176 research outputs found

    Lawyer Advertising: Permissibility of Indicating the Nature of Legal Practice in Advertisements

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    Canon 27 of the ABA Canons of Professional Ethics, adopted by the American Bar Association in 1908, provided that it was unprofessional for lawyers to advertise or solicit professional employment. This prohibition made sense in a time when most lawyers were general practitioners and communities were small, so that a lawyer\u27s reputation was well known. However, the increasing size and complexity of both society and the law have made it necessary for lawyers to select certain areas of law in which to practices in order to develop the expertise necessary to deal with today\u27s complex legal issues. A corresponding need has developed to inform the public about the detail and variety of legal services that are available

    Clinical and Immunomodulating Effects of Ketamine in Horses with Experimental Endotoxemia

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    Background:  Ketamine has immunomodulating effects both in vitro and in vivo during experimental endotoxemia in humans, rodents, and dogs. Hypothesis:  Subanesthetic doses of ketamine will attenuate the clinical and immunologic responses to experimental endotoxemia in horses. Animals:  Nineteen healthy mares of various breeds. Methods:  Experimental study. Horses were randomized into 2 groups: ketamine-treated horses (KET; n = 9) and saline-treated horses (SAL; n = 10). Both groups received 30 ng/kg of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, Escherichia coli, O55:B5) 1 hour after the start of a continuous rate infusion (CRI) of racemic ketamine (KET) or physiologic saline (SAL). Clinical and hematological responses were documented and plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2) were quantified. Results:  All horses safely completed the study. The KET group exhibited transient excitation during the ketamine loading infusion (P \u3c .05) and 1 hour after discontinuation of administration (P \u3c .05). Neutrophilic leukocytosis was greater in the KET group 8 and 24 hours after administration of LPS (P \u3c .05). Minor perturbations of plasma biochemistry results were considered clinically insignificant. Plasma TNF-α and TXB2 production peaked 1.5 and 1 hours, respectively, after administration of LPS in both groups, but a significant difference between treatment groups was not demonstrated. Conclusions and Clinical Importance:  A subanesthetic ketamine CRI is well tolerated by horses. A significant effect on the clinical or immunologic response to LPS administration, as assessed by clinical observation, hematological parameters, and TNF-α and TXB2production, was not identified in healthy horses with the subanesthetic dose of racemic ketamine utilized in this study

    Recovering Nimbus Era Observations at the NASA GES DISC

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    Between 1964 and 1978, NASA launched a series of seven Nimbus meteorological satellites which provided Earth observations for 30 years. These satellites, carrying a total of 33 instruments to observe the Earth at visible, infrared, ultraviolet, and microwave wavelengths, revolutionized weather forecasting, provided early observations of ocean color and atmospheric ozone, and prototyped location-based search and rescue capabilities. The Nimbus series paved the way for a number of currently operational systems such as the EOS (Earth Observation System) Terra, Aqua, and Aura platforms. The original data archive includes both magnetic tapes and film media. These media are well past their expected end of life, placing at risk valuable data that are critical to extending the history of Earth observations back in time. GES DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) has been incorporating these data into a modern online archive by recovering the digital data files from the tapes, and scanning images of the data from film strips. The digital data products were written on obsolete hardware systems in outdated file formats, and in the absence of metadata standards at that time, were often written in proprietary file structures. Through a tedious and laborious process, oft-corrupted data are recovered, and incomplete metadata and documentation are reconstructed

    Developing Metrics for NASA Earth Science Interdisciplinary Data Products and Services

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    Metrics are measures that are able to produce quantifiable information. There are many applications of metrics in Earth science data and services; for example, metrics are frequently used to track service performance and progress. In short, developing, collecting and analyzing metrics are essential activities to better support Earth science research, applications, and education. As one of the largest repositories of Earth science data in the world, NASA’s Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project supports twelve Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). Standard metrics have been developed by the ESDIS Metrics System (EMS). These metrics are collected and analyzed routinely at each DAAC. As it is expected that the total data volume will continue to grow rapidly, and the timely developed technologies (e.g., cloud computing, AI/ML) will continue to improve data discovery and accessibility, opportunities for developing new data services for the Earth science community will also arise, especially in interdisciplinary research and applications. However, developing such metrics has become a challenge because multiple datasets are often needed. Current metrics are designed for a single predefined dataset or service, a disadvantage for collecting metrics for interdisciplinary data services. In this paper, we assess current metrics using one of the NASA DAACs, the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), as an example, to discuss challenges and opportunities, along with recommendations for developing metrics addressing interdisciplinary satellite data products and services. Overview of NASA GES DISC Earth science datasets and services Overview of existing metrics collection methods and analysis tools with examples Discuss challenges and opportunities in collecting metrics for Earth science interdisciplinary data and service

    Regional nutrient decrease drove redox stabilisation and metazoan diversification in the late Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia

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    The late Ediacaran witnessed an increase in metazoan diversity and ecological complexity, marking the inception of the Cambrian Explosion. To constrain the drivers of this diversification, we combine redox and nutrient data for two shelf transects, with an inventory of biotic diversity and distribution from the Nama Group, Namibia (similar to 550 to similar to 538 Million years ago; Ma). Unstable marine redox conditions characterised all water depths in inner to outer ramp settings from similar to 550 to 547Ma, when the first skeletal metazoans appeared. However, a marked deepening of the redoxcline and a reduced frequency of anoxic incursions onto the inner to mid-ramp is recorded from similar to 547Ma onwards, with full ventilation of the outer ramp by similar to 542Ma. Phosphorus speciation data show that, whilst anoxic ferruginous conditions were initially conducive to the drawdown of bioavailable phosphorus, they also permitted a limited degree of phosphorus recycling back to the water column. A long-term decrease in nutrient delivery from continental weathering, coupled with a possible decrease in upwelling, led to the gradual ventilation of the Nama Group basins. This, in turn, further decreased anoxic recycling of bioavailable phosphorus to the water column, promoting the development of stable oxic conditions and the radiation of new mobile taxa.Peer reviewe

    The Advantages of Synergy-Quantitative Earth Science Data Visualization and Analysis with Giovanni, Panoply, and Excel

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    The NASA Giovanni data analysis system provides a multitude of basic analysis capabilities for numerous Earth science data products which are available in the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) archive, as well as for additional selected data products provided by other NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) archives. In Giovanni, users can easily generate time-averaged data maps, area-averaged time-series, Latitude-Time and Longitude-Time Hovmoeller diagrams, correlation maps, accumulation maps, and map animations (22 analysis options are available in total). While ASCII text output is available for time-series plots, it is not included as an option for data maps. In order to provide a quantitative, easy-to-use numerical output in ASCII text form, the NetCDF file output from a Giovanni visualization is downloaded and then opened with the free NASA visualization software package Panoply. Panoply provides the capability of translating the Giovanni file into comma-separated-variable (CSV) output. Panoply also provides additional visualization options, including the facile calculation of difference maps and quasi-anomaly maps using Giovanni output files. The CSV files from Panoply can then be imported into an Excel spreadsheet, where an Excel macro converts the CSV files. The output consists of latitude-longitude-data value triads in text form for maps, and either longitude-time-data value or latitude-time-data value triads in text form for Hovmoeller diagrams. This presentation will explicate the basic procedure for the conversion, and then provide several examples where the procedure is applied to Giovanni output from different analysis options

    Real-time, appliance-level electricity use feedback system: How to engage users?

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    Engage is a rapidly deployable, retrofit energy monitoring system developed for direct support of a novel energy use behavior investigation and a large-scale deployment in campus apartments. We describe the end-to-end system and report results related to web dashboard engagement during a year-long experiment. The objective was to determine user engagement with real-time and easily accessible information about personal energy consumption. Leveraging low-cost components, this system was designed to measure separately appliance plug load, heating and cooling, and lighting electrical load in dense-occupancy building environments. We developed and used an open source technology for measurement of plug load and developed signal processing algorithms to significantly improve measurement accuracy. We also developed proxy sensors to measure heating and cooling and lighting. Our results indicate that 90% of the dashboard activity was undertaken by 50% of the participants and that website engagement was more likely in mid-day and more effective in combination with email reminders. Energy conservation was achieved when combining the dashboard with public information about energy consumption. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
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