24 research outputs found

    Legislative framework for sediment management in the United States

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    [EN] Sediment erosion is a serious issue, with approximately 75 billion tons of soil is eroded annually around the world (Pimentel and Kounang, 1998). Although erosion is a natural process, it can accelerate due to human activity and land use changes. Increasing soil erosion beyond its natural threshold can result in significant environmental degradation and decreased economic productivity. Implementing sediment management laws and practices is critical to significantly decrease soil erosion and preserve environmental resources. In the United States, there is a comprehensive system of laws and regulations at national, state, county, and city level that govern erosion and sediment control. The laws and voluntary incentives outlined in our paper have significantly reduced the negative impacts of sediment carried in urban and storm-generated runoff, have reduced chemical and biological pollutants in sediment transported in aquatic ecosystems, and have improved the air quality in several cities with air pollution problems. Having a multi-faceted approach to monitoring erosion and improving soil management is important for a healthy, productive environment and economy.[ES] La erosión de sedimentos es un problema serio, con aproximadamente 75.000 millones de toneladas de suelo erosionadas anualmente en todo el mundo (Pimentel y Kounang, 1998). Aunque la erosión es un proceso natural, ésta puede acelerarse debido a la actividad humana y a los cambios en el uso de la tierra. El incremento de la erosión del suelo más allá de su umbral natural puede resultar en una degradación ambiental significativa y una disminución de la productividad económica. La implementación de leyes y prácticas de gestión de sedimentos es fundamental para disminuir significativamente la erosión del suelo y preservar los recursos ambientales. En los Estados Unidos, existe un sistema integral de leyes y regulaciones a nivel nacional, estatal, del condado y de ciudad que gobiernan la erosión y el control de sedimentos. Las leyes y los incentivos voluntarios descritos en nuestro trabajo han reducido significativamente los impactos negativos de los sedimentos transportados en las escorrentías urbanas y rurales, han reducido los contaminantes químicos y biológicos en los sedimentos transportados hacia los ecosistemas acuáticos y han mejorado la calidad del aire en varias ciudades con problemas de contaminación atmosférica. Tener un enfoque multifacético para monitorizar la erosión y mejorar la gestión del suelo es importante para un ambiente y una economía sanos y productivos.Los autores agradecen la colaboración de las agencias federales y estatales norteamericanas que colaboraron en la elaboración de este artículo.Garcia-Chevesich, PA.; Jones, SL.; Daniels, JM.; Valdés-Pineda, R.; Venegas-Quiñones, H.; Pizarro, R. (2018). Marco legislativo para la gestión de sedimentos en los Estados Unidos. Ingeniería del Agua. 22(2):53-67. doi:10.4995/ia.2018.7916SWORD5367222Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. 2017. Air Quality Forecast. Recuperado de http://www.azdeq.gov/programs/airquality-programs/air-forecasting. Fecha de acceso 8 Mayo, 2017.California Environmental Protection Agency. 2017. Air Quality Resources Board. Recuperado de https://www.arb.ca.gov/. Fecha de acceso 8 Mayo, 2017.City of Lone Tree. 2015. Grading, erosion and control fact sheet. 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    Admixture in Latin America: Geographic Structure, Phenotypic Diversity and Self-Perception of Ancestry Based on 7,342 Individuals

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    The current genetic makeup of Latin America has been shaped by a history of extensive admixture between Africans, Europeans and Native Americans, a process taking place within the context of extensive geographic and social stratification. We estimated individual ancestry proportions in a sample of 7,342 subjects ascertained in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México and Perú). These individuals were also characterized for a range of physical appearance traits and for self-perception of ancestry. The geographic distribution of admixture proportions in this sample reveals extensive population structure, illustrating the continuing impact of demographic history on the genetic diversity of Latin America. Significant ancestry effects were detected for most phenotypes studied. However, ancestry generally explains only a modest proportion of total phenotypic variation. Genetically estimated and self-perceived ancestry correlate significantly, but certain physical attributes have a strong impact on self-perception and bias self-perception of ancestry relative to genetically estimated ancestry

    Prevalencia de Obesidad Infantil Enespaña; Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2006-2007

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    [EN] Childhood Obesity has become a Public Health priority due to it high prevalence and consequences in health status. To estimate prevalence of obesity in the children included in the National Health Survey of 2006-2007 and to determine its association with socioeconomic position and other socio-demographic variables. Cross-sectional study using data available from 6,139 Spanish children between 2-15 years old, included in the National Health Survey. Parents or guardians reported weight and height to estimate obesity prevalence according to the International Obesity Task Force cut-offs for body mass index. Obesity prevalence was 10,3% and overweight prevalence was 18,8%. Obesity was more prevalent in children from 4-5 years age (18,3%) and overweight in the 8-9 years stratus (25,5%). Overweight was more frequent in boys than girls (19,8% versus 17,8%; p = 0,04). Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Valencia and Andalusia were the Autonomous Communities with higher obesity prevalence in contrast with the Basque Country, Galicia and Madrid which showed the lowest prevalence. This distribution generates a north to south gradient in obesity prevalence. Both, obesity and overweight showed an inverse association with socioeconomic position (p < 0,05). Childhood obesity rates in Spain accounts from ones of the highest in Europe, with a strong geographic and socioeconomic gradient. Priority should be given to effective interventions that can reach the most vulnerable groups as identified in this study, like restrictions on TV food advertising and tax reliefs to promote healthy eating. [ES] ntroducción:La obesidad infantil constituye una prio-ridad de Salud Pública dada su elevada prevalencia y susconsecuencias en la salud. Objetivo:Estimar la prevalencia de obesidad en losniños incluidos en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de 2006-2007 y determinar su asociación con la posición socioeco-nómica y otras variables socio-demográficas. Métodos:Estudio transversal que recogió datos secun-darios de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud, contando conuna muestra representativa de 6.139 niños españoles de 2-15 años de edad. Se utilizó peso y talla reportados por lospadres o tutores para estimar la prevalencia de obesidadsegún los puntos de corte para el índice de masa corporalrecomendados por la International Obesity Task Force.Resultados:La prevalencia de obesidad fue de 10,3% yde sobrepeso de 18,8%. La obesidad fue más prevalenteen los niños de 4-5 años (18,3%) y el sobrepeso en niños de8-9 años (25,5%). El sobrepeso fue más frecuente en niñosque en niñas (19,8% versus17,8%; p = 0,04). Canarias,Ceuta y Melilla, Valencia y Andalucía fueron las Comuni-dades Autónomas con mayor prevalencia de obesidad encontraste con el País Vasco, Galicia y Madrid que presen-taron las más bajas, generándose un gradiente norte-suren la prevalencia de obesidad. Tanto la obesidad como elsobrepeso presentaron una asociación lineal inversa conla posición socioeconómica (p < 0,05).Conclusión:La prevalencia de obesidad infantil enEspaña se sitúa entre las más altas de Europa y presentaimportantes variaciones regionales y en función de facto-res socioeconómicos que deberían tenerse en cuenta parapriorizar intervenciones dirigidas a los grupos más vulne-rables, como restricciones a la publicidad alimentaria yexenciones de impuestos para promover una alimenta-ción saludable.S

    The Impact of a Lack of Government Strategies for Sustainable Water Management and Land Use Planning on the Hydrology of Water Bodies: Lessons Learned from the Disappearance of the Aculeo Lagoon in Central Chile

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    Several studies have focused on why the Aculeo Lagoon in central Chile disappeared, with a recent one concluding that a lack of precipitation was the main cause, bringing tremendous political consequences as it supported the argument that the government is not responsible for this environmental, economic, and social disaster. In this study, we evaluated in detail the socio-economic history of the watershed, the past climate and its effects on the lagoon’s water levels (including precipitation recycling effects), anthropogenic modifications to the lagoon’s water balance, the evolution of water rights and demands, and inaccurate estimates of sustainable groundwater extraction volumes from regional aquifers. This analysis has revealed novel and undisputable evidence that this natural body of water disappeared primarily because of anthropogenic factors (mostly river deviations and aquifer pumping) that, combined with the effects of less than a decade with below-normal precipitation, had a severe impact on this natural lagoon–aquifer system

    The Impact of a Lack of Government Strategies for Sustainable Water Management and Land Use Planning on the Hydrology of Water Bodies: Lessons Learned from the Disappearance of the Aculeo Lagoon in Central Chile

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    Several studies have focused on why the Aculeo Lagoon in central Chile disappeared, with a recent one concluding that a lack of precipitation was the main cause, bringing tremendous political consequences as it supported the argument that the government is not responsible for this environmental, economic, and social disaster. In this study, we evaluated in detail the socio-economic history of the watershed, the past climate and its effects on the lagoon&rsquo;s water levels (including precipitation recycling effects), anthropogenic modifications to the lagoon&rsquo;s water balance, the evolution of water rights and demands, and inaccurate estimates of sustainable groundwater extraction volumes from regional aquifers. This analysis has revealed novel and undisputable evidence that this natural body of water disappeared primarily because of anthropogenic factors (mostly river deviations and aquifer pumping) that, combined with the effects of less than a decade with below-normal precipitation, had a severe impact on this natural lagoon&ndash;aquifer system