median age 25 years (range: 5- 67). 31 were adults (median 33 years; range: 15-67) and 8 children under 15 (range 5- 14). Distribution by type and severity: HA: severe 9, moderate 2, mild 17; HB: severe 8, moderate 1, mild 2. 16 were under prophylaxis and 23 on demand. 11 went once to ED, 9 twice, 5 pts 3 times and 14 (36.6%) >5 times (5 with associated comorbidities). Causes for consultation (59 due to trauma and 57 directly related to hemophilia): Cutaneous/muscle bleed 18 episodes (Iliopsoas 5, cutaneous 5, other muscle 8), Joint pain 38 (bleed 8, synovitis 5, sprain 6, contusion 9, knee pain 2, post- traumatic fracture 3, nonspecific pain 5), abdominal pain 14 (gastroenteritis 5, gastrointestinal bleed 4, inguinal hernia 1, nonspecific pain 4), traumatic incise wound 4, infection 14, treatment administration 15, gingivorrhagia 7, colic pain/hematuria 7, toothache 4, allergic skin reaction 4, epistaxis 3, head trauma 2 and other causes not related to hemophilia 34 episodes. 23 hospital admissions were made in16 pts. The average length of stay of all patients admitted to ED was 4.8 hours as opposed to 2.4 hours (range: 0.1- 44.3) in hemophiliacs. Discussion/Conclusion: In our experience, only one third of patients consult with symptoms related to hemophilia at ED. The reason for hospital admission is mostly associated to other comorbidities. EMRA system allows early care provision, better compliance with the healthcare protocol, and shorten the length of stay and reducing morbidity in hemophilia patients