79 research outputs found

    Sobre la vegetación de la alianza Cistion laurifolii en los alrededores de Valencia

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    Se da a conocer la presencia, en la provincia de Valencia y zonas limítrofes, de comunidades fruticosas silicícolas pertenecientes a la alianza Cistion laurifolii; las cuales quedan encuadradas en tres asociaciones, una de ellas ya conocida de áreas cercanas: Erico scopariae-Cistetum populifolii, y otras dos nuevas: Thymo leplophylli-Cistetum ladaniferi y Erico scopariae-Arctostaphylletum crassifoliae.The presence of shrubyacidophilous communities, in Valencia region, belonging to the phytosociological alliance Cistion laurifolii, is studied. The are aranged in three associations: Erico scopariae-Arctostaphylletum crassifoliae, the two last of them are [email protected] ; carjua(a)uv.e

    Notas sobre el complejo taxonómico Cardamine flexuosa With. (Cruciferae) y su presencia en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Se comunica la presencia de Cardamine flexuosa With. s. str. como primera cita para la Comunidad Valenciana y de Cardamine flexuosa subsp. debilis O. E. Schulz como primera cita para la provincia de Valencia. Se repasan ciertos aspectos nomenclaturales, taxonómicos, corológicos y ecológicos referentes a los dos táxones, así como de Cardamine hirsuta L., especie morfológicamente afín. Se propone una clave dicotómica para la identificación y discriminación de estos tres táxones. Se informa sobre la probable vía de entrada de C. flexuosa s.l. y se evalúa su estado como posible potencial invasor.First record of Cardamine flexuosa With. s. str. from the Valencian Community and first record of Cardamine flexuosa subsp. debilis O. E. Schulz from the Province of Valencia, both placed at Eastern Spain, are reported. Some nomenclatural, taxonomic, chorological and ecological aspects reporting both taxa are reviewed, as well as those related to Cardamine hirsuta L., a morphologically very similar species. A dichotomous key to identify and separate these three taxa is proposed. The introduction way of the alien species C. flexuosa s.l. is suggested and an evaluation of the status as a possible potential invasive species is made

    Primera cita de Epilobium ciliatum Raf. (Onagraceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Se comunica la presencia de la especie alóctona Epilobium ciliatum Raf. (Onograceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana (España). Esta cita constituye la segunda referencia para la especie en la Península Ibérica, tras su localización reciente en la Comunidad de Madrid. Se comentan algunos aspectos de su posible introducción en el territorio valenciano así como su estado como planta alóctona potencialmente invasora y los caracteres morfológicos más útiles para su identificación

    Centaurea × sanchisiana nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae), un nou híbrid per a la flora ibèrica

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    Es descriu un nou híbrid del gènere Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) producte de l’encreuament entre C. aspera L. i C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. × sanchisiana nothosp. nov., a més de dues noves notovarietats, var. malvarosae i var. pectiniformis. Aquestos híbrids han estat localitzats a Alatoz i Casas de Ves (Albacete, Espanya) i Borriana (Castelló, Espanya) respectivament. A més de les corresponents descripcions i diagnosis, s’hi aporten 4 làmines i una taula amb els principals trets diagnòstics que els diferencien dels parentals i de dos tàxons morfològicament pròxims. Es comparen trets reproductius de la nova notoespecie referits a l’involucre i al pol·len amb els de C. × pouzinii DC. Es proposa una nova notosecció Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov.Centaurea x sanchisiana nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae), a new hibrid for the iberian flora A new hybrid of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae), coming from the cross between C. aspera L. and C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. × sanchisiana, nothosp. nov., and two new nothovarieties, var. malvarosae and var. pectiniformis are described. These hybrids were found respectively in Alatoz and Casas de Ves (Albacete, Spain), and Borriana (Castellón, Spain). The plant descriptions and diagnosis, as well as iconography and the table showing the main diagnostic characters to distinguish them from both parentals and two morphologycally similar taxa are provided. New nothospecies’s reproductive traits related to the involucre and pollen are compared with those of C. × pouzinii DC. A new nothosection Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov., is proposed

    Centaurea X sanchisiana nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae), a new hibrid for the iberian flora

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    Es descriu un nou híbrid del gènere Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) producte de l'encreuament entre C. Aspera L. i C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. x sanchisiana nothosp. nov., a més de dues noves notovarietats, Var. malvarosae i var. pectiniformis. Aquestos híbrids han estat localitzats a Alatoz i Casas de Ves (Albacete, Espanya) i Borriana (Castelló, Espanya) respectivament. A més de les corresponents descripcions i diagnosis, s'hi aporten 4 lamines i una taula amb els principals trets diagnòstics que els diferencien deis parentals i de dos tàxons morfològicament pròxims. Es comparen trets reproductius de la nova notoespecie referits a !'involucre i al pol·len amb els de C. x pouzinii De. Es proposa una nova notosecció Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov.A new hybrid of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae), coming from the cross between C. aspera L. and C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. x sanchisiana, nothosp. nov., and two new nothovarieties, var. ma/varosae and varo pectiniformis are described. These hybrids were found respectively in Alatoz and Casas de Ves (Albacete, Spain), and Borriana (Castellón, Spain). The plant descriptions and diagnosis, as well as iconography and the table showing the main diagnostic characters to distinguish them from both parentals and two morphologycally similar taxa are provided. New nothospecies's reproductive traits related to the involucre and pollen are compared with those of C. x pouzinii De. A new nothosection Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov., is proposed

    Evolución de las poblaciones y aspectos de conservación del endemismo valenciano en peligro de extinción Limonium perplexum

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    Limonium perplexum Sáez & Rosselló (Plumbaginaceae) es un endemismo exclusivo de la Comunidad Valenciana (Sáez & Rosselló, 1999), únicamente presente en los acantilados de la Sierra de Irta (Peñíscola, Castellón) (Gómez-Serrano et al., 2005), donde se localiza la única población nativa conocida hasta la fecha, dentro de la microrreserva de flora denominada "Torre de la Badum"

    A mobile-based solution for supporting end-users in the composition of services

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3910-4Currently, technologies and applications evolve to create eco-systems made up of a myriad of heterogeneous and distributed services that are accessible anytime and anywhere. Even though these services can be used individually, it is their coordinated and combined usage what provide an added value to end-users. In addition, user¿s wide adoption of mobile devices for daily activities have fostered a shift in the role played by end-users towards Internet data and services. However, existing solutions to service composition are not targeted to ordinary end-users. More easy-to-use tools have to be offered to end-users to make sure that they are successfully accepted and used by them. To this end, the work presented in this paper supports end-users in the creation of service compositions by using mobile devices. We present a Domain Specific Visual Language (DSVL) for end-users that allows them to create service compositions. A tool specifically designed for mobile devices supports this DSVL.This work has been developed with the support of MINECO under the project SMART ADAPT TIN2013-42981-P and co-financed with ERDF.Valderas Aranda, PJ.; Torres Bosch, MV.; Mansanet Benavent, I.; Pelechano Ferragud, V. (2016). A mobile-based solution for supporting end-users in the composition of services. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3910-4S131Athreya B, Bahmani F, Diede A, Scaffidi C (2012) End-user programmers on the loose: a study of programming on the phone for the phone. In IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 75–82Atoma (2015) Atoomam, a touch of magic. Accesible at: https://www.atooma.com/ . Last time accessed: December 2015Ayora C, Torres V, Weber B, Reichert M, Pelechano V (2013) Enhancing modeling and change support for process families through change patterns. In: Enterprise, business-process and information systems modeling. Springer, Berlin, pp. 246–260Boehm B, Abts C, Brown A, Chulani S, Clark B, Horowitz E, Madchy R, Reifer D, Steece B (2000) Software Cost Estimation with COCOMOII. Upper Saddle River: Prentice HallBPDM (2014) Business Process Defintion Metamodel, volume ii: Process Definitions. http://www.omg.org/spec/BPDM/1.0/volume2/PDFCasati F (1998) Models, semantics, and formal methods for the design of workflows and their exceptions. PhD thesis, MilanoCouper MP, Tourangeau R, Conrad FG, Crawford SD (2004) What they see is what we get: response options for web surveys. Soc Sci Comput Rev 22(1):111–127Cuccurullo S, Francese R, Risi M, Tortora G (2011) MicroApps development on mobile phones. In: End-user development. Springer, Berlin, pp. 289–294Dadam P, Reichert M (2009) The ADEPT project: a decade of research and development for robust and flexible process support. Comput Sci - R&D 23:81–97Danado J, Paternò F (2014) Puzzle: a mobile application development environment using a jigsaw metaphor. J Vis Lang Comput 25(4):297–315Danado J, Davies M, Ricca P, Fensel A (2010) An authoring tool for user generated mobile services. In: Future internet-FIS 2010. Springer, Berlin, pp. 118–127Dey AK, Sohn T, Streng S, Kodama J (2006) iCAP: interactive prototyping of context-aware applications. In: Pervasive computing. Springer, Berlin, pp. 254–271Engeström Y, Miettinen R, Punamäki RL (1999) Perspectives on activity theory. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeGalitz WO (2002) The essential guide to user interface design: an introduction to GUI. In: Design principles and techniques. Wiley, New YorkGil M, Serral E, Valderas P, Pelechano V (2013) Designing for user attention: a method for supporting unobtrusive routine tasks. Sci Comput Program 78(10):1987–2008Gubbi J, Buyya R, Marusic S, Palaniswami M (2013) Internet of things (IoT): a vision, architectural elements, and future directions. Futur Gener Comput Syst 29(7):1645–1660Haines W, Gervasio M, Spaulding A, Peintner B (2010) Recommendations for end-user development. In ACM Workshop on User-Centric Evaluation of Recommender Systems and their Interfaces, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 42-49Häkkilä J, Korpipää P, Ronkainen S, Tuomela U (2005) Interaction and end-user programming with a context-aware mobile application. In: Human-computer interaction-INTERACT 2005. Springer, Berlin, pp. 927–937ICIS (2015) Internet Computing in the Internet of Services. Summer School. Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra. Available at: http://icis.uc.pt/ . 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X Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2014), 25–35Mansanet I, Torres V, Valderas P, Pelechano V (2015) IoT Compositions by and for the Crowd. XI Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2015)Neil T (2014) Mobile design pattern gallery: UI patterns for smartphone apps. “O’Reilly Media, Inc.”, SebastopolNielsen J (2005) Ten usability heuristics. https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics . Last time accessed: February 2016Renger M, Kolfschoten GL, de Vreede GJ (2008) Challenges in collaborative modeling: A literature review. In Advances in enterprise engineering I, held at CAiSE 2008, Montpellier, 10. 61–77Repenning A, Ioannidou A (2006) What makes end-user development tick? 13 design guidelines. End user development, Human-Computer Interaction Series, vol 9, pp. 51–85Runeson P, Höst M (2009) Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering. 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Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (pp. 13–16)Weber B, Reichert M, Rinderle S (2008) Change patterns and change support features - enhancing flexibility in process-aware information systems. Data Knowl Eng 66:438–466Yu J, Sheng QZ, Han J, Wu Y, Liu C (2012) A semantically enhanced service repository for user-centric service discovery and management. Data Knowl Eng 72:202–21

    Adiciones y correcciones a la orquidoflora valenciana, VII

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    Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones de Orchidaceae que resultan escasos en la Comunidad Valenciana o en determinadas de sus comarcas; a destacar la presencia de Ophrys santonica y O. × pseudospeculum en Alicante.It is shown some data about rare taxa of Orchidaceae at the Valencian Community (E Spain) or expansions of area to new shires; to emphasize the presence of Ophrys santonica and O. × pseudospeculum in Alicante

    Temperature stability in the sub-milliHertz band with LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA Pathfinder (LPF) was a technology pioneering mission designed to test key technologies required for gravitational wave detection in space. In the low frequency regime (milliHertz and below), where space-based gravitational wave observatories will operate, temperature fluctuations play a crucial role since they can couple into the interferometric measurement and the test masses’ free-fall accuracy in many ways. A dedicated temperature measurement subsystem, with noise levels in 10 μK Hz−1/2 down to 1 mHz was part of the diagnostics unit onboard LPF. In this paper we report on the temperature measurements throughout mission operations, characterize the thermal environment, estimate transfer functions between different locations, and report temperature stability (and its time evolution) at frequencies as low as 10 μHz, where typically values around 1 K Hz−1/2 were measured

    Notas florísticas valencianas, VI

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