173 research outputs found

    La typologie et la cartographie des stations forestières en France. Application aux forêts méditerranéennes

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    Description de la méthodologie d'étude des stations forestières mise au point au C.N.R.F. et qui se concrétise par l'élaboration de catalogues régionaux. Son adaptation possible à la région méditerranéenne doit tenir compte des particularités de cette région

    Comparison of various climate change projections of eastern Australian rainfall

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    The Australian eastern seaboard is a distinct climate entity from the interior of the continent, with different climatic influences on each side of the Great Dividing Range. Therefore, it is plausible that downscaling of global climate models could reveal meaningful regional detail, or ‘added value’, in the climate change signal of mean rainfall change in eastern Australia un-der future scenarios. However, because downscaling is typically done using a limited set of global climate models and downscaling methods, the results from a downscaling study may not represent the range of uncertainty in plausible projected change for a region suggested by the ensemble of host global climate models. A complete and unbiased representation of the plausible changes in the climate is essential in producing climate projections useful for future planning. As part of this aim it is important to quantify any differences in the change signal between global climate models and downscaling, and understand the cause of these differ-ences in terms of plausible added regional detail in the climate change signal, the impact of sub-sampling global climate models and the effect of the downscaling models themselves. Here we examine rainfall projections in eastern Australia under a high emissions scenario by late in the century from ensembles of global climate models, two dynamical downscaling models and one statistical downscaling model. We find no cases where all three downscaling methods show the same clear regional spatial detail in the change signal that is distinct from the host models. However, some downscaled projections suggest that the eastern seaboard could see little change in spring rainfall, in contrast to the substantial rainfall decrease inland. The change signal in the downscaled outputs is broadly similar at the large scale in the various model outputs, with a few notable exceptions. For example, the model median from dynamical downscaling projects a rainfall increase over the entirety of eastern Australia in autumn that is greater than the global models. Also, there are some instances where a downscaling method produces changes outside the range of host models over eastern Australia as a whole, thus ex-panding the projected range of uncertainty. Results are particularly uncertain for summer, where no two downscaling studies clearly agree. There are also some confounding factors from the model configuration used in downscaling, where the particular zones used for statis-tical models and the model components used in dynamical models have an influence on results and produce additional uncertainty


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    COVID 19 has brought significant damage to the lives of the people due to extremely long lockdowns and unemployment. Thus, leaving no choice to the residents and forcing them to rely on what is available in the environment. This study was conducted to assess the contribution of the forests to the lives of the locals in Aurora through a survey on 161 respondents. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics including frequency, mean, rank, and percentage. Results showed that 100% of the respondents depend on the forests for their food which includes fruits and vegetables in the wild and on their farms located in and along the forest. Meanwhile, 116 individuals (72%) obtained livelihood from the forest in times of the pandemic in the form of labor, farming, selling of forest goods, charcoal making, and furniture making. Generally, the individual income obtained from forest ranged from Php500.00 (8.85 USD)to Php25,000.00 (442.65 USD) and an overall mean individual monthly income of Php4,084.19 (72.32 USD).  Each type of livelihood activity provided a mean monthly income ranging from Php 4350 (USD 77.02) to Php 9021 (159.73 USD) per person. However, the respondents faced challenges such as loss of products due to theft, the limited number of consumers, and struggles concerning the health of the workers especially the elders, disabled, and other high-risk individuals to COVID-19. The government must consider providing needs (financial, technical, knowledge) to the locals in obtaining products and services from the forest for sustainable utilization of the resources. This research dictate the importance of forest as a source of life to the people. Thus, the result of this study may be used as a baseline for the government in crafting policies to help ensure sustainability of the forest and the lives of the society

    Cloud feedback in atmospheric general circulation models: An update

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    Six years ago, we compared the climate sensitivity of 19 atmospheric general circulation models and found a roughly threefold variation among the models; most of this variation was attributed to differences in the models' depictions of cloud feedback. In an update of this comparison, current models showed considerably smaller differences in net cloud feedback, with most producing modest values. There are, however, substantial differences in the feedback components, indicating that the models still have physical disagreements

    Testing MOS precipitation downscaling for ENSEMBLES regional climate models over Spain

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    Model Output Statistics (MOS) has been recently proposed as an alternative to the standard perfect prognosis statistical downscaling approach for Regional Climate Model (RCM) outputs. In this case, the model output for the variable of interest (e.g. precipitation) is directly downscaled using observations. In this paper we test the performance of a MOS implementation of the popular analog methodology (referred to as MOS analog) applied to downscale daily precipitation outputs over Spain. To this aim, we consider the state‐of‐the‐art ERA40‐driven RCMs provided by the EU‐funded ENSEMBLES project and the Spain02 gridded observations data set, using the common period 1961–2000. The MOS analog method improves the representation of the mean regimes, the annual cycle, the frequency and the extremes of precipitation for all RCMs, regardless of the region and the model reliability (including relatively low‐performing models), while preserving the daily accuracy. The good performance of the method in this complex climatic region suggests its potential transferability to other regions. Furthermore, in order to test the robustness of the method in changing climate conditions, a cross‐validation in driest or wettest years was performed. The method improves the RCM results in both cases, especially in the former