28 research outputs found

    Análisis de la diversidad de los sistemas de producción agrícolas: un caso de estudio en el suroeste de Francia

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    The huge changes in agricultural activities, which may be amplified by the forthcoming Common Agriculture Policy reform, call the future of crop-livestock systems into question and hence the impact of these changes on landscapes and biodiversity. We analyzed relationships between agriculture, landscape and biodiversity in south-western France. The study area covered about 4000 ha and included four villages. We conducted a survey of 56 farms. Multivariate analysis (multiple factor analysis and cluster analysis) were used to analyze relationships between 25 variables and to build a typology. The type of farming (beef and/or dairy cattle, cash crops), size (area and workforce) and cultivation practices, among others, were revealed as differentiating factors of farms. Six farming types were identified (1) hillside mixed crop-livestock farms, (2) large ‘corporate’ farms, (3) extensive cattle farms, (4) large intensive farms on the valley sides, (5) small multiple-job holdings, and (6) ‘hobby’ farms. The diversity of farming systems revealed the variable impact of the main drivers of change affecting agricultural development, particularly the enlargement and modernization of farms along with the demography of agricultural holdings.Los enormes cambios experimentados en las actividades agrícolas en Europa, que podrían ser amplificados por la próxima reforma de la política agrícola común de Europa, cuestionan el futuro de los sistemas agropecuarios y, por tanto, el impacto de estos cambios en el paisaje y en la biodiversidad. Para ello, se estudiaron las relaciones entre la agricultura, el paisaje y la biodiversidad en el suroeste de Francia (Cerros de Gascuña). El área de estudio cubre aproximadamente 4000 ha e incluye cuatro municipios. Los datos relacionados con las actividades agrícolas provienen de encuestas realizadas en 56 explotaciones. Para estudiar las relaciones entre 25 variables, se utilizaron análisis multivariados (análisis factorial múltiple y análisis de conglomerados) y se elaboró una tipología. Los factores de diferenciación identificados, entre otros, son: el tipo de producción (ganado de carne y/o lechero, cultivos herbáceos), tamaño (superficie y mano de obra) y prácticas de cultivo. Se distinguieron seis tipos de explotaciones: (1) explotaciones de ladera que combinan agricultura y ganadería, (2) grandes explotaciones corporativas, (3) explotaciones ganaderas extensivas, (4) grandes explotaciones intensivas en valles, (5) pequeñas fincas explotadas a tiempo parcial, y (6) explotaciones para ocio. La diversidad de los sistemas de producción reveló el impacto variable de las principales fuerzas de cambio que afectan al desarrollo de la agricultura, en particular a la ampliación y modernización de las explotaciones, junto con la demografía de la población agrícola

    Building Decision Tools for Sustainable Grassland Management: A Case Study of Participatory Research in La Réunion

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    During the last 30 years, cattle breeding has developed in La Reunion Island (France, Indian Ocean) with strong support from local authorities and extension structures. The Union des Associations Foncières Pastorales (UAFP) initiated and still sustain a large effort on grassland improvement. During the same period, CIRAD managed different research programmes on agronomic aspects of pasture management). Scarcity of space, the volcanic soil and tropical climatic conditions contributed to repeated forage shortages during the dry season, making forage production a major issue for cattle breeders. In 1991, CIRAD launched a research programme to elaborate decision tools for assessing and improving pasture management. A partnership was developed with UAFP, with the local institution being involved in the elaboration of the tools and now being completely in charge of their use to advise cattle breeders on pasture management

    Méthodologie d’analyse et d’évaluation technico- économique des systèmes de production ovine et caprine

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    . Cet article rapporte le travail effectué depuis 1994 par le groupe d’experts du sous-réseau FAO-CIHEAM sur les systèmes de production ovine et caprine, concernant la méthodologie d’évaluation de ces systèmes. L’objectif de ce travail était de mettre au point une méthodologie pour analyser, évaluer et comparer les systèmes de production ovine et caprine, et ainsi pour répondre aux besoins des éleveurs et des agents de développement dans les domaines du diagnostic, du conseil et de l’aide à la décision. La méthode repose sur l’estimation d’un ensemble d’indicateurs directement mesurés, ou d’indicateurs calculés à partir d’autres indicateurs concernant l’exploitation agricole dans son ensemble ou l’atelier ovin ou caprin exclusivement. Les indicateurs sont choisis après validation du groupe d’experts. L’article décrit comment dans certains cas, les difficultés sur le choix d’un ou plusieurs indicateurs ont été résolues. Au total, 196 indicateurs sont décrits dans les tableaux de 1 à 8 avec des conseils sur les conditions de calcul, la signification et l’interprétation de chaque indicateur. Cette méthode repose sur le travail d’enquête des agents de développement qui peuvent être aidés par les éleveurs au niveau de l’enregistrement des données. Les différentes approches pour interpréter les résultats en fonction des objectifs de l’étude sont passées en revue, en particulier l’interprétation par des "blocs diagnostics" et l’identification des points forts ou faibles de chaque système. La restitution des résultats aux éleveurs est considérée comme une phase essentielle de la méthode. La méthode a été appliquée dans des conditions différentes en Andalousie, en Roumanie, au Portugal et au Nord du Maroc pour validation ; ce qui a permis d’améliorer certains points de la méthode afin qu’elle puisse être appliquée de façon plus large.This paper presents the work undertaken since 1994 by a working group of experts from sub-network FAO-CIHEAM on systems of sheep and goat production, on evaluation’s methodology of such systems. The objective of this study was to set up a methodology for analysing and comparing the various systems of sheep and goat production, an so as to meet farmers and extension officers’ requirements in terms of diagnosis, advise and help to decision. This methodology may be applied only if the characteristics of sheep and goat units can be measurable and measured. The method is based on the assessment of a set of directly measured indicators, as well as indicators calculated by other indicators concerning the whole farm or sheep or goat units exclusively. The indicators are selected after validation decided by a working group of experts. The present paper reports on how in some cases, the difficulties on the choice of one or several indicators were solved. On overall, 196 indicators were described in tables from 1 to 8 with advises on conditions of calculation, the significance and interpretation of each indicator. This method is based on the work of survey of development agents likely to be helped by farmers at recording of data. The different approaches for interpreting results in accordance with the objectives of the study are presented in the present paper, particularly the interpretation by "indicators sets for diagnostic" and identification of major or weak points of each system. The diffusion of results to farmers is an essential phase of the method. This method was applied in different conditions in Andalusia, in Romania, in Portugal and Northern Morocco for validation purpose; this enabled the improvement of some points of the method so as to enlarge its field of applicatio

    An increase in food production in Europe could dramatically affect farmland biodiversity

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    Conversion of semi-natural habitats, such as field margins, fallows, hedgerows, grassland, woodlots and forests, to agricultural land could increase agricultural production and help meet rising global food demand. Yet, the extent to which such habitat loss would impact biodiversity and wild species is unknown. Here we survey species richness for four taxa (vascular plants, earthworms, spiders, wild bees) and agricultural yield across a range of arable, grassland, mixed, horticulture, permanent crop, for organic and non-organic agricultural land on 169 farms across 10 European regions. We find that semi-natural habitats currently constitute 23% of land area with 49% of species unique to these habitats. We estimate that conversion of semi-natural land that achieves a 10% increase in agricultural production will have the greatest impact on biodiversity in arable systems and the least impact in grassland systems, with organic practices having better species retention than non-organic practices. Our findings will help inform sustainable agricultural development

    Biodiversity indicators in organic and conventional farming systems: main results from the European project BIOBIO

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    In the framework of the European project BIOBIO, we compared between countries habitat and cumulated species richnesses of plants, wild bees, spiders and earthworms, measured in 169 conventional and organic farms belonging to 10 case studies in 10 European countries. For the French case study (Gascony Valleys and Hills), correlations between direct (habitat and taxonomic richnesses) and indirect (agricultural practices) indicators of biodiversity within 8 conventional and 8 organic farms, were calculated. Results showed that the main driver of biodiversity at the farm level was the number of cultivated and above all semi-natural habitats, inthe French case study region as well as inthe other regions. This factor partially explained the highest biodiversity level of the French case study region. However, farming practices, specific or not to the organic and conventional systems, most often drove biodiversity parameters at the habitat level. In fine, the project proposed the BIOBIO method for monitoring biodiversity in farms

    An increase in food production in Europe could dramatically affect farmland biodiversity

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    Conversion of semi-natural habitats, such as field margins, fallows, hedgerows, grassland, woodlots and forests, to agricultural land could increase agricultural production and help meet rising global food demand. Yet, the extent to which such habitat loss would impact biodiversity and wild species is unknown. Here we survey species richness for four taxa (vascular plants, earthworms, spiders, wild bees) and agricultural yield across a range of arable, grassland, mixed, horticulture, permanent crop, for organic and non-organic agricultural land on 169 farms across 10 European regions. We find that semi-natural habitats currently constitute 23% of land area with 49% of species unique to these habitats. We estimate that conversion of semi-natural land that achieves a 10% increase in agricultural production will have the greatest impact on biodiversity in arable systems and the least impact in grassland systems, with organic practices having better species retention than non-organic practices. Our findings will help inform sustainable agricultural development

    Le modèle d’exploitation agricole familiale réunionnais face à l’accroissement des contraintes foncières et économiques

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    National audienceSince the 1970s, the promotion of the French model of family farming in Reunion has led to the emergence of a class of medium-size “professional” farms. The originality of the process lies in the capacity of the local participants to make a foreign model their own, since agriculture there was based on a plantation economy. The establishment of this ″neofarming″ is based on land reforms and land use plans to develop the highlands as well as on specific financial aid aimed at compensation for natural limitations. This reform was a success in terms both of the number of recipients and the contribution to the development of real agricultural production. Nonetheless,funding for the reforms has been exhausted. The rising price of land and the increase in economic constraints, reinforced by the additional costs associated with distance from, and pressure of, the markets, have left the model at a standstill. To meet these new constraints, the stimulation strategy recommended by the agricultural institutions relies on a productivist approach (improved productivity, increased farm size, compensation for limitations). While there is still some margin for manoeuvre, the land constraints and urbanization reinforce the maximization of assets rather than of production. The authors discuss the dual vision of agriculture (professional versus social farming) of the professional organizations. They suggest a continuum of extremely diversified strategies. The essentially periurban status of farming and the availability of time made possible by sugar cane production are factors that favour the development of diversification and part-time farming. These choices appear to contradict the recommended model of a specialized farm providing full-time work for a couple of operators.La promotion du modèle français d’exploitation agricole familiale à La Réunion a permis, depuis les années 1970, l’émergence d’une classe d’exploitations moyennes dites « professionnelles ». L’originalité de ce processus réside dans la capacité des acteurs locaux à « endogénéiser » un modèle qui leur était étranger puisque l’agriculture était fondée sur une économie de plantation. La mise en place de cette « néoexploitation » s’est appuyée sur la réforme foncière et le plan d’aménagement des Hauts ainsi que sur des aides financières spécifiques visant à compenser les handicaps naturels. Cette réforme a été un succès tant en termes de nombre d’attributaires que de contribution au développement de véritables filières agricoles. Toutefois, les ressorts de la réforme sont aujourd’hui épuisés. Le renchérissement du foncier ainsi que l’accroissement des contraintes économiques renforcées par les surcoûts liés à l’éloignement et la pression des marchés conduisent à un essoufflement du modèle. Pour répondre à ces nouvelles contraintes, la stratégie de relance préconisée par les institutions agricoles s’appuie sur une poursuite de la voie productiviste (amélioration de la productivité, accroissement de la taille des exploitations, compensation des handicaps). Si des marges de manoeuvre existent encore, la contrainte foncière et l’urbanisation renforcent la logique patrimoniale au détriment de la logique de maximisation de la production. Les auteurs discutent la vision duale de l’agriculture (exploitation professionnelle versus sociale) portée par les organisations professionnelles. Ils lui substituent un continuum d’exploitations dont les stratégies sont extrêmement diversifiées. Le statut essentiellement périurbain de l’agriculture et la disponibilité de temps offerte par la production de canne à sucre sont des facteurs favorables au développement de la diversification et de la pluriactivité, choix qui apparaissent en contradiction avec le modèle préconisé de l’exploitation spécialisée occupant à temps plein un couple d’exploitants