41 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Profile of Decoding and Comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    The present study examined intake data from 384 participants with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and a comparison group of 100 participants with dyslexia on nine standardized measures of decoding and comprehension. Although diagnostic groups were based on parental reports and could not be verified independently, we were able to observe significant distinctions between subject groups. Overall findings confirm previous results of a disassociation between decoding and comprehension in ASD. Using a larger sample than previous studies and a greater variety of measures, a pattern of relatively intact decoding skills paired with low comprehension was found in autism, PDD-NOS, and Asperger’s. In contrast, the dyslexic group showed the opposite pattern of stronger comprehension and weaker decoding

    Extraction and Characterization of Oil Bodies from Soy Beans: A Natural Source of Pre-Emulsified Soybean Oil

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    Soybeans contain oil bodies that are coated by a layer of oleosin proteins. In nature, this protein coating protects the oil bodies from environmental stresses and may be utilized by food manufacturers for the same purpose. In this study, oil bodies were extracted from soybean using an aqueous extraction method that involved blending, dispersion (pH 8.6), filtration, and centrifugation steps. The influence of NaCl (0-250 mM), thermal processing (30-90 degrees C, 20 min) and pH (2-8) on the properties and stability of the oil bodies was analyzed using zeta-potential, particle size, and creaming stability measurements. The extracted oil bodies were relatively small ( d 32 approximately 250 nm), and their zeta-potential went from around +12 mV to -20 mV as the pH was increased from 2 to 8, with an isoelectric point around pH 4. The oil bodies were stable to aggregation and creaming at low (pH = 2) and high (pH \u3e/= 6) pH values but were unstable at intermediate values (

    Review article: Intestinal epithelia and barrier functions.

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    The mucosal epithelia of the digestive tract acts as a selective barrier, permeable to ions, small molecules and macromolecules. These epithelial cells aid the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. They contribute to the protection against pathogens and undergo continuous cell renewal which facilitates the elimination of damaged cells. Both innate and adaptive defence mechanisms protect the gastrointestinal-mucosal surfaces against pathogens. Interaction of microorganisms with epithelial cells triggers a host response by activating specific transcription factors which control the expression of chemokines and cytokines. This host response is characterized by the recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils at the site of infection. Disruption of epithelial signalling pathways that recruit migratory immune cells results in a chronic inflammatory response. The adaptive defence mechanism relies on the collaboration of epithelial cells (resident sampling system) with antigen-presenting and lymphoid cells (migratory sampling system); in order to obtain samples of foreign antigen, these samples must be transported across the barriers without affecting the integrity of the barrier. These sampling systems are regulated by both environmental and host factors. Fates of the antigen may differ depending on the way in which they cross the epithelial barrier, i.e. via interaction with motile dendritic cells or epithelial M cells in the follicle-associated epithelium