34 research outputs found

    Using a high finesse optical resonator to provide a long light path for differential optical absorption spectroscopy: CE-DOAS

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    International audienceCavity enhanced methods in absorption spectroscopy have seen a considerable increase in popularity during the past decade. Especially Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS) established itself in atmospheric trace gas detection by providing tens of kilometers of effective light path length using a cavity as short as 1 m. In this paper we report on the construction and testing of a compact and power efficient light emitting diode based broadband Cavity Enhanced Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer (CE-DOAS) for in situ field observation of atmospheric NO3. This device combines the small size of the cavity with the enormous advantages of the DOAS approach in terms of sensitivity and specificity. In particular, no selective removal of the analyte (here NO3) is necessary, thus the CE-DOAS technique can ? in principle ? measure any gas detectable by DOAS. We will discuss the advantages of using a light emitting diode (LED) as light source particularly the precautions which have to be satisfied for the use of LEDs. The instrument was tested in the lab by detecting NO3 in a mixture of NO2 and O3 in air. It was then compared to other trace gas detection techniques in an intercomparison campaign in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR at NO3 concentrations as low as 6.3 ppt

    A two-channel, Thermal Dissociation Cavity-Ringdown Spectrometer for the detection of ambient NO2, RO2NO2 and RONO2

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    Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0We describe a thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectrometer (TD-CRDS) for measurement of ambient NO2, total peroxy nitrates (ΣPNs) and total alkyl nitrates (ΣANs). The spectrometer has two separate cavities operating at  ∼  405.2 and 408.5 nm. One cavity (reference) samples NO2 continuously from an inlet at ambient temperature, the other samples sequentially from an inlet at 473 K in which PNs are converted to NO2 or from an inlet at 723 K in which both PNs and ANs are converted to NO2, difference signals being used to derive mixing ratios of ΣPNs and ΣANs. We describe an extensive set of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to characterise the fate of organic radicals in the hot inlets and cavity and derive correction factors to account for the bias resulting from the interaction of peroxy radicals with ambient NO and NO2. Finally, we present the first measurements and comparison with other instruments during a field campaign, outline the limitations of the present instrument and provide an outlook for future improvements.Publication funded by the Max Planck Societ

    ClNO2 and nitrate formation via N2O5 uptake to particles: Derivation of N2O5 uptake coefficients from ambient datasets

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    Oral presentation abstract given at EGU General Assembly 2015.We present estimates of the uptake coefficient of N2O5 using ambient measurements of the trace gases N2O5 and ClNO2 and particle composition and surface area at the Kleiner Feldberg observatory, near Frankfurt, SW Germany, during the PARADE campaign (summer 2011). Three methods used to extract gamma(N2O5) from the datasets were found to be in reasonable agreement, generating values between 0.001 and 0.4. Gamma (N2O5) displayed a significant dependence on relative humidity (RH), the largest values obtained, as expected, at high RH. No significant dependence of gamma(N2O5) on particle organic content or sulphate-to-organic ratio was observed. The variability in gamma(N2O5) is however large, indicating that humidity is not the sole factor determining the uptake coefficient. There is also an indication that the yield of ClNO2 with respect to N2O5 uptake is larger with lower concentrations of PM1 total organics. Our results will be compared to existing uptake coefficients from laboratory studies and those derived from field observations.Max Planck Societ

    The summertime Boreal forest field measurement intensive (HUMPPA-COPEC-2010): an overview of meteorological and chemical influences

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    This paper describes the background, instrumentation, goals, and the regional influences on the HUMPPA-COPEC intensive field measurement campaign, conducted at the Boreal forest research station SMEAR II (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relation) in Hyytiälä, Finland from 12 July–12 August 2010. The prevailing meteorological conditions during the campaign are examined and contrasted with those of the past six years. Back trajectory analyses show that meteorological conditions at the site in 2010 were characterized by a higher proportion of southerly flow than in the other years studied. As a result the summer of 2010 was anomalously warm and high in ozone making the campaign relevant for the analysis of possible future climates. A comprehensive land use analysis, provided on both 5 and 50 km scales, shows that the main vegetation types surrounding the site on both the regional and local scales are: coniferous forest (Scots pine and/or Norway spruce); mixed forest (Birch and conifers); and woodland scrub (e.g. Willows, Aspen); indicating that the campaign results can be taken as representative of the Boreal forest ecosystem. In addition to the influence of biogenic emissions, the measurement site was occasionally impacted by sources other than vegetation. Specific tracers have been used here to identify the time periods when such sources have impacted the site namely: biomass burning (acetonitrile and CO), urban anthropogenic pollution (pentane and SO<sub>2</sub>) and the nearby Korkeakoski sawmill (enantiomeric ratio of chiral monoterpenes). None of these sources dominated the study period, allowing the Boreal forest summertime emissions to be assessed and contrasted with various other source signatures

    Laser-induced fluorescence-based detection of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide and comparison of different techniques during the PARADE 2011 field campaign

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    GANDALF (Gas Analyzer for Nitrogen Dioxide Applying Laser-induced Fluorescence), a new instrument for the detection of nitrogen dioxide based on the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique, is presented in this paper. GANDALF is designed for ground-based and airborne deployment with a robust calibration system. In the current set-up, it uses a multi-mode diode laser (447–450&thinsp;nm) and performs in situ, continuous, and autonomous measurements with a laser pulse repetition rate of 5&thinsp;MHz. The performance of GANDALF was tested during the summer of year 2011 (15 August–10 September) in a field experiment at Kleiner Feldberg, Germany. The location is within a forested region with an urban influence, where NOx levels were between 0.12 and 22 parts per billion by volume (ppb). Based on the field results, the limit of detection is estimated at 5–10 parts per trillion by volume (ppt) in 60&thinsp;s at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 2. The overall accuracy and precision of the instrument are better than 5&thinsp;% (1σ) and 0.5 %+3&thinsp;ppt (1σ&thinsp;min−1), respectively. A comparison of nitrogen dioxide measurements based on several techniques during the field campaign PARADE 2011 is presented to explore methodic differences.</p

    Atmos. Chem. Phys.

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