76 research outputs found

    Cellular covers of local groups

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    We prove that, in the category of groups, the composition of a cellularization and a localization functor need not be idempotent. This provides a negative answer to a question of Emmanuel Dror Farjoun.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaJunta de Andalucí

    Localization genus

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    Which spaces look like an n-sphere through the eyes of the n-th Postnikov section functor and the n-connected cover functor? The answer is what we call the Postnikov genus of the n-sphere. We dene in fact the notion of localization genus for any homotopical localization functor in the sense of Bouseld and Dror Farjoun.This includes exotic genus notions related for example to Neisendorfer localization, or the classical Mislin genus, which corresponds to rationalization

    Homotopy exponents for large H-spaces

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    We show that H-spaces with finitely generated cohomology, as an algebra or as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra, have homotopy exponents at all primes. This provides a positive answer to a question of Stanley.Comment: 4 page

    Admissibility of Localizations of Crossed Modules

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    The correspondence between the concept of conditional flatness and admissibility in the sense of Galois appears in the context of localization functors in any semi-abelian category admitting a fiberwise localization. It is then natural to wonder what happens in the category of crossed modules where fiberwise localization is not always available. In this article, we establish an equivalence between conditional flatness and admissibility in the sense of Galois (for the class of regular epimorphisms) for regular-epi localization functors. We use this equivalence to prove that nullification functors are admissible for the class of regular epimorphisms, even if the kernels of their localization morphisms are not acyclic.Comment: 22 page

    Non-existence of fiberwise localization for crossed modules

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    We prove that localization functors of crossed modules of groups do not always admit fiberwise (or relative) versions. To do so we characterize the existence of a fiberwise localization by a certain normality condition and compute explicit examples and counter-examples. In fact, some nullification functors do not behave well and we also prove that the fiber of certain nullification functors, known as acyclization functors in other settings such as groups or spaces, is not acyclic.Comment: 19 page

    Non-simple localizations of finite simple groups

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    Often a localization functor (in the category of groups) sends a finite simple group to another finite simple group. We study when such a localization also induces a localization between the automorphism groups and between the universal central extensions. As a consequence we exhibit many examples of localizations of finite simple groups which are not simple.Comment: 10 page

    Goodwillie calculus and Whitehead products

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    We prove that iterated Whitehead products of length (n + 1) vanish in any value of an n-excisive functor in the sense of Goodwillie. We compare then different notions of homotopy nilpotency, from the Berstein-Ganea definition to the Biedermann-Dwyer one. The latter is strongly related to Goodwillie calculus and we analyze the vanishing of iterated Whitehead products in such objects

    Cellular properties of nilpotent spaces

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    We show that cellular approximations of nilpotent Postnikov stages are always nilpotent Postnikov stages, in particular classifying spaces of nilpotent groups are turned into classifying spaces of nilpotent groups. We use a modified Bousfield-Kan homology completion tower zkX whose terms we prove are all X–cellular for any X. As straightforward consequences, we show that if X is K–acyclic and nilpotent for a given homology theory K, then so are all its Postnikov sections PnX , and that any nilpotent space for which the space of pointed self-maps map .X; X/ is “canonically” discrete must be aspherical.Göran Gustafsson StiftelseFondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida