83 research outputs found

    Newtonian versus relativistic cosmology

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    We show how the relativistic matter and velocity power spectra behave in different gauges. We construct a new gauge where both spectra coincide with Newtonian theory on all scales. However, in this gauge there are geometric quantities present which do not exist in Newtonian theory, for example the local variation of the Hubble parameter. Comparing this quantity to second order Newtonian quantities, we find that Newtonian theory is inaccurate on scales larger than 10 Mpc. This stresses the importance of relativistic corrections to Newtonian cosmological N-body simulations on these scales.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review D (Sept. 2012

    Does The 3N-Force Have A Hard Core?

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    The meson-nucleon dynamics that generates the hard core of the RuhrPot two-nucleon interaction is shown to vanish in the irreducible 3N force. This result indicates a small 3N force dominated by conventional light meson-exchange dynamics and holds for an arbitrary meson-theoretic Lagrangian. The resulting RuhrPot 3N force is defined in the appendix. A completely different result is expected when the Tamm-Dancoff/Bloch-Horowitz procedure is used to define the NN and 3N potentials. In that approach, (e.g. full Bonn potential) both the NN {\it and} 3N potentials contain non-vanishing contributions from the coherent sum of meson-recoil dynamics and the possibility of a large hard core requiring explicit calculation cannot be ruled out.Comment: 16 pages REVTeX + 3 ps fig

    N N bar,Delta bar N, Delta N bar excitation for the pion propagator in nuclear matter

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    The particle-hole and Delta -hole excitations are well-known elementary excitation modes for the pion propagator in nuclear matter. But, the excitation also involves antiparticles, namely, nucleon-antinucleon, anti-Delta-nucleon and Delta-antinucleon excitations. These are important for high-energy momentum as well, and have not been studied before, to our knowledge. In this paper, we give both the formulas and the numerical calculations for the real and the imaginary parts of these excitations.Comment: Latex, 3 eps file

    UV continuum emission and diagnostics of hydrogen-containing non-equilibrium plasmas

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    For the first time the emission of the radiative dissociation continuum of the hydrogen molecule (a3ÎŁg+→b3ÎŁu+a^{3}\Sigma_{g}^{+} \to b^{3}\Sigma_{u}^{+} electronic transition) is proposed to be used as a source of information for the spectroscopic diagnostics of non-equilibrium plasmas. The detailed analysis of excitation-deactivation kinetics, rate constants of various collisional and radiative transitions and fitting procedures made it possible to develop two new methods of diagnostics of: (1) the ground X1ÎŁg+X^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} state vibrational temperature TvibT_{\text{vib}} from the relative intensity distribution, and (2) the rate of electron impact dissociation (d[\mbox{H_{2}}]/dt)_{\text{diss}} from the absolute intensity of the continuum. A known method of determination of TvibT_{\text{vib}} from relative intensities of Fulcher-α\alpha bands was seriously corrected and simplified due to the revision of d→ad \to a transition probabilities and cross sections of d←Xd \gets X electron impact excitation. General considerations are illustrated with examples of experiments in pure hydrogen capillary-arc and H2_{2}+Ar microwave discharges.Comment: REVTeX, 25 pages + 12 figures + 9 tables. Phys. Rev. E, eprint replaced because of resubmission to journal after referee's 2nd repor

    Modes of activation of organometallic iridium complexes for catalytic water and C–H oxidation

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    Sodium periodate (NaIO4) is added to Cp*Ir-III (Cp* = C5Me5-) or (cod)Ir-I (cod = cyclooctadiene) complexes, which are water and C-H oxidation catalyst precursors, and the resulting aqueous reaction is investigated from milliseconds to seconds using desorption electrospray ionization, electrosonic spray ionization, and cryogenic ion vibrational predissociation spectroscopy. Extensive oxidation of the Cp* ligand is observed, likely beginning with electrophilic C-H hydroxylation of a Cp* methyl group followed by nonselective pathways of further oxidative degradation. Evidence is presented that the supporting chelate ligand in Cp*Ir(chelate) precursors influences the course of oxidation and is neither eliminated from the coordination sphere nor oxidatively transformed. Isomeric products of initial Cp* oxidation are identified and structurally characterized by vibrational spectroscopy in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT) modeling. Less extensive but more rapid oxidation of the cod ligand is also observed in the (cod)Ir-I complexes. The observations are consistent with the proposed role of Cp* and cod as sacrificial placeholder ligands that are oxidatively removed from the precursor complexes under catalytic conditions.Chemistry, Inorganic & NuclearSCI(E)[email protected]; [email protected]

    The hemispherical asymmetry from a scale-dependent inflationary bispectrum

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    If the primordial bispectrum is sufficiently large then the CMB hemispherical asymmetry may be explained by a large-scale mode of exceptional amplitude which perturbs the zeta two-point function. We extend previous calculations, which were restricted to one- or two-source scenarios, by providing a method to compute the response of the two-point function in any model yielding a 'local-like' bispectrum. In general, this shows that it is not the reduced bispectrum fNL which sources the amplitude and scale-dependence of the mode coupling but rather a combination of 'response functions'. We discuss why it is difficult to construct successful scenarios and enumerate the fine-tunings which seem to be required. Finally, we exhibit a concrete model which can be contrived to match the observational constraints and show that to a Planck-like experiment it would appear to have |fNL-local| ~ |fNL-equi| ~ |fNL-ortho| ~ 1. Therefore, contrary to previous analyses, we conclude that it is possible to generate the asymmetry while respecting observational constraints on the bispectrum and low-ell multipoles even without tuning our location on the long-wavelength mode

    Self-similarity and universality of void density profiles in simulation and SDSS data

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    The stacked density profile of cosmic voids in the galaxy distribution provides an important tool for the use of voids for precision cosmology. We study the density profiles of voids identified using the ZOBOV watershed transform algorithm in realistic mock luminous red galaxy (LRG) catalogues from the Jubilee simulation, as well as in void catalogues constructed from the SDSS LRG and Main Galaxy samples. We compare different methods for reconstructing density profiles scaled by the void radius and show that the most commonly used method based on counts in shells and simple averaging is statistically flawed as it underestimates the density in void interiors. We provide two alternative methods that do not suffer from this effect; one based on Voronoi tessellations is also easily able to account from artefacts due to finite survey boundaries and so is more suitable when comparing simulation data to observation. Using this method, we show that the most robust voids in simulation are exactly self-similar, meaning that their average rescaled profile does not depend on the void size. Within the range of our simulation, we also find no redshift dependence of the mean profile. Comparison of the profiles obtained from simulated and real voids shows an excellent match. The mean profiles of real voids also show a universal behaviour over a wide range of galaxy luminosities, number densities and redshifts. This points to a fundamental property of the voids found by the watershed algorithm, which can be exploited in future studies of voids

    Imprint of DES superstructures on the cosmic microwave background

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    Small temperature anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) can be sourced by density perturbations via the late-time integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect. Large voids and superclusters are excellent environments to make a localized measurement of this tiny imprint. In some cases excess signals have been reported. We probed these claims with an independent data set, using the first year data of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) in a different footprint, and using a different superstructure finding strategy. We identified 52 large voids and 102 superclusters at redshifts 0.2 < z < 0.65. We used the Jubilee simulation to a priori evaluate the optimal ISW measurement configuration for our compensated top-hat filtering technique, and then performed a stacking measurement of the CMB temperature field based on the DES data. For optimal configurations, we detected a cumulative cold imprint of voids with DeltaTf ≈ -5.0 ± 3.7 muK and a hot imprint of superclusters DeltaTf ≈ 5.1 ± 3.2 muK; this is ˜1.2sigma higher than the expected |DeltaTf| ≈ 0.6 muK imprint of such superstructures in Lambda cold dark matter (LambdaCDM). If we instead use an a posteriori selected filter size (R/Rv = 0.6), we can find a temperature decrement as large as DeltaTf ≈ -9.8 ± 4.7 muK for voids, which is ˜2sigma above LambdaCDM expectations and is comparable to previous measurements made using Sloan Digital Sky Survey superstructure data

    Scale-dependent non-Gaussianity and the CMB power asymmetry

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    We introduce an alternative parametrisation for the scale dependence of the non–linearity parameter fNL in quasi-local models of non–Gaussianity. Our parametrisation remains valid when fNL changes sign, unlike the commonly adopted power law ansatz fNL(k) ∝ knfNL. We motivate our alternative parametrisation by appealing to the self-interacting curvaton scenario, and as an application, we apply it to the CMB power asymmetry. Explaining the power asymmetry requires a strongly scale dependent non-Gaussianity. We show that regimes of model parameter space where fNL is strongly scale dependent are typically associated with a large gNL and quadrupolar power asymmetry, which can be ruled out by existing observational constraints
