5,691 research outputs found

    Beyond Gravitoelectromagnetism: Critical Speed in Gravitational Motion

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    A null ray approaching a distant astronomical source appears to slow down, while a massive particle speeds up in accordance with Newtonian gravitation. The integration of these apparently incompatible aspects of motion in general relativity is due to the existence of a critical speed. Dynamics of particles moving faster than the critical speed could then be contrary to Newtonian expectations. Working within the framework of gravitoelectromagnetism, the implications of the existence of a critical speed are explored. The results are expected to be significant for high energy astrophysics.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in the Special December 2005 Issue of Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Ultra--cold gases and the detection of the Earth's rotation: Bogoliubov space and gravitomagnetism

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    The present work analyzes the consequences of the gravitomagnetic effect of the Earth upon a bosonic gas in which the corresponding atoms have a non--vanishing orbital angular momentum. Concerning the ground state of the Bogoliubov space of this system we deduce the consequences, on the pressure and on the speed of sound, of the gravitomagnetic effect. We prove that the effect on a single atom is very small, but we also show that for some thermodynamical properties the consequences scale as a non--trivial function of the number of particles.Comment: 4 page

    HdC and EHe stars through the prism of Gaia DR3: 3D distribution and Gaia's chromatic PSF effects

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    Upon its release the Gaia DR3 catalogue has led to tremendous progress in multiple fields of astronomy by providing the complete astrometric solution for nearly 1.5 billion sources. We analysed the photometric and astrometric results for Hydrogen-deficient Carbon (HdC), Extreme Helium (EHe), and DYPer type stars to identify any potential biases and thus to select stars suitable for kinematic and spatial distribution studies. We investigated the impact of photometric declines in R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars on Gaia astrometry using information from the Gaia IPD process cross-matched with light curves. We have reached the conclusion that the astrometric fits for numerous RCB stars are not valid due to the Gaia PSF chromaticity effect in both shape and centroid. The astrometric results of all stars with a significant time-dependent colour variation should be similarly affected. RCB stars might thus be promising sources to correct this effect in future Gaia releases. Furthermore, after validating the Gaia astrometric results for 92 stars, we observed that the majority of HdC and EHe stars are distributed across the three old stellar structures, the thick disk, the bulge and the halo. However, we have also uncovered evidence indicating that some of them exhibit orbits characteristic of the thin disk. This is also particularly true for all DYPer type stars studied. Finally, we have produced a list of star memberships for each Galactic substructure, and provided a list of heliocentric radial velocities and associated errors for targets not observed by Gaia DR3. We are beginning to observe a relationship between kinematics, stellar population, and metallicity in RCB and EHe stars. That relation can be explained, within the double degenerate scenario, by the large range in the delay time distribution expected from population synthesis simulations, particularly through the HybCO merger channel.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in A&A v2: RV section from accompanying paper ArXiv2309.10139 moved into that one +New section added on the comparison between our classification of HdC and EHe stars within a Galactic substructure and the one published lately by Philip Monai et al. (2023), and between both results on dynamical orbital parameters as determined with Galpy simulation

    HdC and EHe stars through the prism of Gaia DR3: Evolution of RV amplitude and dust formation rate with effective temperature

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    The Gaia DR3 release includes heliocentric radial velocity measurements and velocity variability indices for tens of millions of stars observed over 34 months.In this study, we utilise these indices to investigate the intrinsic radial velocity variations of Hydrogen-deficient Carbon (HdC) stars and Extreme Helium (EHe) stars across their large ranges of temperature and brightness. Taking advantage of the newly defined HdC temperature classes, we examine the evolution of the total velocity amplitude with effective temperature. Additionally, we analyse the variation in the dust production rate of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars with temperature using two different proxies for the photometric state of RCB stars: one from Gaia and another from the 2MASS survey. Our observations revealed a trend in the evolution of the maximum radial velocity amplitude across each HdC temperature class. Similarly, we also observed a correlation between stellar temperature and the dust production rate. Interestingly, we possibly observed for the first time some variations of the intrinsic radial velocity amplitude and the dust production rate with HdC temperature class. If confirmed, these variations would indicate that the helium shell-burning giant stage starts with strong atmospheric motions that decrease in strength, up to ∌\sim6000 K, before picking up again as the HdC star atmosphere shrinks further in size and reaches warmer temperatures. Moreover, the dust formation rate appears to be much higher in colder RCB stars compared to warmer ones.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted in A&A V2: version accepted, radial velocity section of V1 moved into the accompanying paper ArXiv2309.1014

    Gravitomagnetism in teleparallel gravity

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    The assumption that matter charges and currents could generate fields, which are called, by analogy with electromagnetism, gravitoeletric and gravitomagnetic fields, dates from the origins of General Relativity (GR). On the other hand, the Teleparallel Equivalent of GR (TEGR), as a gauge theory, seems to be the ideal scenario to define these fields, based on the gauge field strength components. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the nature of the gravitational electric and magnetic fields in the context of the TEGR, where the tetrad formalism behind it seems to be more appropriated to deal with phenomena related to observers. As our main results, we have obtained, for the first time, the exact expressions for the gravito-electromagnetic fields for the Schwarzschild solution that in the linear approximation become the usual expected ones. To improve our understanding about these fields, we have also studied the geometry produced by a spherical rotating shell in slow motion and weak field regime. Again, the expressions obtained are in complete agreement with those of electromagnetism.Comment: 25 pages. Submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics D. Version 2: some new discussions, references adde

    The DICE calibration project: design, characterization, and first results

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    We describe the design, operation, and first results of a photometric calibration project, called DICE (Direct Illumination Calibration Experiment), aiming at achieving precise instrumental calibration of optical telescopes. The heart of DICE is an illumination device composed of 24 narrow-spectrum, high-intensity, light-emitting diodes (LED) chosen to cover the ultraviolet-to-near-infrared spectral range. It implements a point-like source placed at a finite distance from the telescope entrance pupil, yielding a flat field illumination that covers the entire field of view of the imager. The purpose of this system is to perform a lightweight routine monitoring of the imager passbands with a precision better than 5 per-mil on the relative passband normalisations and about 3{\AA} on the filter cutoff positions. The light source is calibrated on a spectrophotometric bench. As our fundamental metrology standard, we use a photodiode calibrated at NIST. The radiant intensity of each beam is mapped, and spectra are measured for each LED. All measurements are conducted at temperatures ranging from 0{\deg}C to 25{\deg}C in order to study the temperature dependence of the system. The photometric and spectroscopic measurements are combined into a model that predicts the spectral intensity of the source as a function of temperature. We find that the calibration beams are stable at the 10−410^{-4} level -- after taking the slight temperature dependence of the LED emission properties into account. We show that the spectral intensity of the source can be characterised with a precision of 3{\AA} in wavelength. In flux, we reach an accuracy of about 0.2-0.5% depending on how we understand the off-diagonal terms of the error budget affecting the calibration of the NIST photodiode. With a routine 60-mn calibration program, the apparatus is able to constrain the passbands at the targeted precision levels.Comment: 25 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Observation of the Decay B^-→D_s^((*)+)K^-ℓ^-Μ̅ _ℓ

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    We report the observation of the decay B^- → D_s^((*)+)K^-ℓ^-Μ̅ _ℓ based on 342  fb^(-1) of data collected at the ΄(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e^+e^- storage rings at SLAC. A simultaneous fit to three D_s^+ decay chains is performed to extract the signal yield from measurements of the squared missing mass in the B meson decay. We observe the decay B^- → D_s^((*)+)K^-ℓ^-Μ̅ _ℓ with a significance greater than 5 standard deviations (including systematic uncertainties) and measure its branching fraction to be B(B^- → D_s^((*)+)K^-ℓ^-Μ̅ _ℓ)=[6.13_(-1.03)^(+1.04)(stat)±0.43(syst)±0.51(B(D_s))]×10^(-4), where the last error reflects the limited knowledge of the D_s branching fractions

    New Magellanic Cloud R Coronae Borealis and DY Per type stars from the EROS-2 database: the connection between RCBs, DYPers and ordinary carbon stars

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    R Coronae Borealis stars (RCB) are a rare type of evolved carbon-rich supergiant stars that are increasingly thought to result from the merger of two white dwarfs, called the Double degenerate scenario. This scenario is also studied as a source, at higher mass, of type Ia Supernovae (SnIa) explosions. Therefore a better understanding of RCBs composition would help to constrain simulations of such events. We searched for and studied RCB stars in the EROS Magellanic Clouds database. We also extended our research to DY Per type stars (DYPers) that are expected to be cooler RCBs (T~3500 K) and much more numerous than their hotter counterparts. The light curves of ~70 millions stars have been analysed to search for the main signature of RCBs and DYPers: a large drop in luminosity. Follow-up optical spectroscopy was used to confirm each photometric candidate found. We have discovered and confirmed 6 new Magellanic Cloud RCB stars and 7 new DYPers, but also listed new candidates: 3 RCBs and 14 DYPers. We estimated a range of Magellanic RCB shell temperatures between 360 and 600 K. We confirm the wide range of absolute luminosity known for RCB stars, M_V~-5.2 to -2.6. Our study further shows that mid-infrared surveys are ideal to search for RCB stars, since they have thinner and cooler circumstellar shells than classical post-AGB stars. In addition, by increasing the number of known DYPers by ~400%, we have been able to shed light on the similarities in the spectral energy distribution between DYPers and ordinary carbon stars. We also observed that DYPer circumstellar shells are fainter and hotter than those of RCBs. This suggests that DYPers may simply be ordinary carbon stars with ejection events, but more abundance analysis is necessary to give a status on a possible evolutionnary connexion between RCBs and DYPers.Comment: 22 pages, 38 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    ExELS: an exoplanet legacy science proposal for the ESA Euclid mission. II. Hot exoplanets and sub-stellar systems

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    The Exoplanet Euclid Legacy Survey (ExELS) proposes to determine the frequency of cold exoplanets down to Earth mass from host separations of ~1 AU out to the free-floating regime by detecting microlensing events in Galactic Bulge. We show that ExELS can also detect large numbers of hot, transiting exoplanets in the same population. The combined microlensing+transit survey would allow the first self-consistent estimate of the relative frequencies of hot and cold sub-stellar companions, reducing biases in comparing "near-field" radial velocity and transiting exoplanets with "far-field" microlensing exoplanets. The age of the Bulge and its spread in metallicity further allows ExELS to better constrain both the variation of companion frequency with metallicity and statistically explore the strength of star-planet tides. We conservatively estimate that ExELS will detect ~4100 sub-stellar objects, with sensitivity typically reaching down to Neptune-mass planets. Of these, ~600 will be detectable in both Euclid's VIS (optical) channel and NISP H-band imager, with ~90% of detections being hot Jupiters. Likely scenarios predict a range of 2900-7000 for VIS and 400-1600 for H-band. Twice as many can be expected in VIS if the cadence can be increased to match the 20-minute H-band cadence. The separation of planets from brown dwarfs via Doppler boosting or ellipsoidal variability will be possible in a handful of cases. Radial velocity confirmation should be possible in some cases, using 30-metre-class telescopes. We expect secondary eclipses, and reflection and emission from planets to be detectable in up to ~100 systems in both VIS and NISP-H. Transits of ~500 planetary-radius companions will be characterised with two-colour photometry and ~40 with four-colour photometry (VIS,YJH), and the albedo of (and emission from) a large sample of hot Jupiters in the H-band can be explored statistically.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted MNRA

    ExELS: an exoplanet legacy science proposal for the ESA Euclid mission. II. Hot exoplanets and sub-stellar systems

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    The Exoplanet Euclid Legacy Survey (ExELS) proposes to determine the frequency of cold exoplanets down to Earth mass from host separations of ~1 AU out to the free-floating regime by detecting microlensing events in Galactic Bulge. We show that ExELS can also detect large numbers of hot, transiting exoplanets in the same population. The combined microlensing+transit survey would allow the first self-consistent estimate of the relative frequencies of hot and cold sub-stellar companions, reducing biases in comparing "near-field" radial velocity and transiting exoplanets with "far-field" microlensing exoplanets. The age of the Bulge and its spread in metallicity further allows ExELS to better constrain both the variation of companion frequency with metallicity and statistically explore the strength of star-planet tides. We conservatively estimate that ExELS will detect ~4100 sub-stellar objects, with sensitivity typically reaching down to Neptune-mass planets. Of these, ~600 will be detectable in both Euclid's VIS (optical) channel and NISP H-band imager, with ~90% of detections being hot Jupiters. Likely scenarios predict a range of 2900-7000 for VIS and 400-1600 for H-band. Twice as many can be expected in VIS if the cadence can be increased to match the 20-minute H-band cadence. The separation of planets from brown dwarfs via Doppler boosting or ellipsoidal variability will be possible in a handful of cases. Radial velocity confirmation should be possible in some cases, using 30-metre-class telescopes. We expect secondary eclipses, and reflection and emission from planets to be detectable in up to ~100 systems in both VIS and NISP-H. Transits of ~500 planetary-radius companions will be characterised with two-colour photometry and ~40 with four-colour photometry (VIS,YJH), and the albedo of (and emission from) a large sample of hot Jupiters in the H-band can be explored statistically.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted MNRA
