1,357 research outputs found

    Diversity-lock phase demodulator

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    Synchronous diversity-lock phase demodulator for tracking and demodulating orthogonally polarized signals transmitted from satellite

    Diversity RF receiving system with improved phase-lock characteristics

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    Improved diversity receiving system automatically utilizes the combined output from its two independent receiving channels /with cross- polarized receiving antennas/ to increase the reliability of maintaining the requisite phase lock for optimum signal reception. It is adapted for use with AM, PM, or narrow band FM signals

    The accuracy of the motor imagery and the ball reception in children

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    Estudios recientes observaron que las imágenes motrices se desarrollan de forma entrelazada con el desarrollo de las habilidades motrices en niños. La finalidad de este estudio es analizar en qué medida la imagen motriz de los elementos necesarios para resolver un problema motor (la recepción de un balón), se relaciona con los niveles de habilidad en niños (3 - 9 años). La muestra estuvo formada por 215 participantes (87 chicos y 118 chicas), (M = 5,94, DT = 1,47). Se ha utilizado una metodología mixta: dibujos, indicaciones gestuales, verbalización del pensamiento y una prueba práctica de recepción de balón. El MANOVA reveló diferencias significativas en las capacidades meta-cognitivas y motrices en función de las etapas de desarrollo. Un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las capacidades meta-cognitivas median la relación entre las etapas de desarrollo y la habilidad de recepción de móviles. Se discuten sus repercusiones en el aprendizaje motorRecent studies have found that motor imaginery is developed linked to the development of motor skills in children. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the motor imaginery of the principal elements to solve a motor problem (ball reception) relates to the motor skill levels in children (3-9 years). The sample consisted of 215 participants (87 boys and 118 girls), (M = 5.94, SD = 1.47).We used a mixed methodology: drawings, gestural prompts, verbalization of thought and a practical test of ball reception. The MANOVA revealed significant differences in the meta-cognitive abilities and motor function of the developmental stages. A structural equation analysis revealed that meta-cognitive abilities mediate the relationship between the stages of development and the ability in the reception of moving objects. Their implications in motor learning are discusse

    Peranan Orang Tua dalam Mengatasi Kenakalan Remaja Akibat Meminum Alkhohol Cap Tikus (Studi Kasus di Desa Talawaan Kecamatan Talawaan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara)”

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    Kids Teens who commit crimes were generally lacking self-control, or the control ofabusing themselves instead, and likes to enforce its own rules without regard to the presence of others in thevicinity. The incidence of such behaviour can also be caused by factors in socialization; they often hang outwith friends without looking at his background. And in general, these children very selfish, and likesto abuse or even exaggerate the price themselves. On the basis of a sense of glad they did it without regardto the effects that will be accepted. In rural areas, many acts of juvenile delinquency are very differentwith that occurs in urban areas, one of the causes of juvenile delinquency in rural areas is the drinking ofliquor among other drinks which high levels of alcohol such as the rat Stamp. Based on the backgroundof the issue that became a goal in this research is to know the role of parents in addressing the rateof juvenile delinquency as a result of the rat Stamp liquor in the village of Talawaan.The methods used in this research is qualitative research methods. In this study to understand aphenomenon in social context by nature with emphasis on the process ofdeep communication interaction between researchers with the phenomena examined. Techniquesof collection and processing of data in the research carried out in the form,namely: Observation/observation. Interview. Primary data and secondary data, the study documents.Results of the study prove that the forms of delinquency are experienced by teens affected by lackof parental control, the influence of the environment both in the school environment aswell as social environments, as well as the impact of globalization, among others, the influence of the massmedia such as television, Computer Media, and others. Results of the study prove that the forms of juveniledelinquency are extremely diverse and complex, where the offences and crimes committedby teenagers have already violated the rules and values of decency that occurred in the community suchas violating legal norms and customs

    Pola Komunikasi Ibu Single Parent Terhadap Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak Di Kelurahan Tingkulu

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    Manusia tidak pernah terlepas dari kegiatan berkomunikasi dan komunikasi yang terjadi dimasyarakat diawali dalam sebuah kelompok kecil yaitu keluarga. Komunikasi yang terjadi dalam keluarga menentukan karakter anak, tentang sikap, perilaku, dan emosional anak. Hal yang terpenting dalam komunikasi keluarga adalah menjalin hubungan komunikasi antara orangtua dan anak secara baik dan efektif, sehingga anak dapat memahami orientasi konsep meski dengan latar belakang yang berbeda. Dengan demikian penulis tertarik untuk meneliti tentang Pola Komunikasi Ibu Single Parent Terhadap Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak di Kelurahan Tingkulu. Kualitatif adalah suatu pendekatan yang juga disebut pendekatan investigasi karena biasanya peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan cara bertatap muka langsung dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang di tempat penelitian (McMillan & Schumacher, 2003 :10). Dengan demikian, pola komunikasi keluarga pada kondisi orang tua tunggal berbeda-beda. Orientasi konsep juga secara berbeda diterima oleh anak, sehingga konsep diri yang tercermin berbeda-beda. Karena itu penelitian tentang “Pola Komunikasi Ibu Single Parent Dalam Pembentukan Konsep Diri Anak” berfokus kepada bagaimana pola komunikasi ibu single parent dengan anaknya dan bagaimana konsep diri anak

    Los pastizales de la clase Lygeo-Stipetea en la sierra de Lújar (Granada)

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    Results of a study on the perennial grass commullltles in the Sierra de Lújar (Granada) are given. The presense of five associations which can be includeb in the Classe Lygeo-Stipetea is confirmed.Se realiza un estudio de las comunidades de gramineas vivaces de la Sierra de Lújar (Granada), constantando la presencia en ésta zona de cinco asociaciones incluibles en la Clase Lygeo-Stipetea

    Associations between sedentary time, physical activity and bone health among older people using compositional data analysis

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    Introduction : Aging is associated with a progressive decrease in bone mass (BM), and being physical active is one of the main strategies to combat this continuous loss. Nonetheless, because daily time is limited, time spent on each movement behavior is co-dependent. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between BM and movement behaviors in elderly people using compositional data analysis. Methods : We analyzed 871 older people [395 men (76.9 +/- 5.3y) and 476 women (76.7 +/- 4.7y)]. Time spent in sedentary behavior (SB), light physical activity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), was assessed using accelerometry. BM was determined by bone densitometry (DXA). The sample was divided according to sex and bone health indicators. Results : The combined effect of all movement behaviors (PA and SB) was significantly associated with whole body, leg and femoral region BM in the whole sample (p<0.05), with leg and pelvic BM (p<0.05) in men and, with whole body, arm and leg BM (p<0.05) in women. In men, arm and pelvic BM were negatively associated with SB and whole body, pelvic and leg BM were positively associated with MVPA (p<0.05). In women, whole body and leg BM were positively associated with SB. Arm and whole body BM were positively associated and leg BM was negatively associated with LPA and arm BM was negatively associated with MVPA (p<0.05). Women without bone fractures spent less time in SB and more in LPA and MVPA than the subgroup with bone fractures. Conclusion : We identified that the positive effect of MVPA relative to the other behaviors on bone mass is the strongest overall effect in men. Furthermore, women might decrease bone fracture risk through PA increase and SB reduction, despite the fact that no clear benefits of PA for bone mass were found

    Article title: Analysis of the evolution in the idea of sustainability of future teachers after an intervention in the classroom

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    Hemos llevado a cabo una intervención con futuros maestros de Educación Primaria con la intención de trabajar el concepto de sostenibilidad. La secuencia desarrollada incluye la elaboración de un proyecto y una unidad didáctica por investigación escolar. A través de un portafolio los alumnos expresaron sus reflexiones sobre su idea de sostenibilidad. Para analizarlas se diseñó una tabla de niveles con indicadores. Más de la mitad del alumnado ha tenido una evolución significativa progresando desde ideas ligadas a aspectos físico-naturales exclusivamente, hacia un modelo emergente que incluye aspectos más sociales, complejos e interconectados.We have carried out an intervention with future teachers of Primary Education with the intention of working on the concept of sustainability. The sequence includes the elaboration of a project and a didactic unit by school research. Through a portfolio the students expressed their thoughts on their idea of sustainability. To analyze them, a table of levels with indicators was designed. More than half of the students have had a significant evolution progressing from ideas linked to natural physical aspects exclusively, towards an emerging model that includes more social, complex and interconnected aspects

    Comportamiento de extractos de diversas especies del género Amanita, frente a la reacción de las amanito-toxinas

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    The chimical and chromatographical identification of amanito-toxins was started by Sullivan &amp; all. 1965. I applied that methode with extracts of some species of Amanita genus to test inf there were that toxins in them. The methode used was to put in the same plate extracts of some species of this genus and confront with Amanita phalloides stracts, to show the differences. Amanito-toxins were detected in A. phalloides only.La identificación química y cromatográfica de las amanito-toxinas fue puesta a punto por Sullivan y cols. 1965. Su técnica ha sido aplicada para demostrar la presencia de dichas sustancias en extractos de diversas especies del género Amanita. Como método se han situado en la misma placa extractos de dichas especies y se han contrastado con extractos de Amanita phallo ides, para así diferenciar los correspondientes desarrollos. Fueron analizadas: A. aspera; A. muscaria; A. pantherina y Paxillus involutus. La presencia de amanito - toxinas a y b sólo se evidenció en los extractos de A. phalloides