57 research outputs found

    Microscopical methods for the localization of Na + , K + -ATPase

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    Na + , K + -ATPase plays a central role in the ionic and osmotic homeostasis of cells and in the movements of electrolytes and water across epithelial boundaries. Microscopic localization of the enzyme is, therefore, of crucial importance in establishing the subcellular routes of electrolyte flow across structurally complex and functionally polarized epithelia. Recently developed approaches to the localization of Na + , K + -ATPase are reviewed. These methods rely on different properties of the enzyme and encompass cytochemical localization of the K + -dependent nitrophenylphosphatase component of the enzyme, autoradiographic localization of tritiated ouabain binding sites, and immunocytochemical localization of the holoenzyme and of its catalytic subunit. The rationales for each of these techniques are outlined as are the critieria that have been established to validate each method. The observed localization of Na + , K + -ATPase in various tissues is discussed, particularly as it relates to putative and hypothetical mechanisms that are currently thought to mediate reabsorptive and secretory electrolyte transport.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42850/1/10735_2005_Article_BF01005056.pd

    Fundulus as the premier teleost model in environmental biology : opportunities for new insights using genomics

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 2 (2007): 257-286, doi:10.1016/j.cbd.2007.09.001.A strong foundation of basic and applied research documents that the estuarine fish Fundulus heteroclitus and related species are unique laboratory and field models for understanding how individuals and populations interact with their environment. In this paper we summarize an extensive body of work examining the adaptive responses of Fundulus species to environmental conditions, and describe how this research has contributed importantly to our understanding of physiology, gene regulation, toxicology, and ecological and evolutionary genetics of teleosts and other vertebrates. These explorations have reached a critical juncture at which advancement is hindered by the lack of genomic resources for these species. We suggest that a more complete genomics toolbox for F. heteroclitus and related species will permit researchers to exploit the power of this model organism to rapidly advance our understanding of fundamental biological and pathological mechanisms among vertebrates, as well as ecological strategies and evolutionary processes common to all living organisms.This material is based on work supported by grants from the National Science Foundation DBI-0420504 (LJB), OCE 0308777 (DLC, RNW, BBR), BES-0553523 (AW), IBN 0236494 (BBR), IOB-0519579 (DHE), IOB-0543860 (DWT), FSML-0533189 (SC); National Institute of Health NIEHS P42-ES007381(GVC, MEH), P42-ES10356 (RTD), ES011588 (MFO); and NCRR P20 RR-016463 (DWT); Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery (DLM, TDS, WSM) and Collaborative Research and Development Programs (DLM); NOAA/National Sea Grant NA86RG0052 (LJB), NA16RG2273 (SIK, MEH,GVC, JJS); Environmental Protection Agency U91620701 (WSB), R82902201(SC) and EPA’s Office of Research and Development (DEN)

    Activation of ion transport systems during cell volume regulation

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