358 research outputs found

    On the Nature of Soft X-ray Weak Quasi-Stellar Objects

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    Recent studies of QSOs with ROSAT suggest the existence of a significant population of Soft X-ray Weak QSOs (SXW QSOs) where the soft X-ray flux is ~ 10-30 times smaller than in typical QSOs. As a first step in a systematic study of these objects, we establish a well-defined sample of SXW QSOs which includes all alpha_ox<=-2 QSOs from the Boroson & Green (1992) sample of 87 BQS QSOs. SXW QSOs comprise about 11% of this optically selected QSO sample. From an analysis of CIV absorption in the 55 BG92 QSOs with available CIV data, we find a remarkably strong correlation between alpha_ox and the CIV absorption equivalent width. This correlation suggests that absorption is the primary cause of soft X-ray weakness in QSOs, and it reveals a continuum of absorption properties connecting unabsorbed QSOs, X-ray warm absorber QSOs, SXW QSOs and BAL QSOs. From a practical point of view, our correlation demonstrates that selection by soft X-ray weakness is an effective (>=80% successful) and observationally inexpensive way to find low-redshift QSOs with strong and interesting ultraviolet absorption. We have also identified several notable differences between the optical emission-line properties of SXW QSOs and those of the other BG92 QSOs. SXW QSOs show systematically low [O III] luminosities as well as distinctive H-beta profiles. They tend to lie toward the weak-[O III] end of BG92 eigenvector 1, as do many low-ionization BAL QSOs. Unabsorbed Seyferts and QSOs with similar values of eigenvector 1 have been suggested to have extreme values of a primary physical parameter, perhaps mass accretion rate relative to the Eddington rate (M-dot/M-dot_{Edd}). If these suggestions are correct, it is likely that SXW QSOs also tend to have generally high values of (M-dot/M-dot_{Edd}). (Abridged)Comment: 34 pages, ApJ accepted, also available from http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/papers/papers.htm

    The first VLBI image of an Infrared-Faint Radio Source

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    Context: To investigate the joint evolution of active galactic nuclei and star formation in the Universe. Aims: In the 1.4 GHz survey with the Australia Telescope Compact Array of the Chandra Deep Field South and the European Large Area ISO Survey - S1 we have identified a class of objects which are strong in the radio but have no detectable infrared and optical counterparts. This class has been called Infrared-Faint Radio Sources, or IFRS. 53 sources out of 2002 have been classified as IFRS. It is not known what these objects are. Methods: To address the many possible explanations as to what the nature of these objects is we have observed four sources with the Australian Long Baseline Array. Results: We have detected and imaged one of the four sources observed. Assuming that the source is at a high redshift, we find its properties in agreement with properties of Compact Steep Spectrum sources. However, due to the lack of optical and infrared data the constraints are not particularly strong.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 5 pages, needs aa.cl

    The heating mechanism for the warm/cool dust in powerful, radio-loud AGN

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    The uncertainty surrounding the nature of the heating mechanism for the dust that emits at mid- to far-IR (MFIR) wavelengths in active galaxies limits our understanding of the links between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and galaxy evolution, as well as our ability to interpret the prodigious infrared and sub-mm emission of some of the most distant galaxies in the Universe. Here we report deep Spitzer observations of a complete sample of powerful, intermediate redshift (0.05 < z < 0.7) radio galaxies and quasars. We show that AGN power, as traced by [OIII]5007 emission, is strongly correlated with both the mid-IR (24 micron) and the far-IR (70 micron) luminosities, however, with increased scatter in the 70 micron correlation. A major cause of this increased scatter is a group of objects that falls above the main correlation and displays evidence for prodigious recent star formation activity at optical wavelengths, along with relatively cool MFIR colours. These results provide evidence that illumination by the AGN is the primary heating mechanism for the dust emitting at both 24 and 70 microns, with starbursts dominating the heating of the cool dust in only 20 -- 30% of objects. This implies that powerful AGN are not always accompanied by the type of luminous starbursts that are characteristic of the peak of activity in major gas-rich mergers.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in astrophysical journal letter

    On the Evolution of and High-Energy Emission from GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Sources

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    Here we discuss evolution and broad-band emission of compact (< kpc) lobes in young radio sources. We propose a simple dynamical description for these objects, consisting of a relativistic jet propagating into a uniform gaseous medium in the central parts of an elliptical host. In the framework of the proposed model, we follow the evolution of ultrarelativistic electrons injected from a terminal hotspot of a jet to expanding lobes, taking into account their adiabatic energy losses as well as radiative cooling. This allows us to discuss the broad-band lobe emission of young radio sources. In particular, we argue that the observed spectral turnover in the radio synchrotron spectra of these objects cannot originate from the synchrotron self-absorption process but is most likely due to free-free absorption effects connected with neutral clouds of interstellar medium engulfed by the expanding lobes and photoionized by active centers. We also find a relatively strong and complex high-energy emission component produced by inverse-Compton up-scattering of various surrounding photon fields by the lobes' electrons. We argue that such high energy radiation is strong enough to account for several observed properties of GHz-peaked-spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies at UV and X-ray frequencies. In addition, this emission is expected to extend up to GeV (or possibly even TeV) photon energies and can thus be probed by several modern gamma-ray instruments. In particular, we suggest that GPS radio galaxies should constitute a relatively numerous class of extragalactic sources detected by GLAST.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures included. Revised version, accepted for publication in Ap

    Polarimetry and Unification of Low-Redshift Radio Galaxies

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    We have made high-quality measurements of the polarization spectra of 13 FR II radio galaxies and taken polarization images for 11 of these with the Keck telescopes. Seven of the eight narrow-line radio galaxies (NLRG) are polarized, and six of the seven show prominent broad Balmer lines in polarized light. The broad lines are also weakly visible in total flux. Some of the NLRG show bipolar regions with roughly circumferential polarization vectors, revealing a large reflection nebula illuminated by a central source. Our observations powerfully support the hidden quasar hypothesis for some NLRG. Classification as NLRG, broad-line radio galaxy (BLRG), or quasar therefore depends on orientation. However, not all objects fit into this unification scheme. Our sample is biased towards objects known in advance to be polarized, but the combination of our results with those of Hill, Goodrich and DePoy (1996) show that at least 6 out of a complete, volume and flux-limited sample of 9 FR II NLRG have broad lines, seen either in polarization or P_alpha.Comment: To appear in November 1999 Astronomical Journal. 49 pages, 13 figure

    Dust tori in radio galaxies

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    We investigate the validity of the quasar - radio galaxy unification scenario and detect dust tori within radio galaxies of various types. Using VISIR on the VLT, we acquired sub-arcsecond (~0.40") resolution N-band images, at a wavelength of 11.85 micron, of the nuclei of a sample of 27 radio galaxies of four types in the redshift range z=0.006-0.156. The sample consists of 8 edge-darkened, low-power Fanaroff-Riley class I (FR-I) radio galaxies, 6 edge-brightened, class II (FR-II) radio galaxies displaying low-excitation optical emission, 7 FR-IIs displaying high-excitation optical emission, and 6 FR-II broad emission line radio galaxies. Out of the sample of 27 objects, 10 nuclei are detected and several have constraining non-detections at sensitivities of 7 mJy, the limiting flux a point source has when detected with a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 in one hour of source integration. On the basis of the core spectral energy distributions of this sample we find clear indications that many FR-I and several low-excitation FR-II radio galaxies do not contain warm dust tori. At least 57+-19 percent of the high-excitation FR-IIs and almost all broad line radio galaxies display excess infrared emission, which must be attributed to warm dust reradiating accretion activity. The FR-I and low-excitation FR-II galaxies all possess low efficiencies, calculated as the ratio of bolometric and Eddington luminosity log (L_bol/L_Edd) < -3. This suggests that thick tori are absent at low accretion rates and/or low efficiencies. We argue that the unification viewing angle range 0-45 degrees of quasars should be increased to ~60 degrees, at least at lower luminosities.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Version 2 matches published version

    A Study of 3CR Radio Galaxies from z = 0.15 to 0.65. II. Evidence for an Evolving Radio Structure

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    Radio structure parameters were measured from the highest quality radio maps available for a sample of 3CR radio galaxies in the redshift range 0.15 < z < 0.65. Combined with similar data for quasars in the same redshift range, these morphology data are used in conjunction with a quantification of the richness of the cluster environment around these objects (the amplitude of the galaxy-galaxy spatial covariance function, Bgg) to search for indirect evidence of a dense intracluster medium (ICM). This is done by searching for confinement and distortions of the radio structure that are correlated with Bgg. Correlations between physical size and hot spot placement with Bgg show evidence for an ICM only at z 0.4, suggesting an epoch of z ~ 0.4 for the formation of an ICM in these Abell richness class 0-1, FR2-selected clusters. X-ray selected clusters at comparable redshifts, which contain FR1 type sources exclusively, are demonstrably richer than the FR2-selected clusters found in this study. The majority of the radio sources with high Bgg values at z < 0.4 can be described as ``fat doubles'' or intermediate FR2/FR1s. The lack of correlation between Bgg and bending angle or Bgg and lobe length asymmetry suggests that these types of radio source distortion are caused by something other than interaction with a dense ICM. Thus, a large bending angle cannot be used as an unambiguous indicator of a rich cluster around powerful radio sources. These results support the hypothesis made in Paper 1 that cluster quasars fade to become FR2s, then FR1s, on a timescale of 0.9 Gyrs (for H0 = 50 km s^-1 Mpc^-1).Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; to be published in the September 2002 issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Declining detection rates for APC and biallelic MUTYH variants in polyposis patients, implications for DNA testing policy

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    This study aimed to determine the prevalence of APC-associated familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) in a large cohort, taking into account factors as adenoma count and year of diagnosis. All application forms used to send patients in for APC and MUTYH variant analysis between 1992 and 2017 were collected (n = 2082). Using the data provided on the application form, the APC and biallelic MUTYH prevalence was determined and possible predictive factors were examined using multivariate multinomial logistic regression analysis in SPSS. The prevalence of disease causing variants in the APC gene significantly increases with adenoma count while MAP shows a peak prevalence in individuals with 50–99 adenomas. Logistic regression analysis shows significant odds ratios for adenoma count, age at diagnosis, and, interestingly, a decline in the chance of finding a variant in either gene over time. Moreover, in 22% (43/200) of patients with FAP-related extracolonic manifestations a variant was identified. The overall detection rates are above 10% for patients with >10 adenomas aged 20 adenomas aged T variant in the tumor or a first-degree relative with >10 adenomas. Therefore, APC and MUTYH testing in patients with >10 adenomas aged 20 adenomas aged <70 is advised. Almost all FAP and MAP patients not meeting these criteria showed other characteristics that can be used as an indication to prompt genetic testing