3 research outputs found

    Kaitsealade haldussüsteemi ja kaitsekorralduslike meetmete mõju inimeste heaolule ning kohalikele sotsiaal-majanduslikele oludele

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnateaduse ja rakendusbioloogia erialal.Over the last 50 years the number and surface of protected areas (PAs) has explosively increased, covering now almost a fifth of earth terrestrial areas and nearly tenth of marine areas. In addition to biodiversity conservation, protected areas are now expected to perform a number of other functions, such as provide ecosystem services and improve local socio-economic conditions. There is a general understanding that coverage of protected areas alone is not enough to ensure the achievement of the extended objectives, and it has been increasingly emphasized that PAs must also be effectively and equitably managed. Although stressed as utmost important, the efficiency and equity of PAs have not been adequately assessed and there is lack of corresponding information, especially from Europe. There is a particular shortage of research carried out at local level that reflects the impact of protected areas from the perspective of local people and stakeholders. Current research contributes filling this gap by investigating and describing the impact of PAs governance and management practices on human well-being and local socioeconomic conditions in five national parks of Estonia. The study revealed that depending on governance and management practices the conservation status has both positive and negative impacts on human well-being and local socio-economic conditions. It was found that consideration of local circumstances and effective dialogue with residents and stakeholders has significantly contributed to achievement of conservation objectives, while the centralization of PAs governance and management system and the abolition of national parks’ administrations have had various and far-reaching negative effects. It was concluded that effective and equitable management of protected areas requires implementation of efficient support measures, fair compensation for restrictions on the use of private property and the involvement of local people in conservation management.Viimase poole sajandi jooksul on üle maailma rajatud suur hulk uusi kaitsealasid, mis hõlmavad nüüdseks pea viiendiku maakera maismaa-aladest ning ligi kümnendiku merealadest. Kaitsealade plahvatusliku laienemise üks peamisi põhjusi on neile seatud täiendavad ootused ja eesmärgid. Eeldatakse, et kaitsealad mitte ainult ei säilita bioloogilist mitmekesisust, vaid aitavad kaasa ka näiteks kliimamuutuste leevendamisele ning panustavad tasakaalustatud ja jätkusuutlikku sotsiaal-majanduslikku arengusse. Üldlevinud arusaama kohaselt ei piisa globaalsete looduskaitse eesmärkide saavutamiseks üksnes kaitsealade pindalast ning üha enam toonitatakse, et kaitsealasid tuleb ka tõhusalt ja õiglaselt majandada. Kaitsealade majandamise tõhususe ja õigluse hindamisele on pööratud liiga vähe tähelepanu ning sellekohast teavet napib, eriti Euroopast. Suur puudus on kohalikul tasandil tehtud uuringutest, mis kajastaksid kaitsealade mõju kohalike elanike ja sidusrühmade vaatenurgast. Käesolev uurimistöö aitab seda lünka täita uurides ja kirjeldades kaitsealade haldussüsteemi, halduskorralduse (governance) ja kaitsekorralduse (management) mõju sotsiaal-majanduslikule olukorrale ning inimeste heaolule (well-being) viies Eesti rahvuspargis. Uuringust selgus, et sõltuvalt haldus- ja kaitsekorralduslikest meetmetest on kaitsestaatusel inimeste heaolule ja kohalikele sotsiaal-majanduslikele oludele nii positiivne kui negatiivne mõju. Samuti leiti, et kohalike oludega arvestamine ja tõhus dialoog elanike ja sidusrühmadega on aidanud kaasa kaitse-eesmärkide saavutamisele, samas kui kaitsealade haldussüsteemi tsentraliseerimisel ja kaitsealade administratsioonide kaotamisel on olnud mitmesugused ja kaugeleulatuvad negatiivsed mõjud. Jõuti järeldusele, et kaitsealade tõhus ja õiglane majandamine eeldab tulemuslike toetusmeetmete rakendamist, eraomandi kasutamisele seatud piirangute õiglast kompenseerimist ning kohalike elanike kaasamist kaitsekorralduslikesse tegevustesse.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences

    Socioeconomic Impacts of Protection Status on Residents of National Parks

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    Rural population ageing and decline is a serious problem throughout Europe resulting in a deterioration of the socioeconomic situation in rural areas. This leads to land abandonment, and consequently the loss of valuable cultural landscapes. Protected areas are no exception and inhabitants also face restrictions arising from the protection status. The aim of this study is to identify the existence, extent and nature of the socioeconomic impacts derived from the protection status on the local population. Population and socioeconomic indicators were compared with the results of in-depth interviews with local stakeholders within 2 Estonian national parks and contextualised with recent social change. It was concluded that protected areas have a considerable socioeconomic impact and in order to preserve cultural landscapes, achieve conservation objectives and contribute to balanced regional development, measures must be taken

    Essential coastal habitats for fish in the Baltic Sea

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