136 research outputs found

    Holographic fabrication of 3D photonic crystals using silicon based reflective optics element

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    We present a silicon based single optical element that is able to automatically generate desired laser beam polarizations and intensities for the holographic fabrication of woodpile-type photonic crystal templates. A polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold based reflective optics element is fabricated for the generation of five-beam interferences where four beams are arranged four-fold symmetrically around a central beam. Silicon chips in the inner surfaces of the mold are used to reflect the circularly or elliptically polarized beam into four side beams that are linearly polarized with electric fields normal to the incident plane, and reduce their laser intensities. Photonic crystal templates are holographically fabricated in a photosensitive polymer through this silicon-on-PDMS based single optical element and single beam based configuration. © 2012 Optical Society of America

    Plasma contactor technology for Space Station Freedom

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    Hollow cathode plasma contactors were baselined for Space Station Freedom (SSF) to control the electrical potentials of surfaces to eliminate/mitigate damaging interactions with the space environment. The system represents a dual-use technology which is a direct outgrowth of the NASA electric propulsion program and in particular the technology development effort on ion thruster systems. Specific efforts include optimizing the design and configuration of the contactor, validating its required lifetime, and characterizing the contactor plume and electromagnetic interference. The plasma contact or subsystems include the plasma contact or unit, a power electronics unit, and an expellant management unit. Under this program these will all be brought to breadboard and engineering model development status. New test facilities were developed, and existing facilities were augmented, to support characterizations and life testing of contactor components and systems. The magnitude, scope, and status of the plasma contactor hardware development program now underway and preliminary test results on system components are discussed

    Root exudate analogues accelerate CO 2 and CH 4 production in tropical peat

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    Root exudates represent a large and labile carbon input in tropical peatlands, but their contribution to carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) production remains poorly understood. Changes in species composition and productivity of peatland plant communities in response to global change could alter both inputs of exudates and associated greenhouse gas emissions. We used manipulative laboratory incubations to assess the extent to which root exudate quantity and chemical composition drives greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peatlands. Peat was sampled from beneath canopy palms (Raphia taedigera) and broadleaved evergreen trees (Campnosperma panamensis) in an ombrotrophic wetland in Panama. Root exudate analogues comprising a mixture of sugars and organic acids were added in solution to peats derived from both species, with CO2 and CH4 measured over time. CO2 and CH4 production increased under most treatments, but the magnitude and duration of the response depended on the composition of the added labile carbon mixture rather than the quantity of carbon added or the botanical origin of the peat. Treatments containing organic acids increased soil pH and altered other soil properties including redox potential but did not affect the activities of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. CO2 but not CH4 production was found to be linearly related to microbial activity and redox potential. Our findings demonstrate the importance of root exudate composition in regulating greenhouse gas fluxes and propose that in situ plant species changes, particularly those associated with land use change, may account for small scale spatial variation in CO2 and CH4 fluxes due to species specific root exudate compositions

    Comparative evaluation of the treatment efficacy of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and paclitaxel in ovarian cancer cell lines and primary ovarian cancer cells from patients

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    BACKGROUND: In most patients with ovarian cancer, diagnosis occurs after the tumour has disseminated beyond the ovaries. In these cases, post-surgical taxane/platinum combination chemotherapy is the "gold standard". However, most of the patients experience disease relapse and eventually die due to the emergence of chemotherapy resistance. Histone deacetylase inhibitors are novel anticancer agents that hold promise to improve patient outcome. METHODS: We compared a prototypic histone deacetylase inhibitor, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA), and paclitaxel for their treatment efficacy in ovarian cancer cell lines and in primary patient-derived ovarian cancer cells. The primary cancer cells were isolated from malignant ascites collected from five patients with stage III ovarian carcinomas. Cytotoxic activities were evaluated by Alamar Blue assay and by caspase-3 activation. The ability of SAHA to kill drug-resistant 2780AD cells was also assessed. RESULTS: By employing the cell lines OVCAR-3, SK-OV-3, and A2780, we established SAHA at concentrations of 1 to 20 μM to be as efficient in inducing cell death as paclitaxel at concentrations of 3 to 300 nM. Consequently, we treated the patient-derived cancer cells with these doses of the drugs. All five isolates were sensitive to SAHA, with cell killing ranging from 21% to 63% after a 72-h exposure to 20 μM SAHA, while four of them were resistant to paclitaxel (i.e., <10% cell death at 300 nM paclitaxel for 72 hours). Likewise, treatment with SAHA led to an increase in caspase-3 activity in all five isolates, whereas treatment with paclitaxel had no effect on caspase-3 activity in three of them. 2780AD cells were responsive to SAHA but resistant to paclitaxel. CONCLUSION: These ex vivo findings raise the possibility that SAHA may prove effective in the treatment of paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cancer in vivo

    Impact of a workplace 'sit less, move more' program on efficiency-related outcomes of office employees.

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined the impact of 'sit less, move more' interventions on workplace performance. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of and patterns of change within, a 19-week workplace web-based intervention (Walk@WorkSpain; W@WS; 2010-11) on employees´ presenteeism, mental well-being and lost work performance. METHODS: A site randomised control trial recruited employees at six Spanish university campuses (n = 264; 42 ± 10 years; 171 female), assigned by worksite and campus to an Intervention (IG; used W@WS; n = 129; 87 female) or an active Comparison group (A-CG; pedometer, paper diary and self-reported sitting time; n = 135; 84 female). A linear mixed model assessed changes between the baseline, ramping (8 weeks), maintenance (11 weeks) and follow-up (two months) phases for the IG versus A-CG on (i) % of lost work productivity (Work Limitations Questionnaire; WLQ); (ii) three scales for presenteeism (WLQ) assessing difficulty meeting scheduling demands (Time), performing cognitive and inter-personal tasks (Mental-Interpersonal) and decrements in meeting the quantity, quality and timeliness of completed work (Output); and (iii) mental well-being (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale). T-tests assessed differences between groups for changes on the main outcomes. In the IG, a multivariate logistic regression model identified patterns of response according to baseline socio-demographic variables, physical activity and sitting time. RESULTS: There was a significant 2 (group) × 2 (program time points) interaction for the Time (F [3]=8.69, p = 0.005), Mental-Interpersonal (F [3]=10.01, p = 0.0185), Output scales for presenteeism (F [3]=8.56, p = 0.0357), and for % of lost work performance (F [3]=10.31, p = 0.0161). Presenteeism and lost performance rose significantly in both groups across all study time points; after baseline performance was consistently better in the IG than in the A-CG. Better performance was linked to employees being more active (Time, p = 0.041) and younger (Mental-interpersonal, p = 0.057; Output, p = 0.017). Higher total sitting time during nonworking days (Mental-interpersonal, p = 0.019) and lower sitting time during workdays (WLQ Index, p = 0.013) also improved performance. CONCLUSION: Versus an active comparison condition, a 'sit less, move more` workplace intervention effectively reduced an array of markers of lost workday productivity. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02960750 ; Date of registration: 07/11/2016

    Ab initio calculations of optical properties of silver clusters: cross-over from molecular to nanoscale behavior

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    Electronic and optical properties of silver clusters were calculated using two different \textit{ab initio} approaches: 1) based on all-electron full-potential linearized-augmented plane-wave method and 2) local basis function pseudopotential approach. Agreement is found between the two methods for small and intermediate sized clusters for which the former method is limited due to its all-electron formulation. The latter, due to non-periodic boundary conditions, is the more natural approach to simulate small clusters. The effect of cluster size is then explored using the local basis function approach. We find that as the cluster size increases, the electronic structure undergoes a transition from molecular behavior to nanoparticle behavior at a cluster size of 140 atoms (diameter 1.7\sim 1.7\,nm). Above this cluster size the step-like electronic structure, evident as several features in the imaginary part of the polarizability of all clusters smaller than Ag147_\mathrm{147}, gives way to a dominant plasmon peak localized at wavelengths 350\,nmλ\le\lambda\le 600\,nm. It is, thus, at this length-scale that the conduction electrons' collective oscillations that are responsible for plasmonic resonances begin to dominate the opto-electronic properties of silver nanoclusters