1,742 research outputs found

    La pyramide de Kheops et quelques équations du quatriÚme degré

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    International audienceDans un article publiĂ© dans l'Ă©dition française de la revue australienne Nexus, James Colmer prĂ©sentait une hypothĂšse originale sur la fonction de la pyramide de Kheops et sur l'existence prĂ©sumĂ©e d'un ensemble de galeries et chambres cachĂ©es, symĂ©triques Ă  celles connues. La dĂ©marche de J. Colmer, dans sa recherche, passait par un tracĂ© gĂ©omĂ©trique impliquant un certaine valeur de l'angle formĂ© par la face de la pyramide avec sa base horizontale et la triple intersection d'une circonfĂ©rence avec deux segments de droites spĂ©cifiques. AndrĂ© Dufour, traducteur pour Nexus France et architecte de mĂ©tier, ayant eu la charge de traduire cet article, s'aperçut aprĂšs avoir refait sur ordinateur le tracĂ© gĂ©omĂ©trique de J. Colmer que ce dernier Ă©tait faux. Cela n'enlevait rien Ă  l'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'hypothĂšse de J. Colmer, objet principal de l'article, mais posait un problĂšme intĂ©ressant de gĂ©omĂ©trie. AprĂšs en avoir fait une note de traducteur publiĂ©e simultanĂ©ment avec l'article traduit de J. Colmer, plusieurs lecteurs, F. De Ligt, J.-F. Pioche et l'auteur du prĂ©sent article rĂ©agirent au problĂšme en fournissant des valeurs exactes pour l'angle mis en cause par le biais de diverses mĂ©thodes calculatoires. Par une dĂ©marche empirique, A. Dufour tenta une construction graphique Ă  l'aide d'un logiciel de dessin vectoriel afin d'obtenir la position du sommet de la pyramide requise par la thĂ©orie de J. Colmer. Cette approche, qu'il a soumise Ă  l'auteur, repose sur la construction d'une courbe en polyligne lissĂ©e dont l'intersection avec une droite adĂ©quate fournit avec une excellente prĂ©cision la position du sommet recherchĂ© (en fait deux sommets conviendront comme cela apparaĂźtra ultĂ©rieurement). Par une approche analytique, l'auteur prouvera alors que cette construction est parfaitement exacte. Il est intĂ©ressant de noter que, bien au-delĂ  d'un exercice de gĂ©omĂ©trie Ă©lĂ©mentaire en apparence, ce problĂšme suscitera en fait une analyse mathĂ©matique particuliĂšrement riche touchant Ă  des domaines diversifiĂ©s. Tous les Ă©lĂ©ments des diverses correspondances entre A. Dufour, F. De Ligt, J.-F. Pioche et l'auteur sont rassemblĂ©es dans le prĂ©sent article

    Aimé Césaire and The Divine Comedy: Self-enlightenment and the dialectic of relation in And the Dogs Were Silent

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    This article offers a close reading of the lyrical drama And the Dogs Were Silent, and AimĂ© CĂ©saire’s unique deployment of a Dantean imaginary. It argues, specifically, that Dante’s “symbolic process” in the Commedia provides a metaphorical structure for the hero’s initiation in this work and for the poet’s articulation of a philosophy of postcolonial relationality. Showing how Dante’s katabasis is used to analogize the creative power of CĂ©saire’s hellish abyss, it offers Édouard Glissant’s theory of Relation as a guiding framework to emphasize fluid connectivity in CĂ©saire’s poetic project

    Brognard, Étupes – PrĂ©s Narbonds, PrĂ©s Haiches

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    Les interventions d’urgence ont Ă©tĂ© justifiĂ©es par un programme de grands travaux. Elles ont permis de redĂ©couvrir le systĂšme des voies de communication du secteur entre le ier et le ive s. av. J.-C. : une voie principale, d’orientation sud-nord (Lyon-Mandeure-Belfort-Strasbourg), signalĂ©e dans les publications anciennes ; une voie adjacente, perpendiculaire Ă  la prĂ©cĂ©dente et plus modeste, aboutissant Ă  un Ă©tablissement de forme rectangulaire, bien visible d’avion, mais presque totalement dĂ©..

    Reconstruir el arte moderno en el ParĂ­s de la postguerra. La GalerĂ­a Maeght 1945-1964

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    Introducción al catålogo Da Braque a Kandinsky a Chagall, Aimé Maeght e i suoi artist

    World Peace Through Justice Award Lecture

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    I am optimistic that even if the United States fails in the coming years to ratify the Rome Treaty, it will increasingly offer its support for prosecutions launched by the ICC that are consistent with Washington’s foreign policy. Then, there is the role of civil society in this and other democracies. The media, human rights organizations, and the faculty and students of so many universities have successfully pressured political leaders to take action in support of victims of atrocious crimes. It was, after all, public concern and pressure that led the United States and some of the European democracies to push the Security Council to establish the two ad hoc criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. This realization should spur further demands for positive support of the ICC. This Law School has been at the forefront of those efforts, and I know that it will continue to stay there. It is in this context that I am so proud to accept this award. Wash

    On colonial blind spots, ego-politics of knowledge and 'Universal Reason'

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    This paper examines the notion of death as a philosophical and counter-hegemonic subject ‘erased’ from the imperialist cartography of knowledge. It revolves around three main points: the ‘loss’ of death from the imperialist epistemology of the global North, its subservient position towards the dominance of life in biopolitical discourses, and the instrumentality of death under the ongoing matrix of colonial/capitalist power. The paper challenges the hegemonic rationality of biopolitical discourses while proposing counter-hegemonic alternatives: they are hereby mainly situated in the critique of sovereignty exemplified by Achille Mbembe’s groundbreaking work on the politics of death. In what serves as an attempt to avert our gaze from the dominant viewpoint of epistemic imperialism, the paper invites us to ‘unlearn’ what we are supposed to be proud of. As a way to engage in the decolonizing processes, it pleads for self-liberation from the forms of knowledge that, in their claim to be ‘universal’, continue to pertain to the imperialist reason and its hegemonic matrix of power

    On (Not) Being Milton: Tony Harrison’s Liminal Voice

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    The paper examines the relation between poetic identity, whose ongoing construction remains one of the most persistently reoccurring themes of Harrison’s work, and the liminal position occupied by the speaker of Harrison’s verse. In the context of the sociological thought of such scholars as Zygmunt Bauman and Stuart Hall, the following paper discusses the way in which the idea of being in-between operates in “On Not Being Milton,” an initial poem from Harrison’s widely acclaimed sonnet sequence The School of Eloquence, whose unique character stems partly from the fact that it constitutes an ongoing poetic project which has continued from 1978 onwards, reflecting the social and cultural changes of contemporary Britain

    Critical Humanism and Spectrality: Notes Starting with Two Texts of Aimé Césaire

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    El artículo intenta establecer las configuraciones que asume el humanismo crítico en la escritura de Aimé Césaire en la encrucijada de la diferencia colonial, entendida desde una perspectiva decolonial, y a partir de una noción de espectralidad que deriva y se diferencia de las perspectivas derrideanas. Así entonces, se destaca el hecho de que la escritura de Césaire produce una fuerte impugnación de los procesos de la representación colonial y abre el campo de la experiencia política y cultural signada por la heterogeneidad.The article tries to establish the settings that the critical humanism assumes in Aimé CésaireŽs writing at the crossroads of the colonial difference, which is understood from a decolonial perspective, and from a notion of spectrality which derives and differs from the Derridean perspective. So then, the article remarks the fact that CésaireŽs writing produces a strong challenge to the processes of colonial representation and it opens the field of political and cultural experience marked by heterogeneity.Fil: de Oto, Alejandro José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
