2,286 research outputs found

    Effect of gaseous and solid simulated jet plumes on a 040A space shuttle launch configuration at Mach numbers from 1.6 to 2.2

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    An experimental investigation was conducted in a 9- by 7-foot supersonic wind tunnel to determine the effect of plume-induced flow separation and aspiration effects due to operation of both the orbiter and the solid rocket motors on a 0.019-scale model of the launch configuration of the space shuttle vehicle. Longitudinal and lateral-directional stability data were obtained at Mach numbers of 1.6, 2.0, and 2.2 with and without the engines operating. The plumes exiting from the engines were simulated by a cold gas jet supplied by an auxiliary 200 atmosphere air supply system, and by solid body plume simulators. Comparisons of the aerodynamic effects produced by these two simulation procedures are presented. The data indicate that the parameters most significantly affected by the jet plumes are the pitching moment, the elevon control effectiveness, the axial force, and the orbiter wing loads

    Quantum Interference in Single Molecule Electronic Systems

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    We present a general analytical formula and an ab initio study of quantum interference in multi-branch molecules. Ab initio calculations are used to investigate quantum interference in a benzene-1,2-dithiolate (BDT) molecule sandwiched between gold electrodes and through oligoynes of various lengths. We show that when a point charge is located in the plane of a BDT molecule and its position varied, the electrical conductance exhibits a clear interference effect, whereas when the charge approaches a BDT molecule along a line normal to the plane of the molecule and passing through the centre of the phenyl ring, interference effects are negligible. In the case of olygoynes, quantum interference leads to the appearance of a critical energy EcE_c, at which the electron transmission coefficient T(E)T(E) of chains with even or odd numbers of atoms is independent of length. To illustrate the underlying physics, we derive a general analytical formula for electron transport through multi-branch structures and demonstrate the versatility of the formula by comparing it with the above ab-initio simulations. We also employ the analytical formula to investigate the current inside the molecule and demonstrate that large counter currents can occur within a ring-like molecule such as BDT, when the point charge is located in the plane of the molecule. The formula can be used to describe quantum interference and Fano resonances in structures with branches containing arbitrary elastic scattering regions connected to nodal sites.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Vertically extensive and unstable magmatic systems:a unified view of igneous processes

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    Measurement of the intrinsic damping constant in individual nanodisks of YIG and YIG{\textbar}Pt

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    We report on an experimental study on the spin-waves relaxation rate in two series of nanodisks of diameter ϕ=\phi=300, 500 and 700~nm, patterned out of two systems: a 20~nm thick yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film grown by pulsed laser deposition either bare or covered by 13~nm of Pt. Using a magnetic resonance force microscope, we measure precisely the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth of each individual YIG and YIG{\textbar}Pt nanodisks. We find that the linewidth in the nanostructure is sensibly smaller than the one measured in the extended film. Analysis of the frequency dependence of the spectral linewidth indicates that the improvement is principally due to the suppression of the inhomogeneous part of the broadening due to geometrical confinement, suggesting that only the homogeneous broadening contributes to the linewidth of the nanostructure. For the bare YIG nano-disks, the broadening is associated to a damping constant α=4104\alpha = 4 \cdot 10^{-4}. A 3 fold increase of the linewidth is observed for the series with Pt cap layer, attributed to the spin pumping effect. The measured enhancement allows to extract the spin mixing conductance found to be G=1.551014 Ω1m2G_{\uparrow \downarrow}= 1.55 \cdot 10^{14}~ \Omega^{-1}\text{m}^{-2} for our YIG(20nm){\textbar}Pt interface, thus opening large opportunities for the design of YIG based nanostructures with optimized magnetic losses.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic structure of NiS1x_{1-x}Sex_x across the phase transition

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    We report very highly resolved photoemission spectra of NiS(1-x)Se(x) across the so-called metal-insulator transition as a function of temperature as well as composition. The present results convincingly demonstrate that the low temperature, antiferromagnetic phase is metallic, with a reduced density of states at EF_F. This decrease is possibly due to the opening of gaps along specific directions in the Brillouin zone caused by the antiferromagnetic ordering.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 3 postscript figure

    ABJ(M) and Fractional M2's with Fractional M2 Charge

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    Recently Aharony, Bergman and Jafferis (ABJ) have argued that a 3d U(N+M)xU(N) Chern-Simons gauge theory at level (k,-k) may have a vacuum with N=6 supersymmetry only if M<k+1 and if a certain period of the B-field in a IIA background is quantized. We use a braneology argument to argue that N=3 supersymmetry may be preserved under the weaker condition that 2Nk>M(M-k)-1 with no restriction on the B-field. IIB brane cartoons and 11d supergravity solutions corresponding to N=3 vacua that do not preserve N=6 supersymmetry are argued to represent cascading gauge theories, generalizing the N=2 Seiberg duality conjectured by Giveon and Kutasov. While as usual the M2-brane charge runs as a result of the twisted Bianchi identity for *G_4, the M5-brane charge running relies on the fact that it wraps a torsion homology cycle.Comment: 16 pages, 3 eps figure

    Can rainfall be a useful predictor of epidemic risk across temporal and spatial scales?

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    Plant disease epidemics are largely driven by within-season weather variables when inoculum is not limiting. Commonly, predictors in risk assessment models are based on the interaction of temperature and wetness-related variables, relationships which are determined experimentally. There is an increasing interest in providing within-season or inter-seasonal risk information at the region or continent scale, which commonly use models developed for a smaller scale. Hence, the scale matching dilemma that challenges epidemiologists and meteorologists: upscale models or downscale weather data? Successful applications may be found in both cases, which should be supported by validation datasets whenever possible, to prove the usefulness of the approach. For some diseases, rainfall is key for inoculum dispersal and, in warmer regions (e.g., tropics) where temperature is less limiting for epidemics, rainfall extends wetness periods. The drawbacks of using rainfall at small scales relate to its discrete nature and high spatial variability. However, for pre- or early-season predictions at large spatial scales sources of reasonably accurate rainfall summaries are available and may prove useful. The availability of disease datasets at various scales allows the development and evaluation of new models to be applied at the correct scale. We will showcase examples and discuss the usefulness of rainfall as key variable to predict soybean rust and wheat scab from field to region

    Double marking revisited

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    In 2002, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) published the report of an independent panel of experts into maintaining standards at Advanced Level (A-Level). One of its recommendations was for: ‘limited experimental double marking of scripts in subjects such as English to determine whether the strategy would signi-ficantly reduce errors of measurement’ (p. 24). This recommendation provided the impetus for this paper which reviews the all but forgotten literature on double marking and considers its relevance now

    Comments on F-maximization and R-symmetry in 3D SCFTs

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    We report preliminary results on the recently proposed F-maximization principle in 3D SCFTs. We compute numerically in the large-N limit the free energy on the three-sphere of an N=2 Chern-Simons-Matter theory with a single adjoint chiral superfield which is known to exhibit a pattern of accidental symmetries associated to chiral superfields that hit the unitarity bound and become free. We observe that the F-maximization principle produces a U(1) R-symmetry consistent with previously obtained bounds but inconsistent with a postulated Seiberg-like duality. Potential modifications of the principle associated to the decoupling fields do not appear to be sufficient to account for the observed violations.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; v2 a reference has been added, a missing factor of 2 has been corrected in eq (3.3) and the numerical results have been accordingly updated. The new results do not show any obvious signs of violation of previously obtained bounds. A potential disagreement with a postulated Seiberg-like duality is note