167 research outputs found

    Evolución petrológico geoquímica de los granitoides hercínicos del NO gallego

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    [Resumen] Se estudia el conjunto de rocas graníticas hercínicas del sector noroeste de Galicia, desde el punto de vista petrológico y geoquímico. Por características tect6nicas y mineral6gicas se han distinguido cuatro grupos de granitoides: Granotáides precoces, granitoides inhomogneos,/granitos de dos micas pre-fase 3, y granitos postcinemáticos. Todos los grupos, a excepci6n de los granitoides precoces, tienen una tendencia geoquímica más ácida y evolucionada que la media total de los granitoides gallegos. Los contenidos en Li,Rb,Ba,Sr, demuestran igualmente un alto grado de diferenciación. L1 y Rb por un lado, y Ba y Sr. por otro, se comportan de manera análoga en todos los grupos.[Abstract] This paper deals with the petrological and geochémical aspects of Hercynian granitic rocks in the northwestern part of Galicia. Based on minerological and structural criteria four granitoid groups are distinguished: Early-Hercynian granitoids, " inhomogeneus granitoids " , an'older group of two-micas granite (prior to the third Hercynian deformation) and postcinematic granites. Geochemically al1 the granitic rocks, with the exception of the EarlyHercynian granitoids, are more acid than the average value of all Galician granitoids. Also the abundances of Li, Rb, Ba, and Sr demonstrate a high degree of differentiation. The element pairs Li-Rb and Ba-Sr, tend to behave similarly in the granitoid groups

    Effect of volcanic dykes on coastal groundwater flow and saltwater intrusion : a field-scale multiphysics approach and parameter evaluation

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    Acknowledgments This research was primarily based on research grant‐aided by the Irish Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources under the National Geoscience Programme 2007–2013. It also benefited from complementary funding from the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES). We acknowledge the contribution in data acquisition of the MSc students in Environmental Engineering at Queen's University Belfast, the landowner for access to the inland fields and the Department of Geography, Archaeology and Paleoecology at QUB for provision of the tidal model of Belfast Lough. The data used are listed in the references, tables, and figures and are available from the corresponding author upon demand. We acknowledge the constructive comments by the Associate Editor and three reviewers, which helped in improving the final manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma subtypes are characterized by loss of function of SETD2

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    Enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma (EATL) is a lethal, and the most common, neoplastic complication of celiac disease. Here, we defined the genetic landscape of EATL through whole-exome sequencing of 69 EATL tumors. SETD2 was the most frequently silenced gene in EATL (32% of cases). The JAK-STAT pathway was the most frequently mutated pathway, with frequent mutations in STAT5B as well as JAK1 , JAK3 , STAT3 , and SOCS1 . We also identified mutations in KRAS , TP53 , and TERT . Type I EATL and type II EATL (monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T cell lymphoma) had highly overlapping genetic alterations indicating shared mechanisms underlying their pathogenesis. We modeled the effects of SETD2 loss in vivo by developing a T cell–specific knockout mouse. These mice manifested an expansion of γδ T cells, indicating novel roles for SETD2 in T cell development and lymphomagenesis. Our data render the most comprehensive genetic portrait yet of this uncommon but lethal disease and may inform future classification schemes