189 research outputs found

    Um diálogo pluricultural sobre o acesso à saúde com mulheres imigrantes

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    The migratory movements have been characterized by an increasing female participation that brings challenges and difficulties related to the socio-cultural, economic and health insertion of women in the countries/places they have migrated. In this article, we analyze the circumstances that led immigrant women to use health services in Porto Alegre, RS. Through semi-structured interviews, it was possible to understand some of the ease and the difficulties experienced by them in the daily access to the Brazilian health system.Los movimientos migratorios están caracterizándose por una creciente participación femenina que trae desafíos y complejidades relativos a la inserción sociocultural, económica y sanitaria de mujeres en los países/locales para donde migran. En este artículo, se analizan las circunstancias que llevaron a las mujeres inmigrantes a utilizar los servicios de salud en la ciudad de Porto Alegre en Brazil. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, fue posible comprender algunas de las facilidades y de las dificultades vivenciadas por ellas durante el acceso al sistema de salud.Os movimentos migratórios têm se caracterizado por uma crescente participação feminina que traz, por sua vez, desafios e complexidades relativos à inserção sociocultural, econômica e sanitária de mulheres nos países/locais para onde migram. Neste artigo, analisam-se as circunstâncias que levaram mulheres imigrantes a utilizar os serviços de saúde na cidade de Porto Alegre. Através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, foi possível compreender algumas das facilidades e das dificuldades vivenciadas por elas no cotidiano do acesso ao sistema de saúde


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    Este artigo pretende propor um estudo sobre os efeitos de sentido produzidos pelas categorias de pessoa de Benveniste (1989) e a sua aplicabilidade na elaboração de atividades acadêmicas de leitura e produção textual. Para tal, elegemos a Teoria da Enunciação de Benveniste, tirando dela o que poderia ser instalado no nosso escopo de preocupações: as noções de pessoa (Eu e Tu). Ao instaurar a categoria de pessoa, Benveniste define as pessoas do discurso, EU\TU, as quais só ganham plenitude quando assumidas por um falante, aquele que se coloca no discurso, com base numa realidade que lhe é particular – declarando, assim, a subjetividade. Já a terceira pessoa (a não pessoa, Ele), ao contrário, é um signo pleno, uma categoria da língua, que tem referência objetiva e cujo valor independe da enunciação – marcando, nesse caso, a objetividade. A fim de intervir na elaboração de atividades de leitura e produção textual que trabalhem com os efeitos de sentido gerados pelas escolhas linguísticas feitas pelo locutor, utilizaremos como corpus dois textos pertencentes ao gênero discursivo bula de remédio e, para analisá-lo, nos guiamos na categoria de pessoa da Teoria de Benveniste e, como aporte teórico, os pressupostos da Linguística Textual no que eles tangem a alguns critérios de textualidade e argumentação. Além disso, propusemos algumas reflexões que nos fazem acreditar que é possível vislumbrar um leitor e um produtor de textos conectado com uma concepção pragmático-cognitiva da textualidade

    Estudo introdutório acerca do fetichismo

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    This article aims to make a brief bibliographical review concerning the perverse structure’s formation, specifically as occurs to the fetishism. This term as a historical heritage has its origins in the Three essays of the Freudian sexual theory (Freud, 1969a [1905]). In this paper the infant sexuality is presented as a polymorphic perverse character and the reflection of this will be expressed in an adult sexuality. This, in turn, that will have to go through the Oedipus Complex, having constituted the base that will be crystallized through the results of this development, the origin of the normal and perverse sexual behavior since it will supply all the content for the child experiencing the shocking discovery of the phallus absence in the mother. This fact enables the child by means of repression, the resolution of the identification as a neurotic elaboration of castration. It is with the refusal of castration that we find the core of the fetishist’s choices as defense form, the denial of the lack of a penis in the female parent, electing substitutes for the anxiety. Fetishism results in the maintenance of mnemonic traces of the maternal phallus or of its existential illusion. For the denial of castration, the fetishist will elect as a defense mechanism and victory a substitute, not for any penis, but for maternal phallus, which will be the fetish. Failure to interdict the paternal figure will promote the desire to transgress the father law imposing its own law under the mother’s consent, who places it in the phallic position. We conclude that the Oedipus had no effect of paternal metaphor, and it worked partially. However, we cannot affirm that the refusal of the castration can be understood as a psychotic characteristic, because the perverse will not change reality, and also a certain degree of fetishism is present as a universal human behavior. Key words: Oedipus complex, castration, negation.O presente artigo faz uma breve trajetória bibliográfica acerca da formação da estrutura perversa e, especificamente, como se configura em fetichismo. O termo, enquanto herança histórica, tem suas origens nos Três ensaios da teoria sexual (Freud, 1969a [1905]) freudiana. Neste texto, a sexualidade infantil tem caráter perverso, polimorfo, e o reflexo desta sexualidade se expressa em uma sexualidade adulta. Esta, por sua vez, deve percorrer o Complexo de Édipo, constituindo a base na qual se cristaliza, por intermédio dos resultados dessa elaboração, a origem da conduta sexual normal e perversa, que fornece todo o conteúdo para a experienciação do choque infantil na descoberta da inexistência fálica materna. Tal fato possibilita à criança, por meio do recalque, a resolução da identificação enquanto elaboração neurótica da castração. É com a recusa da castração que encontramos o núcleo das escolhas fetichistas como forma de defesa: a negação da falta do pênis na mulher-mãe, elegendo substitutos contra a angústia. O fetichismo resulta na manutenção dos vestígios mnêmicos do falo materno, ou da sua ilusão existencial. Por negação da castração, o menino elegerá um substituto como mecanismo de defesa e vitória, não contra qualquer pênis, mas, para o falo materno, que será o fetiche. O não interdito da figura paterna promoverá o desejo de transgredir a lei do pai, para impor a sua própria lei sob a anuência da mãe, que o coloca na posição fálica. Se esta relação assim se configura, pode-se dizer que o Édipo não teve efeito de metáfora paterna e funcionou parcialmente. Todavia, não é possível afirmar que a recusa à castração possa ser entendida como uma característica psicótica, pois o perverso não apresenta alteração da realidade, e certo grau de fetichismo está presente como uma conduta universal humana. Palavras-chave: complexo de Édipo, castração, negação

    HIV-1 heterosexual transmission and association with sexually transmitted infections in the era of treatment as prevention

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    Objectives: HIV-1 heterosexual transmission among individuals on antiretroviral treatment (ART) with undetectable viremia is extremely rare. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of sexual HIV-1 transmission and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in HIV-1 serodifferent couples while the index partner is on ART. Methods: HIV transmission was evaluated in 200 HIV-1 heterosexual serodifferent couples in a stable relationship (≥3 months). All HIV-positive individuals had been on ART for ≥3 months and had been followed up for a median preceding time of 4.5 years (range 0.3–16 years) at the HIV couples clinic at Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Following written informed consent, participants responded to demographic/behavioral questionnaires. Quantitative PCR for HIV RNA, T-cell subsets, and STI testing (syphilis, herpes, human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, and bacterial vaginosis) were performed. Self-collected vaginal swabs were obtained for quantitative HIV genital viral load testing. Results: Among 200 couples, 70% of index partners were female. Five seroconversions were observed; the HIV infection incidence was 2.5% (95% confidence interval 0.8% to 5.7%). Mean plasma viral load results were higher in HIV transmitters compared to non-transmitters (p = 0.02). The presence of STIs was significantly greater in couples who seroconverted (60.0% vs. 13.3%; odds ratio 9.75, 95% confidence interval 1.55–61.2; p = 0.023). The duration of undetectable HIV viremia and presence of STIs were associated with HIV transmission. Conclusions: Undetectable viremia was the main factor associated with non-transmissibility of HIV in this setting

    Antiretroviral adherence and virologic suppression in partnered and unpartnered HIV-positive individuals in southern Brazil

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    Background: An undetectable serum HIV-1 load is key to effectiveness of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, which depends on adherence to treatment. We evaluated factors possibly associated with ARV adherence and virologic response in HIV-infected heterosexual individuals. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 200 HIV-1 serodiscordant couples and 100 unpartnered individuals receiving ARV treatment at a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil. All subjects provided written informed consent, answered demographic/behavioral questionnaires through audio computer-assisted self-interviews (ACASI), and collected blood and vaginal samples for biological markers and assessment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). HIV-negative partners were counseled and tested for HIV-1. Results: The study population mean age was 39.9 years, 53.6% were female, 62.5% were Caucasian, 52.6% had incomplete or complete elementary education, 63.1% resided in Porto Alegre. Demographic, behavioral and biological marker characteristics were similar between couples and single individuals. There was an association between adherence reported on ACASI and an undetectable serum viral load (P<0.0001). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that single-tablet ARV-regimens were independently associated with adherence (OR = 2.3; 95CI%: 1.2–4.4; P = 0.011) after controlling for age, gender, education, marital status, personal income, ARV regimen, and median time of ARV use. A positive correlation between genital secretion PCR results and serum viral load was significant in the presence of STIs (r = 0.359; P = 0.017). Although HIV PCR detection in vaginal secretions was more frequent in women with detectable viremia (9/51, 17.6%), it was also present in 7 of 157 women with undetectable serum viral loads (4.5%), p = 0.005. Conclusions: ARV single tablet regimens are associated with adherence. Detectable HIV-1 may be present in the genital secretions of women with undetectable viremia which means there is potential for HIV transmission in adherent individuals with serologic suppression

    Flavonoids from the Brazilian plant Croton betulaster inhibit the growth of human glioblastoma cells and induce apoptosis

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    This study investigated the effects of the flavonoids 5-hydroxy-7,4′-dimethoxyflavone, casticin, and penduletin, isolated from Croton betulaster Müll Arg., Euphorbiaceae, a plant utilized in popular medicine in Brazil, on the growth and viability of the human glioblastoma cell line GL-15. We observed that 5-hydroxy-7,4′-dimethoxyflavone and casticin were not toxic to GL-15 cells after 24 h of exposure. However, casticin and penduletin inhibited the metabolic activity of glioblastoma cells significantly at a concentration of 10 μM (p ≤ 0.05). Flavonoids casticin and penduletin also induced a significant and dose-dependent growth inhibition beginning at 24 h of exposure, and the most potent flavonoid was penduletin. It was also observed that penduletin and casticin induced an enlargement of the cell body and a reduction of cellular processes, accompanied by changes in the pattern of expression of the cytoskeletal protein vimentin. Signs of apoptosis, such as the externalization of membrane phosphatidyl serine residues, nuclear condensation, and fragmentation, were also detected in cells treated with 50–100 μM flavonoids. Our results indicate that flavonoids extracted from C. betulaster present antitumoral activity to glioblastoma cells, with penduletin proving to be the most potent of the tested flavonoids. Our results also suggest that these molecules may be promising supplementary drugs for glioblastoma treatment


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    In recent decades, Brazil has experienced a significant change in its morbidity and mortality profile, with chronic non-communicable diseases taking the lead as the main causes of death. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of these chronic diseases with great impact, being one of the main reasons for hospitalizations and mortality in the country. The main objective of this work is to analyze the epidemiological profile of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of stroke. This study is a descriptive epidemiological review, ecological and cross-sectional in nature, based on a quantitative approach. We used information obtained from the Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS) of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), focused on hospitalized patients (CVA). A total of 776,433 hospital admissions were observed, highlighting the prevalence of the southeast region leading the numbers of cases with (329,491) and the year 2022 with (206,751). Based on the data mentioned, it is concluded that the vast majority of patients hospitalized due to stroke are men, coming from the southeast region of the country and receiving emergency care. In this regard, it is crucial to increase knowledge and identification of this topic to improve patient management. Furthermore, public policies are necessary to promote early diagnosis and implement effective prevention measures.Nas últimas décadas, o Brasil tem experimentado uma mudança significativa em seu perfil de morbimortalidade, com doenças crônicas não transmissíveis assumindo a liderança como principais causas de óbito. O Acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é uma dessas doenças crônicas de grande impacto, sendo uma das principais razões para internações e mortalidade no país. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes internados com diagnóstico de acidente vascular cerebral. Este estudo é uma revisão epidemiológica descritiva, de natureza ecológica e transversal, baseada em uma abordagem quantitativa. Utilizou-se informações obtidas do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH/SUS) do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), focadas em pacientes internados (AVC). Observou- se um total de 776.433 internações hospitalares, destaca-se a prevalência da região sudeste liderando os números de casos com (329.491) e o ano de 2022 com (206.751). Com base nos dados mencionados, conclui-se que a grande maioria dos pacientes hospitalizados devido a acidente vascular cerebral são homens, provenientes da região sudeste do país e recebem atendimento de urgência. Nessa vertente, é crucial aumentar o conhecimento e a identificação deste tema para melhorar o manejo dos pacientes. Além disso, políticas públicas são necessárias para promover o diagnóstico precoce e implementar medidas eficazes de prevenção
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