278 research outputs found

    Dynamique sub-picoseconde de l'interaction laser de puissance – agrĂ©gats de gaz rare : Ă©mission intense de rayons X et production d'ions multichargĂ©s.

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    National audienceLors de campagnes d'expériences réalisées sur le Laser Ultra Court Accordable du CEA/Saclay, nous avons étudié le rayonnement X, tant qualitativement (spectroscopie et énergie moyenne des photons) que quantitativement (taux absolus et lois d'évolution), émis lors de l'interaction d'un jet effusif d'agrégats de gaz rare (Ar, Kr, Xe comprenant entre 10^4 et 10^6 atomes/agrégat) avec un laser femtoseconde de puissance (éclairement jusqu'à quelques 10^17 W/cm2). Les résultats présentés dans ce manuscrit sont uniquement dédiés aux agrégats d'Ar pour lesquels nous avons observé un rayonnement X issu d'ions fortement multichargés (jusqu'à l'Ar16+) présentant des lacunes en couches K. La technique de spectroscopie X utilisée a permis de déterminer pour la premiÚre fois des taux absolus ainsi que les lois d'évolution de l'émission X en fonction de l'ensemble des paramÚtres gouvernant l'interaction (intensité, polarisation, longueur d'onde et durée du pulse laser aussi bien que taille, densité et numéro atomique des agrégats)

    Influence of phase-diversity image reconstruction techniques on circular polarization asymmetries

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    Full Stokes filter-polarimeters are key instruments for investigating the rapid evolution of magnetic structures on the solar surface. To this end, the image quality is routinely improved using a-posteriori image reconstruction methods. We analyze the robustness of circular polarization asymmetries to phase-diversity image reconstruction techniques. We use snapshots of magneto-hydrodynamical simulations carried out with different initial conditions to synthesize spectra of the magnetically sensitive Fe I line at 5250.2 A. We degrade the synthetic profiles spatially and spectrally to simulate observations with the IMaX full Stokes filter-polarimeter. We also simulate the focused/defocused pairs of images used by the phase-diversity algorithm for reconstruction and the polarimetric modulation scheme. We assume that standard optimization methods are able to infer the projection of the wavefront on the Zernike polynomials with 10% precision. We also consider the less favorable case of 25% precision. We obtain reconstructed monochromatic modulated images that are later demodulated and compared with the original maps. Although asymmetries are often difficult to define in the quiet Sun due to the complexity of the Stokes V profiles, we show how asymmetries are degraded with spatial and spectral smearing. The results indicate that, although image reconstruction techniques reduce the spatial smearing, they can modify the asymmetries of the profiles, mainly caused by the appearance of spatially-correlated noise.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectrum and Variability of Mrk501 as observed by the CAT Imaging Telescope

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    The CAT Imaging Telescope has observed the BL Lac object Markarian 501 between March and August 1997. We report here on the variability over this time including several large flares. We present also preliminary spectra for all these data, for the low emission state, and for the largest flare.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Observation of the Crab Nebula Gamma-Ray Emission Above 220 Gev by the Cat Cherenkov Imaging Telescope

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    The CAT imaging telescope, recently built on the site of the former solar plant Themis (French Pyrenees), observed gamma-rays from the Crab nebula from October 1996 to March 1997. This steady source, often considered as the standard candle of very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, is used as a test-beam to probe the performances of the new telescope, particularly its energy threshold (220 GeV at 20 degrees zenith angle) and the stability of its response. Due to the fine-grain camera, an accurate analysis of the longitudinal profiles of shower images is performed, yielding the source position in two dimensions for each individual shower.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Tex, contribution to 25th ICRC Durba

    Detection of Vhe Gamma-Rays from MRK 501 with the Cat Imaging Telescope

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    The CAT imaging telescope on the site on the former solar plant Themis has been observing gamma-rays from Mrk501 above 220 GeV in March and April 1997. This source is shown to be highly variable and the light curve is presented. The detected gamma-ray rate for the most intense flare is in excess of 10 per minute.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Tex, contribution to 25th ICRC Durba

    Morphine and alternative opioids in cancer pain: the EAPC recommendations: Expert Working Group of the Research Network of the European Association for Palliative Care

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    An expert working group of the European Association for Palliative Care has revised and updated its guidelines on the use of morphine in the management of cancer pain. The revised recommendations presented here give guidance on the use of morphine and the alternative strong opioid analgesics which have been introduced in many parts of the world in recent years. Practical strategies for dealing with difficult situations are described presenting a consensus view where supporting evidence is lacking. The strength of the evidence on which each recommendation is based is indicated. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaig

    Very High Energy Gamma-ray spectral properties of Mrk 501 from CAT Cerenkov telescope observations in 1997

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    The BL Lac object Mrk 501 went into a very high state of activity during 1997, both in VHE gamma-rays and X-rays. We present here results from observations at energies above 250 GeV carried out between March and October 1997 with the CAT Cerenkov imaging Telescope. The average differential spectrum between 30 GeV and 13 TeV shows significant curvature and is well represented by phi_0 * E_TeV^{-(alpha + beta*log10(E_TeV))}, with: phi_0 = 5.19 +/- 0.13 {stat} +/- 0.12 {sys-MC} +1.66/-1.04 {sys-atm} * 10^-11 /cm^2/s/TeV alpha = 2.24 +/- 0.04 {stat} +/- 0.05 {sys} beta = 0.50 +/- 0.07 {stat} (negligible systematics). The TeV spectral energy distribution of Mrk 501 clearly peaks in the range 500 GeV-1 TeV. Investigation of spectral variations shows a significant hardness-intensity correlation with no measurable effect on the curvature. This can be described as an increase of the peak TeV emission energy with intensity. Simultaneous and quasi-simultaneous CAT VHE gamma-ray and BeppoSAX hard X-ray detections for the highest recorded flare on 16th April and for lower-activity states of the same period show correlated variability with a higher luminosity in X-rays than in gamma-rays. The observed spectral energy distribution and the correlated variability between X-rays and gamma-rays, both in amplitude and in hardening of spectra, favour a two-component emission scheme where the low and high energy components are attributed to synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) radiation, respectively.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, 8 pages including 6 figures. Published with minor change

    Analyse comparée des écosystÚmes digestifs du rumen de la vache et du caecum du lapin

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    Dans cette revue nous avons synthĂ©tisĂ© les donnĂ©es obtenues dans notre Ă©quipe et celles de la bibliographie afin de contribuer Ă  une meilleure connaissance de l’écologie des communautĂ©s bactĂ©riennes et archĂ©es des fermenteurs digestifs des mammifĂšres herbivores. L’analyse a portĂ© sur la comparaison des deux principales stratĂ©gies digestives rencontrĂ©es chez les mammifĂšres herbivores actuels : un fermenteur en position proximale, le rumen, et un fermenteur en position distale, le caecum. Parmi les espĂšces d’intĂ©rĂȘt agronomique,la vache et le lapin on Ă©tĂ© choisis comme animaux modĂšles. AprĂšs avoir rappelĂ© les caractĂ©ristiques anatomiques et physicochimiques de ces fermenteurs digestifs, nous avons analysĂ© les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de leurs communautĂ©s procaryotiques liĂ©es Ă  l’hĂŽte, la variabilitĂ© individuelle, la structuration spatiale (inter- et intra- fermenteurs digestifs) et la dynamique temporelle (journaliĂšre et hebdomadaire) avec ou sans perturbation nutritionnelle induite
