47 research outputs found

    Ultra-flat wideband single-pump Raman-enhanced parametric amplification

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    We experimentally optimize a single pump fiber optical parametric amplifier in terms of gain spectral bandwidth and gain variation (GV). We find that optimal performance is achieved with the pump tuned to the zero-dispersion wavelength of dispersion stable highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). We demonstrate further improvement of parametric gain bandwidth and GV by decreasing the HNLF length. We discover that Raman and parametric gain spectra produced by the same pump may be merged together to enhance overall gain bandwidth, while keeping GV low. Consequently, we report an ultra-flat gain of 9.6±0.5 dB over a range of 111 nm (12.8 THz) on one side of the pump. Additionally, we demonstrate amplification of a 60 Gbit/s QPSK signal tuned over a portion of the available bandwidth with OSNR penalty less than 1 dB for Q2 below 14 dB

    Triply resonant coherent four-wave mixing in silicon nitride microresonators

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    Generation of multiple tones using four-wave mixing (FWM) has been exploited for many applications, ranging from wavelength conversion to frequency comb generation. FWM is a coherent process, meaning that its dynamics strongly depend on the relative phase among the waves involved. The coherent nature of FWM has been exploited for phase-sensitive processing in different waveguide structures, but it has never been studied in integrated microresonators. Waveguides arranged in a resonant way allow for an effective increase in the wavelength conversion efficiency (at the expense of a reduction in the operational bandwidth). In this Letter, we show that phase shaping of a three-wave pump provides an extra degree of freedom for controlling the FWM dynamics in microresonators. We present experimental results in single-mode, normal-dispersion high-Q silicon nitride resonators, and numerical calculations of systems operating in the anomalous dispersion regime. Our results indicate that the wavelength conversion efficiency and modulation instability gain in microcavities pumped by multiple waves can be significantly modified with the aid of simple lossless coherent control technique

    Photonic chip based transmitter optimization and receiver demultiplexing of a 1.28 Tbit/s OTDM signal

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    We demonstrate chip-based Tbaud optical signal processing for all-optical performance monitoring, switching and demultiplexing based on the instantaneous Kerr nonlinearity in a dispersion-engineered As 2S 3 planar waveguide. At the Tbaud transmitter, we use a THz bandwidth radiofrequency spectrum analyzer to perform all-optical performance monitoring and to optimize the optical time division multiplexing stages as well as mitigate impairments, for example, dispersion. At the Tbaud receiver, we demonstrate error-free demultiplexing of a 1.28 Tbit/s single wavelength, return-to-zero signal to 10 Gbit/s via four-wave mixing with negligible system penalty (< 0.5 dB). Excellent performance, including high fourwave mixing conversion efficiency and no indication of an error-floor, was achieved. Our results establish the feasibility of Tbaud signal processing using compact nonlinear planar waveguides for Tbit/s Ethernet applications

    Continuous wave tunable fiber optical parametric oscillator with double-pass pump configuration

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    We demonstrate a continuous wave tunable fiber optical parametric oscillator in a Fabry–Perot cavity consisting of a 500-m highly nonlinear fiber. In this work, the pump propagates in both directions together with the signal, thus making full use of its parametric gain. The resultant laser peak power is uneven across the wavelength range of interest due to wavelength-dependent phase modulation by the single-mode fiber sections in the cavity. This can be solved by filtering the idler spectral component from the oscillating cavity

    Gain through losses in nonlinear optics

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    Instabilities of uniform states are ubiquitous processes occurring in a variety of spatially extended nonlinear systems. These instabilities are at the heart of symmetry breaking, condensate dynamics, self-organization, pattern formation and noise amplification across diverse disciplines, including physics, chemistry, engineering and biology. In nonlinear optics, modulation instabilities are generally linked to the so-called parametric amplification process, which occurs when certain phase-matching or quasi-phase-matching conditions are satisfied. In the present review article, we summarize the principle results on modulation instabilities and parametric amplification in nonlinear optics, with special emphasis on optical fibres. We then review state-of-the-art research about a peculiar class of modulation instabilities and signal amplification processes induced by dissipation in nonlinear optical systems. Losses applied to certain parts of the spectrum counterintuitively lead to the exponential growth of the damped mode themselves, causing gain through losses. We discuss the concept of imaging of losses into gain, showing how to map a given spectral loss profile into a gain spectrum. We demonstrate with concrete examples that dissipation-induced modulation instability, apart from being of fundamental theoretical interest, may pave the way towards the design of a new class of tuneable fibre-based optical amplifiers, optical parametric oscillators, frequency comb sources and pulsed lasers

    Wavelength tunable 40 GHz pulse source based on fibre optical parametric amplifier

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