1,108 research outputs found

    Statistical classification techniques for engineering and climatic data samples

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    Fisher's sample linear discriminant function is modified through an appropriate alteration of the common sample variance-covariance matrix. The alteration consists of adding nonnegative values to the eigenvalues of the sample variance covariance matrix. The desired results of this modification is to increase the number of correct classifications by the new linear discriminant function over Fisher's function. This study is limited to the two-group discriminant problem

    Recent Decisions

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    Comments on recent decisions by Larry E. Corr, John J. Malik, Richard E. Shipman, Paul R. Jackiewicz, Mark S. Tolle, Harry L. Buch, Stanley R. Herrlinger, John W, Houck, Donald J. Prebenda, Donald W, Bebenek, Michael C. Dionise, and J. Robert Geiman

    Evidence For Temperature Change And Oblique Pulsation From Light Curve Fits Of The Pulsating White Dwarf GD 358

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    Convective driving, the mechanism originally proposed by Brickhill for pulsating white dwarf stars, has gained general acceptance as the generic linear instability mechanism in DAV and dbV white dwarfs. This physical mechanism naturally leads to a nonlinear formulation, reproducing the observed light curves of many pulsating white dwarfs. This numerical model can also provide information on the average depth of a star's convection zone and the inclination angle of its pulsation axis. In this paper, we give two sets of results of nonlinear light curve fits to data on the dbV GD 358. Our first fit is based on data gathered in 2006 by the Whole Earth Telescope; this data set was multiperiodic containing at least 12 individual modes. Our second fit utilizes data obtained in 1996, when GD 358 underwent a dramatic change in excited frequencies accompanied by a rapid increase in fractional amplitude; during this event it was essentially monoperiodic. We argue that GD 358's convection zone was much thinner in 1996 than in 2006, and we interpret this as a result of a short-lived increase in its surface temperature. In addition, we find strong evidence of oblique pulsation using two sets of evenly split triplets in the 2006 data. This marks the first time that oblique pulsation has been identified in a variable white dwarf star.Delaware Asteroseismic Research CenterNational Science Foundation AST-0909107, AST-0607840Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program 003658-0255-2007Crystal Trust FoundationMt. Cuba ObservatoryUniversity of DelawareAstronom

    Measuring The Evolutionary Rate Of Cooling Of ZZ Ceti

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    We have finally measured the evolutionary rate of cooling of the pulsating hydrogen atmosphere (DA) white dwarf ZZ Ceti (Ross 548), as reflected by the drift rate of the 213.13260694 s period. Using 41 yr of time-series photometry from 1970 November to 2012 January, we determine the rate of change of this period with time to be dP/dt = (5.2 +/- 1.4) x 10(-15) s s(-1) employing the O - C method and (5.45 +/- 0.79) x 10(-15) s s(-1) using a direct nonlinear least squares fit to the entire lightcurve. We adopt the dP/dt obtained from the nonlinear least squares program as our final determination, but augment the corresponding uncertainty to a more realistic value, ultimately arriving at the measurement of dP/dt = (5.5 +/- 1.0) x 10(-15) s s(-1). After correcting for proper motion, the evolutionary rate of cooling of ZZ Ceti is computed to be (3.3 +/- 1.1) x 10(-15) s s(-1). This value is consistent within uncertainties with the measurement of (4.19 +/- 0.73) x 10(-15) s s(-1) for another similar pulsating DA white dwarf, G 117-B15A. Measuring the cooling rate of ZZ Ceti helps us refine our stellar structure and evolutionary models, as cooling depends mainly on the core composition and stellar mass. Calibrating white dwarf cooling curves with this measurement will reduce the theoretical uncertainties involved in white dwarf cosmochronometry. Should the 213.13 s period be trapped in the hydrogen envelope, then our determination of its drift rate compared to the expected evolutionary rate suggests an additional source of stellar cooling. Attributing the excess cooling to the emission of axions imposes a constraint on the mass of the hypothetical axion particle.NSF AST-1008734, AST-0909107Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program 003658-0252-2009Astronom

    Measuring The Evolutionary Rate Of Cooling Of ZZ Ceti

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    We have finally measured the evolutionary rate of cooling of the pulsating hydrogen atmosphere (DA) white dwarf ZZ Ceti (Ross 548), as reflected by the drift rate of the 213.13260694 s period. Using 41 yr of time-series photometry from 1970 November to 2012 January, we determine the rate of change of this period with time to be dP/dt = (5.2 +/- 1.4) x 10(-15) s s(-1) employing the O - C method and (5.45 +/- 0.79) x 10(-15) s s(-1) using a direct nonlinear least squares fit to the entire lightcurve. We adopt the dP/dt obtained from the nonlinear least squares program as our final determination, but augment the corresponding uncertainty to a more realistic value, ultimately arriving at the measurement of dP/dt = (5.5 +/- 1.0) x 10(-15) s s(-1). After correcting for proper motion, the evolutionary rate of cooling of ZZ Ceti is computed to be (3.3 +/- 1.1) x 10(-15) s s(-1). This value is consistent within uncertainties with the measurement of (4.19 +/- 0.73) x 10(-15) s s(-1) for another similar pulsating DA white dwarf, G 117-B15A. Measuring the cooling rate of ZZ Ceti helps us refine our stellar structure and evolutionary models, as cooling depends mainly on the core composition and stellar mass. Calibrating white dwarf cooling curves with this measurement will reduce the theoretical uncertainties involved in white dwarf cosmochronometry. Should the 213.13 s period be trapped in the hydrogen envelope, then our determination of its drift rate compared to the expected evolutionary rate suggests an additional source of stellar cooling. Attributing the excess cooling to the emission of axions imposes a constraint on the mass of the hypothetical axion particle.NSF AST-1008734, AST-0909107Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program 003658-0252-2009Astronom

    Massive Stars in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    We present near-infrared photometry and K-band spectra of newly-identified massive stars in the Quintuplet Cluster, one of the three massive clusters projected within 50 pc of the Galactic Center. We find that the cluster contains a variety of massive stars, including more unambiguously identified Wolf-Rayet stars than any cluster in the Galaxy, and over a dozen stars in earlier stages of evolution, i.e., LBV, Ofpe/WN9, and OB supergiants. One newly identified star is the second ``Luminous Blue Variable'' in the cluster, after the ``Pistol Star.'' Given the evolutionary stages of the identified stars, the cluster appears to be about 4 \pm 1 Myr old, assuming coeval formation. The total mass in observed stars is \sim 10^3 \Msun, and the implied mass is \sim 10^4 \Msun, assuming a lower mass cutoff of 1 \Msun and a Salpeter initial mass function. The implied mass density in stars is at least a few thousand \Msun pc^{-3}. The newly-identified stars increase the estimated ionizing flux from this cluster by about an order of magnitude with respect to earlier estimates, to 10^{50.9} photons/s, or roughly what is required to ionize the nearby ``Sickle'' HII region (G0.18 - 0.04). The total luminosity from the massive cluster stars is ≈107.5\approx 10^{7.5} \Lsun, enough to account for the heating of the nearby molecular cloud, M0.20 - 0.033. We propose a picture which integrates most of the major features in this part of the sky, excepting the non-thermal filaments. We compare the cluster to other young massive clusters and globular clusters, finding that it is unique in stellar content and age, except, perhaps, for the young cluster in the central parsec of the Galaxy. In addition, we find that the cluster is comparable to small ``super star clusters.'

    Massive Protostars in the Infrared Dark Cloud MSXDC G034.43+00.24

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    We present a multiwavelength study of the infrared dark cloud MSXDC G034.43+00.24. Dust emission, traced by millimeter/submillimeter images obtained with the IRAM, JCMT, and CSO telescopes, reveals three compact cores within this infrared dark cloud with masses of 170--800 Msun and sizes < 0.5 pc. Spitzer 3.6-8.0 um images show slightly extended emission toward these cores, with a spectral enhancement at 4.5 um that probably arises from shocked H2. In addition, the broad line widths (Delta V ~ 10 km/s) of HCN (4-3), and CS (3-2), and the detection of SiO (2-1), observed with the JCMT and IRAM telescopes, also indicate active star formation. Spitzer 24 um images reveal that each of these cores contains a bright, unresolved continuum source; these sources are most likely embedded protostars. Their millimeter to mid-IR continuum spectral energy distributions reveal very high luminosities, 9000-32,000 Lsun. Because such large luminosities cannot arise from low-mass protostars, MSXDC G034.43+00.24 is actively forming massive (~ 10 Msun) stars.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (1 colour), accepted ApJ
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