27 research outputs found

    Components of metabolic syndrome in relation to plasma levels of retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) in a cohort of people aged 65 years and older

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    Purpose Elevated plasma concentration of retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) has recently emerged as a potential risk factor as a component of developing metabolic syndrome (MS). Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the relationship between components of MS and concentrations of plasma RBP4 in a population of subjects 65 years and older. Methods The study sample consisted of 3038 (1591 male) participants of the PolSenior study, aged 65 years and older. Serum lipid profile, concentrations of RBP4, glucose, insulin, C-reactive protein, IL-6, and activity of aminotransferases were measured. Nutritional status (BMI/waist circumference) and treatment with statins and fibrates were evaluated. Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), de Ritis ratio, and fatty liver index (FLI), as well as HOMA-IR were calculated. Results Our study revealed a strong relationship between components of MS and RBP4 in both sexes: plasma RBP4 levels were increased in men by at least 3×, and in women by at least 4×. Hypertriglyceridemia was most strongly associated with elevated plasma RBP4 levels. Multivariate, sex-adjusted regression analysis demonstrated that chronic kidney disease [OR 1.86 (95% CI 1.78-1.94)], hypertriglyceridemia [OR 1.52 (1.24-1.87)], hypertension [OR 1.15 (1.12-1.19)], low serum HDL cholesterol [OR 0.94 (0.92-0.97)], and age > 80 years [OR 0.86 (0.81-0.90)] were each independently associated with RBP4 concentration (all p < 0.001). Conclusions In Caucasians 65 years and older, RBP4 serum levels are associated with a number of components of MS, independent of sex and kidney function. Hypertriglyceridemia as a component of MS is most signifcantly related to RBP4 concentration

    Iron status in the elderly: a review of recent evidence

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    A comprehensive literature review of iron status in the elderly was undertaken in order to update a previous review (Fairweather-Tait et al, 2014); 138 papers were retrieved that described research on the magnitude of the problem, aetiology and age-related physiological changes that may affect iron status, novel strategies for assessing iron status with concurrent health conditions, hepcidin, lifestyle factors, iron supplements, iron status and health outcomes (bone mineral density, frailty, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney failure, cancer, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases). Each section concludes with key points from the relevant papers. The overall findings were that disturbed iron metabolism plays a major role in a large number of conditions associated with old age. Correction of iron deficiency/overload may improve disease prognosis, but diagnosis of iron deficiency requires appropriate cut-offs for biomarkers of iron status in elderly men and women to be agreed. Iron deficiency (with or without anemia), anemia of inflammation, and anemia of chronic disease are all widespread in the elderly and, once identified, should be investigated further as they are often indicative of underlying disease. Management options should be reviewed and updated, and novel therapies, which show potential for treating anemia of inflammation or chronic disease, should be considered

    Implementacja modelu wspomagania decyzji zarzadzania łańcuchem dostaw w środowisku programowania w logice z ograniczeniami

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    The article presents the details of the implementation of the concept of a decision support model in the supply chain. To implement the model, the CLP (Constraint Logic Programming) framework called Eclipse was used. The novel way of constraints propagation is discussed, which for this class of problems improves significantly the efficiency of a search for a solution. The most important predicates implementing the model are presented and characterized. Several numerical examples are included to illustrate the implementation of the approach.W artykule przedstawiono szczegóły implementacji koncepcji modelu wspomagania decyzji w łańcuchu dostaw. Do implementacji modelu wykorzystano środowisko CLP (Programowanie w logice z ograniczeniami) o nazwie Eclipse. Omówiono nowatorski sposób propagacji ograniczeń, który dla tej klasy problemów prowadzi do znacznej poprawy wydajności znajdowania rozwiązania. W artykule przedstawiono i scharakteryzowano najważniejsze predykaty, które służą do implementacji modelu. Jako ilustracje przyjętych założeń i rozwiązań zaprezentowano przykłady liczbowe

    Declarative approach to decision support for transportation problems

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    W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe założenia systemu wspomagania decyzji opartego na środowiskach deklaratywnych. Środowiska deklaratywne w odróżnieniu od imperatywnych nie są tak rozpowszechnione. Umożliwiają bardziej elastyczne kształtowanie modeli decyzyjnych, nie wymagają budowy indywidualnych algorytmów, sa niewrażliwe na zmiany danych liczbowych, które mogą być pobierane za pomocą języka zapytań do bazy danych. Ilustracją prezentowanej koncepcji jest przedstawianie rozwiązania wieloetapowego zagadnienia transportowego.The article presents the basic assumptions of the decision support system based on declarative environments. Declarative environments in contrast to the imperative ones are not as widespread. Allow more elastic shaping decision-making models, do not require the construction of the individual algorithms are insensitive to changes in the figures-which may be wound sampling using query language into the database. An illustration of the presented concept the solution of the multistage transportation problem has been presented

    Application of different computational environments to optimization of makespan in the flow production line

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    A mathematical model of makespan optimization in the divided flow production line is presented. The methodology of Constraint Programming and Integer Programming to optimization of makespan in the above environment have been considered. Multiple examples illustrate the concept propose

    Mathematical programming model of cost optimization for supply chain from perspective of logistics provider

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    The article presents the problem of optimizing the supply chain from the perspective of a logistics provider and includes a mathematical model of multilevel cost optimization for a supply chain in the form of MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming). The costs of production, transport and distribution were adopted as an optimization criterion. Timing, volume, capacity and mode of transport were also taken into account. The model was implemented in the environment of LINGO ver. 12 package. The implementation details, the basics of LINGO as well as the results of the numerical tests are presented and discussed. The numerical experiments were carried out using sample data to show the possibilities of practical decision support and optimization of the supply chain. In addition, the article presents the current state of logistics outsourcing

    Optimization of costs in supply chain - mathematical model implementation

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    W artykule przedstawiono implementację autorskiego modelu optymalizacji kosztów w łańcuchu dostaw. Model został sformułowany w postaci zagadnienia programowania liniowego całkowitoliczbowego z funkcją celu określającą koszty dystrybutora, producenta oraz transportu. Implementacji dokonano w środowisku pakietu optymalizacji LINGO firmy LINDO Systems Inc. Po dokonaniu implementacji zostały przeprowadzone eksperymenty obliczeniowe dla przykładowych zbiorów danych.The paper presents the implementation of the supply chain cost optimization model. The model was formulated as a linear integer programming problem with objective function specifies the cost of distribution, manufacturing and transportation. Implementation took place in an environment optimization package "LINGO". After the implementation the computational experiments were carried out for sample data sets

    Optimization problems in distribution center

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    Problem optymalizacji rozdziału palet jest jednym z wielu problemów optymalizacyjnych pojawiających się we współcześnie funkcjonujących centrach dystrybucyjnych. Jest on jednak kluczowy poza np. optymalizacją tras czy optymalizacją rozmieszczenia zapasów w magazynach wysokiego składowania. Dodatkowo należy podkreślić, że problem optymalizacji rozdziału palet do tras i przydziału do samochodów odbywa się w horyzoncie krótkookresowym np. raz na dobę. W artykule przedstawiony został model optymalizacyjny oraz implementacyjny. Przedstawiono również rozwiązanie modelu dla dwóch przykładów liczbowych. Jako środowisko implementacji i rozwiązania modelu zaproponowano pakiet optymalizacji dyskretnej Lingo firmy LINDO.Problem of optimization of pallets allocation is one of many problems in modern distribution centers. However, it is very important problem excepting e.g. routing optimization, space optimization, etc. Additionally, that problem optimization of pallets allocation for routes and trucks is a short-run horizon process e.g. every day. The optimization and implementation model of that problem has been presented in this paper. Solution of this model for two numerical examples has been describing also. As a solution environment package of discreet optimization Lingo has been used