53 research outputs found

    Classifying seabed sediment type using simulated tidal-induced bed shear stress

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    An ability to estimate the large-scale spatial variability of seabed sediment type in the absence of extensive observational data is valuable for many applications. In some physical (e.g., morphodynamic) models, knowledge of seabed sediment type is important for inputting spatially-varying bed roughness, and in biological studies, an ability to estimate the distribution of seabed sediment benefits habitat mapping (e.g., scallop dredging). Although shelf sea sediment motion is complex, driven by a combination of tidal currents, waves, and wind-driven currents, in many tidally energetic seas, such as the Irish Sea, long-term seabed sediment transport is dominated by tidal currents. We compare observations of seabed sediment grain size from 242 Irish Sea seabed samples with simulated tidal-induced bed shear stress from a three-dimensional tidal model (ROMS) to quantitatively define the relationship between observed grain size and simulated bed shear stress. With focus on the median grain size of well-sorted seabed sediment samples, we present predictive maps of the distribution of seabed sediment classes in the Irish Sea, ranging from mud to gravel. When compared with the distribution of well-sorted sediment classifications (mud, sand and gravel) from the British Geological Survey digital seabed sediment map of Irish Sea sediments (DigSBS250), this �grain size tidal current proxy� (GSTCP) correctly estimates the observed seabed sediment classification in over 73% of the area

    Palaeoclimatology and palaeohydrography of the glacial stages on Celtic and Armorican margins over the last 360 000 yrs

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    Core MD03-2692 was retrieved in a water-depth of 4064 m on the Celtic margin (Bay of Biscay) during the SEDICAR cruise onboard the RV Marion Dufresne II. It covers the last 360 ka in a total length of 39 m. Multidisciplinary analyses have been applied to this sequence with the aim of studying the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental signals of the last few climatic cycles. The analyses undertaken include: (1) non-destructive logging with: physical properties (magnetic susceptibility, sediment colour), X-ray radiography and measurement of the major elements by X-ray-fluorescence, (2) analyses of planktonic and benthic foraminifera, lithic grains and stable isotopic measurements (oxygen and carbon). We have focused on the long-term evolution of glacial stages (with special attention to terminations and Heinrich events). The results obtained confirm the close correlation between deep-sea sedimentation recorded on the Celtic margin and changes in the terrestrial environment of the adjacent continent. Heinrich layers have been identified in MIS 2, 3, 6 and 8. We note the occurrence of laminated facies within deglacial sequences deposited during Termination I and MIS 6. These facies are closely linked to disintegration phases of the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIS). The laminations contain lower ice-rafted detritus (IRD) concentrations than the equivalent Heinrich layers and are linked to abrupt changes in sea-surface palaeotemperatures. We suggest that the laminations are formed by an annual cycle of meltwater and iceberg release from the disintegrating BIS generating cascading plumes of dense turbid meltwater coeval with IRD release

    Deglacial laminated facies on the NW European continental margin: The hydrographic significance of British-Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation and Fleuve Manche paleoriver discharges

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    [1] We have compiled results obtained from four high sedimentation rate hemipelagic sequences from the Celtic sector of the NW European margin ( NE Atlantic) to investigate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic evolution of the area over the last few climatic cycles. We focus on periods characteristic of deglacial transitions. We adopt a multiproxy sedimentological, geochemical, and micropaleontological approach, applying a sampling resolution down to ten microns for specific intervals. The investigation demonstrates the relationships between the Bay of Biscay hydrography and the glacial/deglacial history of both the proximal British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and the western European continent. We identify recurrent phases of laminae deposition concurrent with major BIIS deglacial episodes in all the studied cores. Evidence for abrupt freshwater discharges into the open ocean highlights the influence of such events at a regional scale. We discuss their impact at a global scale considering the present and past key location of the Bay of Biscay versus the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

    Exploring the extent to which fluctuations in ice‐rafted debris reflect mass changes in the source ice sheet : a model–observation comparison using the last British–Irish Ice Sheet

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    The British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) was highly dynamic during the Late Quaternary, with considerable regional differences in the timing and extent of its change. This was reflected in equally variable offshore ice‐rafted debris (IRD) records. Here we reconcile these two records using the FRUGAL intermediate complexity iceberg–climate model, with varying BIIS catchment‐level iceberg fluxes, to simulate change in IRD origin and magnitude along the western European margin at 1000‐year time steps during the height of the last BIIS glaciation (31–6 ka bp). This modelled IRD variability is compared with existing IRD records from the deep ocean at five cores along this margin. There is general agreement of the temporal and spatial IRD variability between observations and model through this period. The Porcupine Bank off northwestern Ireland was confirmed by the modelling as a major dividing line between sites possessing exclusively northern or southern source regions for offshore IRD. During Heinrich events 1 and 2, the cores show evidence of a proportion of North American IRD, more particularly to the south of the British Isles. Modelling supports this southern bias for likely Heinrich impact, but also suggests North American IRD will only reach the British margin in unusual circumstances

    Last Glacial Period Cryptotephra Deposits in an Eastern North Atlantic Marine Sequence: Exploring Linkages to the Greenland Ice-Cores

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    The establishment of a tephra framework for the Greenland ice-cores spanning the last glacial period, particularly between 25 and 45 ka b2k, provides strong potential for precisely correlating other palaeoclimatic records to these key archives. Tephra-based synchronisation allows the relative timing of past climatic changes recorded within different depositional environments and potential causal mechanisms to be assessed. Recent studies of North Atlantic marine records have demonstrated the potential of tracing cryptotephra horizons in these sequences and the development of protocols now allows a careful assessment of the isochronous nature of such horizons. Here we report on tephrochronological investigations of a marine sequence retrieved from the Goban Spur, Eastern North Atlantic, covering ?25–60 ka b2k. Density and magnetic separation techniques and an assessment of potential transport and depositional mechanisms have identified three previously unknown isochronous tephra horizons along with deposits of the widespread North Atlantic Ash Zone II and Faroe Marine Ash Zone III. Correlations between the new horizons and the Greenland ice-core tephra framework are explored and despite no tie-lines being identified the key roles that high-resolution climatostratigraphy and shard-specific trace element analysis can play within the assessment of correlations is demonstrated. The previously unknown horizons are new additions to the overall North Atlantic tephra framework for the last glacial period and could be key horizons for future correlations