157 research outputs found

    Highly charged ions in Penning traps, a new tool for resolving low lying isomeric states

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    The use of highly charged ions increases the precision and resolving power, in particular for short-lived species produced at on-line radio-isotope beam facilities, achievable with Penning trap mass spectrometers. This increase in resolving power provides a new and unique access to resolving low-lying long-lived (T1/2>50T_{1/2} > 50 ms) nuclear isomers. Recently, the 111.19(22)111.19(22) keV (determined from γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy) isomeric state in 78^{78}Rb has been resolved from the ground state, in a charge state of q=8+q=8+ with the TITAN Penning trap at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility. The excitation energy of the isomer was measured to be 108.7(6.4)108.7(6.4) keV above the ground state. The extracted masses for both the ground and isomeric states, and their difference, agree with the AME2003 and Nuclear Data Sheet values. This proof of principle measurement demonstrates the feasibility of using Penning trap mass spectrometers coupled to charge breeders to study nuclear isomers and opens a new route for isomer searches.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    First direct mass-measurement of the two-neutron halo nucleus 6He and improved mass for the four-neutron halo 8He

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    The first direct mass-measurement of 6^{6}He has been performed with the TITAN Penning trap mass spectrometer at the ISAC facility. In addition, the mass of 8^{8}He was determined with improved precision over our previous measurement. The obtained masses are mm(6^{6}He) = 6.018 885 883(57) u and mm(8^{8}He) = 8.033 934 44(11) u. The 6^{6}He value shows a deviation from the literature of 4σ\sigma. With these new mass values and the previously measured atomic isotope shifts we obtain charge radii of 2.060(8) fm and 1.959(16) fm for 6^{6}He and 8^{8}He respectively. We present a detailed comparison to nuclear theory for 6^6He, including new hyperspherical harmonics results. A correlation plot of the point-proton radius with the two-neutron separation energy demonstrates clearly the importance of three-nucleon forces.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 35Mg and 33Na

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    Excited states in the very neutron-rich nuclei 35Mg and 33Na were populated in the fragmentation of a 38Si projectile beam on a Be target at 83 MeV/u beam energy. We report on the first observation of gamma-ray transitions in 35Mg, the odd-N neighbor of 34Mg and 36Mg, which are known to be part of the "Island of Inversion" around N = 20. The results are discussed in the framework of large- scale shell-model calculations. For the A = 3Z nucleus 33Na, a new gamma-ray transition was observed that is suggested to complete the gamma-ray cascade 7/2+ --> 5/2+ --> 3/2+ gs connecting three neutron 2p-2h intruder states that are predicted to form a close-to-ideal K = 3/2 rotational band in the strong-coupling limit.Comment: Accepted for publication Phys. Rev. C. March 16, 2011: Replaced figures 3 and 5. We thank Alfredo Poves for pointing out a problem with the two figure

    First Penning-trap mass measurement in the millisecond half-life range: the exotic halo nucleus 11Li

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    In this letter, we report a new mass for 11^{11}Li using the trapping experiment TITAN at TRIUMF's ISAC facility. This is by far the shortest-lived nuclide, t1/2=8.8mst_{1/2} = 8.8 \rm{ms}, for which a mass measurement has ever been performed with a Penning trap. Combined with our mass measurements of 8,9^{8,9}Li we derive a new two-neutron separation energy of 369.15(65) keV: a factor of seven more precise than the best previous value. This new value is a critical ingredient for the determination of the halo charge radius from isotope-shift measurements. We also report results from state-of-the-art atomic-physics calculations using the new mass and extract a new charge radius for 11^{11}Li. This result is a remarkable confluence of nuclear and atomic physics.Comment: Formatted for submission to PR

    One-Particle Measurement of the Antiproton Magnetic Moment

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    \DeclareRobustCommand{\pbar}{\HepAntiParticle{p}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\p}{\HepParticle{p}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\mup}{μp\mu_{p}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\mupbar}{\mu_{\pbar}{}{}\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\muN}{μN\mu_N{}{}\xspace For the first time a single trapped \pbar is used to measure the \pbar magnetic moment {\bm\mu}_{\pbar}. The moment {\bm\mu}_{\pbar} = \mu_{\pbar} {\bm S}/(\hbar/2) is given in terms of its spin S{\bm S} and the nuclear magneton (\muN) by \mu_{\pbar}/\mu_N = -2.792\,845 \pm 0.000\,012. The 4.4 parts per million (ppm) uncertainty is 680 times smaller than previously realized. Comparing to the proton moment measured using the same method and trap electrodes gives \mu_{\pbar}/\mu_p = -1.000\,000 \pm 0.000\,005 to 5 ppm, for a proton moment μp=μpS/(/2){\bm{\mu}}_{p} = \mu_{p} {\bm S}/(\hbar/2), consistent with the prediction of the CPT theorem.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.303

    Extinction of the N=20 neutron-shell closure for 32Mg examined by direct mass measurements

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    The 'island of inversion' around 32^{32}Mg is one of the most important paradigm for studying the disappearance of the stabilizing 'magic' of a shell closure. We present the first Penning-trap mass measurements of the exotic nuclides 2931^{29-31}Na and 3034^{30-34}Mg, which allow a precise determination of the empirical shell gap for 32^{32}Mg. The new value of 1.10(3) MeV is the lowest observed shell gap for any nuclide with a canonical magic number.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    TITAN's Digital RFQ Ion Beam Cooler and Buncher, Operation and Performance

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    We present a description of the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) ion trap built as part of the TITAN facility. It consists of a gas-filled, segmented, linear Paul trap and is the first stage of the TITAN setup with the purpose of cooling and bunching radioactive ion beams delivered from ISAC-TRIUMF. This is the first such device to be driven digitally, i.e., using a high voltage (Vpp=400VV_{pp} = \rm{400 \, V}), wide bandwidth (0.2<f<1.2MHz0.2 < f < 1.2 \, \rm{MHz}) square-wave as compared to the typical sinusoidal wave form. Results from the commissioning of the device as well as systematic studies with stable and radioactive ions are presented including efficiency measurements with stable 133^{133}Cs and radioactive 124,126^{124, 126}Cs. A novel and unique mode of operation of this device is also demonstrated where the cooled ion bunches are extracted in reverse mode, i.e., in the same direction as previously injected.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figure

    Elucidation of the anomalous A = 9 isospin quartet behaviour

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    Recent high-precision mass measurements of 9^{9}Li and 9^{9}Be, performed with the TITAN Penning trap at the TRIUMF ISAC facility, are analyzed in light of state-of-the-art shell model calculations. We find an explanation for the anomalous Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation (IMME) behaviour for the two AA = 9 quartets. The presence of a cubic dd = 6.3(17) keV term for the JπJ^{\pi} = 3/2^{-} quartet and the vanishing cubic term for the excited JπJ^{\pi} = 1/2^{-} multiplet depend upon the presence of a nearby TT = 1/2 state in 9^{9}B and 9^{9}Be that induces isospin mixing. This is contrary to previous hypotheses involving purely Coulomb and charge-dependent effects. TT = 1/2 states have been observed near the calculated energy, above the TT = 3/2 state. However an experimental confirmation of their JπJ^{\pi} is needed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Isomer shift and magnetic moment of the long-lived 1/2+^{+} isomer in 3079^{79}_{30}Zn49_{49}: signature of shape coexistence near 78^{78}Ni

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    Collinear laser spectroscopy has been performed on the 3079^{79}_{30}Zn49_{49} isotope at ISOLDE-CERN. The existence of a long-lived isomer with a few hundred milliseconds half-life was confirmed, and the nuclear spins and moments of the ground and isomeric states in 79^{79}Zn as well as the isomer shift were measured. From the observed hyperfine structures, spins I=9/2I = 9/2 and I=1/2I = 1/2 are firmly assigned to the ground and isomeric states. The magnetic moment μ\mu (79^{79}Zn) = -1.1866(10) μN\mu_{\rm{N}}, confirms the spin-parity 9/2+9/2^{+} with a νg9/21\nu g_{9/2}^{-1} shell-model configuration, in excellent agreement with the prediction from large scale shell-model theories. The magnetic moment μ\mu (79m^{79m}Zn) = -1.0180(12) μN\mu_{\rm{N}} supports a positive parity for the isomer, with a wave function dominated by a 2h-1p neutron excitation across the N=50N = 50 shell gap. The large isomer shift reveals an increase of the intruder isomer mean square charge radius with respect to that of the ground state: δrc279,79m\delta \langle r^{2}_{c}\rangle^{79,79m} = +0.204(6) fm2^{2}, providing first evidence of shape coexistence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, Accepeted by Phys. Rev. Lett. (2016