11 research outputs found

    Genetic determinants of co-accessible chromatin regions in activated T cells across humans.

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    Over 90% of genetic variants associated with complex human traits map to non-coding regions, but little is understood about how they modulate gene regulation in health and disease. One possible mechanism is that genetic variants affect the activity of one or more cis-regulatory elements leading to gene expression variation in specific cell types. To identify such cases, we analyzed ATAC-seq and RNA-seq profiles from stimulated primary CD4+ T cells in up to 105 healthy donors. We found that regions of accessible chromatin (ATAC-peaks) are co-accessible at kilobase and megabase resolution, consistent with the three-dimensional chromatin organization measured by in situ Hi-C in T cells. Fifteen percent of genetic variants located within ATAC-peaks affected the accessibility of the corresponding peak (local-ATAC-QTLs). Local-ATAC-QTLs have the largest effects on co-accessible peaks, are associated with gene expression and are enriched for autoimmune disease variants. Our results provide insights into how natural genetic variants modulate cis-regulatory elements, in isolation or in concert, to influence gene expression

    Critical role of IRF1 and BATF in forming chromatin landscape during type 1 regulatory cell differentiation

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    Type 1 regulatory T cells (Tr1 cells) are induced by interleukin-27 (IL-27) and have critical roles in the control of autoimmunity and resolution of inflammation. We found that the transcription factors IRF1 and BATF were induced early on after treatment with IL-27 and were required for the differentiation and function of Tr1 cells in vitro and in vivo. Epigenetic and transcriptional analyses revealed that both transcription factors influenced chromatin accessibility and expression of the genes required for Tr1 cell function. IRF1 and BATF deficiencies uniquely altered the chromatin landscape, suggesting that these factors serve a pioneering function during Tr1 cell differentiation.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant P30-CA14051

    CD5L/AIM Regulates Lipid Biosynthesis and Restrains Th17 Cell Pathogenicity

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    Th17 cells play a critical role in host defense against extracellular pathogens and tissue homeostasis, but can induce autoimmunity. The mechanisms implicated in balancing ‘pathogenic’ and ‘non-pathogenic’ Th17 cell states remain largely unknown. We used single-cell RNA-seq to identify CD5L/AIM as a regulator expressed in ‘non-pathogenic’ but not in ‘pathogenic’ Th17 cells. Although CD5L does not affect Th17 differentiation, it is a functional switch that regulates the pathogenicity of Th17 cells. Loss of CD5L converts ‘non-pathogenic’ Th17 cells into ‘pathogenic’ cells that induce autoimmunity. CD5L mediates this effect by modulating the intracellular lipidome, altering fatty acid composition, and restricting cholesterol biosynthesis, and thus ligand availability for Rorγt, the master transcription factor of Th17 cells. Our study identifies CD5L as a critical regulator of the Th17 cell functional state and highlights the importance of lipid metabolism in balancing immune protection and disease induced by T cells.Klarman Cell ObservatoryHoward Hughes Medical InstituteNational Cancer Institute (U.S.) (David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. Grant P30-CA14051

    Reconstructing and Reprogramming the Tumor-Propagating Potential of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells

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    Developmental fate decisions are dictated by master transcription factors (TFs) that interact with cis-regulatory elements to direct transcriptional programs. Certain malignant tumors may also depend on cellular hierarchies reminiscent of normal development but superimposed on underlying genetic aberrations. In glioblastoma (GBM), a subset of stem-like tumor-propagating cells (TPCs) appears to drive tumor progression and underlie therapeutic resistance yet remain poorly understood. Here, we identify a core set of neurodevelopmental TFs (POU3F2, SOX2, SALL2, and OLIG2) essential for GBM propagation. These TFs coordinately bind and activate TPC-specific regulatory elements and are sufficient to fully reprogram differentiated GBM cells to “induced” TPCs, recapitulating the epigenetic landscape and phenotype of native TPCs. We reconstruct a network model that highlights critical interactions and identifies candidate therapeutic targets for eliminating TPCs. Our study establishes the epigenetic basis of a developmental hierarchy in GBM, provides detailed insight into underlying gene regulatory programs, and suggests attendant therapeutic strategies.Howard Hughes Medical InstituteStarr Cancer ConsortiumBurroughs Wellcome FundHarvard Stem Cell InstituteKlarman Family Foundatio