29 research outputs found

    Disentangling Morphology, Star Formation, Stellar Mass, and Environment in Galaxy Evolution

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    We present a study of the spectroscopic and photometric properties of galaxies in six nearby clusters. We perform a partial correlation analysis on our dataset to investigate whether the correlation between star formation rates in galaxies and their environment is merely another aspect of correlations of morphology, stellar mass, or mean stellar age with environment, or whether star formation rates vary independently of these other correlations. We find a residual correlation of ongoing star formation with environment, indicating that even galaxies with similar morphologies, stellar masses, and mean stellar ages have lower star formation rates in denser environments. Thus, the current star formation gradient in clusters is not just another aspect of the morphology-density, stellar mass-density, or mean stellar age-density relations. Furthermore, the star formation gradient cannot be solely the result of initial conditions, but must partly be due to subsequent evolution through a mechanism (or mechanisms) sensitive to environment. Our results constitute a true ``smoking gun'' pointing to the effect of environment on the later evolution of galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, including 5 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    A Statistical Method for Estimating Luminosity Functions using Truncated Data

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    The observational limitations of astronomical surveys lead to significant statistical inference challenges. One such challenge is the estimation of luminosity functions given redshift zz and absolute magnitude MM measurements from an irregularly truncated sample of objects. This is a bivariate density estimation problem; we develop here a statistically rigorous method which (1) does not assume a strict parametric form for the bivariate density; (2) does not assume independence between redshift and absolute magnitude (and hence allows evolution of the luminosity function with redshift); (3) does not require dividing the data into arbitrary bins; and (4) naturally incorporates a varying selection function. We accomplish this by decomposing the bivariate density into nonparametric and parametric portions. There is a simple way of estimating the integrated mean squared error of the estimator; smoothing parameters are selected to minimize this quantity. Results are presented from the analysis of a sample of quasars.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The U-band Galaxy Luminosity Function of Nearby Clusters

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    Despite the great potential of the U-band galaxy luminosity function (GLF) to constrain the history of star formation in clusters, to clarify the question of variations of the GLF across filter bands, to provide a baseline for comparisons to high-redshift studies of the cluster GLF, and to estimate the contribution of bound systems of galaxies to the extragalactic near-UV background, determinations have so far been hampered by the generally low efficiency of detectors in the U-band and by the difficulty of constructing both deep and wide surveys. In this paper, we present U-band GLFs of three nearby, rich clusters to a limit of M_U=-17.5 (M*_U+2). Our analysis is based on a combination of separate spectroscopic and R-band and U-band photometric surveys. For this purpose, we have developed a new maximum-likelihood algorithm for calculating the luminosity function that is particularly useful for reconstructing the galaxy distribution function in multi-dimensional spaces (e.g., the number of galaxies as a simultaneous function of luminosity in different filter bands, surface brightness, star formation rate, morphology, etc.), because it requires no prior assumptions as to the shape of the distribution function. The composite luminosity function can be described by a Schechter function with characteristic magnitude M*_U=-19.82+/-0.27 and faint end slope alpha_U=-1.09+/-0.18. The total U-band GLF is slightly steeper than the R-band GLF, indicating that cluster galaxies are bluer at fainter magnitudes. Quiescent galaxies dominate the cumulative U-band flux for M_U<-14. The contribution of galaxies in nearby clusters to the U-band extragalactic background is <1% Gyr^-1 for clusters of masses ~3*10^14 to 2*10^15 M_solar.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Tests of Statistical Methods for Estimating Galaxy Luminosity Function and Applications to the Hubble Deep Field

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    We studied the statistical methods for the estimation of the luminosity function (LF) of galaxies. We focused on four nonparametric estimators: 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator, maximum-likelihood estimator of Efstathiou et al. (1988), Cho{\l}oniewski's estimator, and improved Lynden-Bell's estimator. The performance of the 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator has been recently questioned, especially for the faint-end estimation of the LF. We improved these estimators for the studies of the distant Universe, and examined their performances for various classes of functional forms by Monte Carlo simulations. We also applied these estimation methods to the mock 2dF redshift survey catalog prepared by Cole et al. (1998). We found that 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator yields a completely unbiased result if there is no inhomogeneity, but is not robust against clusters or voids. This is consistent with the well-known results, and we did not confirm the bias trend of 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator claimed by Willmer (1997) in the case of homogeneous sample. We also found that the other three maximum-likelihood type estimators are quite robust and give consistent results with each other. In practice we recommend Cho{\l}oniewski's estimator for two reasons: 1. it simultaneously provides the shape and normalization of the LF; 2. it is the fastest among these four estimators, because of the algorithmic simplicity. Then, we analyzed the photometric redshift data of the Hubble Deep Field prepared by Fern\'{a}ndez-Soto et al. (1999) using the above four methods. We also derived luminosity density ρL\rho_{\rm L} at BB- and II-band. Our BB-band estimation is roughly consistent with that of Sawicki, Lin, & Yee (1997), but a few times lower at 2.0<z<3.02.0 < z < 3.0. The evolution of ρL(I)\rho_{\rm L}(I) is found to be less prominent.Comment: To appear in ApJS July 2000 issue. 36 page

    The luminosity function of field galaxies

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    Schmidt's method for construction of luminosity function of galaxies is generalized by taking into account the dependence of density of galaxies from the distance in the near Universe. The logarithmical luminosity function (LLF) of field galaxies depending on morphological type is constructed. We show that the LLF for all galaxies, and also separately for elliptical and lenticular galaxies can be presented by Schechter function in narrow area of absolute magnitudes. The LLF of spiral galaxies was presented by Schechter function for enough wide area of absolute magnitudes: . Spiral galaxies differ slightly by parameter . At transition from early spirals to the late spirals parameter in Schechter function is reduced. The reduction of mean luminosity of galaxies is observed at transition from elliptical galaxies to lenticular galaxies, to early spiral galaxies, and further, to late spiral galaxies, in a bright end, . The completeness and the average density of samples of galaxies of different morphological types are estimated. In the range the mean number density of all galaxies is equal 0.127 Mpc-3.Comment: 14 page, 8 figures, to appear in Astrophysic

    Comparing galaxy populations in compact and loose groups of galaxies

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    We perform a comparison of the properties of galaxies in compact groups, loose groups and in the field to deepen our understanding of the physical mechanisms acting upon galaxy evolution in different environments. We select samples of galaxies in compact groups identified by McConnachie et al., loose groups identified by Zandivarez and Martinez, and field galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We compare properties of the galaxy populations in these different environments: absolute magnitude, colour, size, surface brightness, stellar mass and concentration. We also study the fraction of red and early type galaxies, the luminosity function, the colour-luminosity and luminosity-size relations. The population of galaxies in compact groups differ from that of loose groups and the field. The fraction of read and early type galaxies is higher in compact groups. On average, galaxies in compact groups are systematically smaller, more concentrated and have higher surface brightness than galaxies in the field and in loose groups. For fixed absolute magnitude, or fixed surface brightness, galaxies in compact groups are smaller. The physical mechanisms that transform galaxies into earlier types could be more effective within compact groups given the high densities and low velocity dispersion that characterise that particular environment, this could explain the large fraction of red and early type galaxies we found in compact groups. Galaxies inhabiting compact groups have undergone a major transformation compared to galaxies that inhabit loose groups.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    The dynamical state of galaxy groups and their luminosity content

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    We analyse the dependence of the luminosity function of galaxies in groups (LF) on group dynamical state. We use the Gaussianity of the velocity distribution of galaxy members as a measurement of the dynamical equilibrium of groups identified in the SDSS Data Release 7 by Zandivarez & Martinez. We apply the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test to distinguish between groups according to whether they have Gaussian or Non-Gaussian velocity distributions, i.e., whether they are relaxed or not. For these two subsamples, we compute the 0.1r−^{0.1}r-band LF as a function of group virial mass and group total luminosity. For massive groups, ${\mathcal M}>5 \times 10^{13} \ M_{\odot} \ h^{-1},wefindstatisticallysignificantdifferencesbetweentheLFofthetwosubsamples:theLFofgroupsthathaveGaussianvelocitydistributionshaveabrightercharacteristicabsolutemagnitude(, we find statistically significant differences between the LF of the two subsamples: the LF of groups that have Gaussian velocity distributions have a brighter characteristic absolute magnitude (\sim0.3mag)andasteeperfaintendslope( mag) and a steeper faint end slope (\sim0.25).WedetectasimilareffectwhencomparingtheLFofbright(). We detect a similar effect when comparing the LF of bright (M^{group}_{^{0.1}r}-5\log(h)<-23.5$) Gaussian and Non-Gaussian groups. Our results indicate that, for massive/luminous groups, the dynamical state of the system is directly related with the luminosity of its galaxy members.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in MNRAS letter

    Luminosity function of galaxies in groups in the SDSS DR7: the dependence on mass, environment and galaxy type

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    We perform an analysis of the luminosities of galaxies in groups in the SDSS DR7. We analyse the luminosity function (LF) as a function of group mass for different photometric bands, galaxy populations, galaxy positions within the groups, and the group surrounding large scale density. We find that M* brightens and alpha becomes steeper as a function of mass in all SDSS photometric bands, in agreement with previous results. From the analysis of different galaxy populations, we observe that different methods to split galaxy populations, based on the concentration index or the colour-magnitude diagram, produce quite different behaviours in the luminosity trends, mainly for alpha. These discrepancies and the trends with mass mentioned above are explained when analysing the LF of galaxies classified simultaneously according to their concentrations and colours. We find that only the red spheroids have a LF that strongly depends on group mass. Late type galaxies, whether blue or red, have luminosity functions that do not depend on group mass. The intrinsic change in the LF of spheroids and the varying number contributions of the different types explain all the observed trends with group mass. On the other hand, dividing the galaxy members in the inner and outer regions of the groups do not introduce a significant difference in the Schechter parameter trends, except for the characteristic absolute magnitude in the high group virial mass range (M>1x10^13 M_sun/h) which is an indication of luminosity segregation in massive groups. Finally, we also analyse the possible influence of the large scale surrounding environment on the LF. We find that galaxies inhabiting groups at low density regions experience more pronounced variations on the Schechter parameters as a function of groups mass, while galaxies in groups at high density regions show an almost constant behaviour.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, final version published in MNRA

    The Dust Opacity of Star-Forming Galaxies

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    Presence of dust in galaxies removes half or more of the stellar energy from the UV-optical budget of the Universe and has profound impact on our understanding of how galaxies evolve. Measures of opacity in local galaxies are reviewed together with widely used theoretical and empirical methods for quantifying its effects. Existing evidence shows that the dust content of nearby galaxies depends not only on their morphology, but also on their luminosity and activity level. A digression is devoted to starbursts in view of their potential relevance for measures of opacity in distant galaxies. Scarcity of coherent multiwavelength datasets hampers our ability to derive reliable obscuration estimates in intermediate and high redshift galaxies. This, in turn, limits the reliability of inferred physical quantities, such as star formation rates, stellar population ages, galaxy luminosity functions, and others.Comment: Invited Review for PASP, to appear in December 2001. 84 pages, including 6 tables and 11 embedded figures; uses AAS Latex macr