1,268 research outputs found

    Dispersion insensitive, high-speed optical clock recovery based on a mode-locked laser diode

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    An investigation into the effects of varying levels of chromatic dispersion on a mode- locked laser diode optical clock recovery process is presented. Results demonstrate that this technique is invariant to input dispersion varying between +75 ps/nm

    Protocol assessment issues in low duty cycle sensor networks: The switching energy

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    Energy assessment of MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks is generally based on the times of transmit, receive and sleep modes. The switching energy between two consecutive states is generally considered negligible with respect to them. Although such an assumption is valid for traditional wireless ad hoc networks, is this assumption valid also for low duty cycle wireless sensor networks? The primary objective of this work is to shed some light on relationships between node switching energy and node duty cycle over the total energy consumption. In order to achieve the target, initially, we revisit the energy spent in each state and transitions of three widespread hardware platforms for wireless sensor networks by direct measurements on the EYES node. Successively, we apply the values obtained to the SMAC protocol by using the OmNet++ simulator

    Antibiotic pharmacoeconomics: an attempt to find the real cost of hospital antibiotic prescribing.

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    Antibiotics account for a large part of all hospital pharmacy budgets, but the actual cost of their prescription is unknown. These costs include intravenous administration, labour, serum antibiotic assay, monitoring of haematological and biochemical indices, disposal of sharps and adverse effects. An in-house method of costing antibiotic therapy is presented, to quantify these hidden expenses. Since not only an awareness, but an accurate quantification, of hidden costs is required, a study of various hospital procedures relating directly to antibiotic therapy was undertaken in an acute medical ward; this involved the identification of particular staff members performing various procedures, consumables used and time taken. The cost of five-day courses of gentamicin, penicillin G, ampicillin, flucloxacillin, cefuroxime, ceftotaxime and erythromycin has been calculated; drug and hidden costs for each are presented graphically for comparison. The breakdown cost for gentamicin is presented to illustrate the method. The costing of adverse effects has not been attempted. We suggest that costings of this sort are used in cost-benefit analysis of antibiotic use. These calculations have been incorporated into a computer spreadsheet and this costing service will be offered to clinical areas of our hospital

    Mining Explainable Predictive Features for Water Quality Management

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    With water quality management processes, identifying and interpreting relationships between features, such as location and weather variable tuples, and water quality variables, such as levels of bacteria, is key to gaining insights and identifying areas where interventions should be made. There is a need for a search process to identify the locations and types of phenomena that are influencing water quality and a need to explain how the quality is being affected and which factors are most relevant. This paper addresses both of these issues. A process is developed for collecting data for features that represent a variety of variables over a spatial region and which are used for training models and inference. An analysis of the performance of the features is undertaken using the models and Shapley values. Shapley values originated in cooperative game theory and can be used to aid in the interpretation of machine learning results. Evaluations are performed using several machine learning algorithms and water quality data from the Dublin Grand Canal basin

    The politics of coproduction during Latin America’s ‘Pink Tide’: Water, housing, and waste in comparative perspective

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    Coproduction brings together a diverse range of state and non-state actors to create and deliver public services. These processes, which occur across the Global South, have been widely studied. However, insufficient critical attention has been paid to their politics. We address this gap in the literature by analysing the politics of coproduction in Latin America during the ‘pink tide’ of the early twenty-first century. Drawing on original qualitative research, this article explores the coproduction of three distinct public services—water, housing, and waste—in three countries where left-leaning presidents and governments were elected into office—Ecuador, Bolivia, and Uruguay. We argue that coproduction is intrinsically political in these three cases; that is, the ‘political’ is internal to, and inherent in, coproduction. Our comparative analysis centres on two political dimensions—subject-making and collective autonomy—and shows that tensions around these two issues were central to coproduction in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Uruguay . The article demonstrates the importance of not treating politics as a mere contextual concern in coproduction analysis and shows that coproduction has the capacity to reshape political relationships and subjectivities. Taking politics into account is essential to understanding the dynamics and potential of coproduction in the Global South. Our comparative analysis also provides new insights into Latin American politics, especially concerning 'pink tide' governments and the provisioning of public services

    Developing a framework for risk-based surveillance of tuberculosis in cattle: a case study of its application in Scotland

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    Due to its substantially lower prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) relative to other areas of Great Britain, Scotland was designated as an officially (bovine) TB-free region in 2009. This paper investigates resultant possibilities for reducing surveillance by developing risk-based alternatives to current 4-year testing of eligible herds. A model of freedom of infection was used to develop strategies that specifically tested herds that are at risk of infection but would probably not be identified by slaughterhouse meat inspection. The performance of current testing is mimicked by testing all herds that slaughter fewer than 25% of their total stock per year and regularly import animals from high-incidence areas of England and Wales or from Ireland. This system offers a cost reduction by requiring 25% fewer herd and animal tests and 25% fewer false positives

    Investigating head movements induced by 'riloid' patterns in migraine and control groups using a virtual reality display

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    Certain striped patterns can induce illusory motion, such as those used in op-art. The visual system and the vestibular system work together closely, and so it is possible that illusory motion from a visual stimulus can result in uncertainty in the vestibular system. This increased uncertainty may be measureable in terms of the magnitude of head movements. Head movements were measured using a head-mounted visual display. Results showed that stimuli associated with illusory motion also seem to induce greater head movements when compared to similar stimuli. Individuals with migraine are more susceptible to visual discomfort, and this includes illusory motion from striped stimuli. However, there was no evidence of increased effect of illusory motion on those with migraine compared to those without, suggesting that while motion illusions may affect discomfort judgements, this is not limited to only those with migraine
