72 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Google terhadap Minat Baca Buku Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi Angkatan 2014 Universitas Muhaammdiyah Makassar

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan google terhadap minat baca buku oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen pengumpulan data seperti wawancara, observasi, dokumen, dan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini melibatkan seluruh mahasiswa angkatan 2014 jurusan pendidikan sosiologi yang bejumlah sebanyak 248 orang. Dari populasi tersebut, peneliti mengambil sampel yang berjumlah 66 orang. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan program SPSS 16.0 dan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan data hasil analisis statistik variable penggunaan google dari indikator kecenderungan dengan pernyataan ‘saya menggunakan google untuk masalah pembelajaran, mencari informasi terbaru, serta hal-hal lainnya” mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dengan nilai rata-rata 4,85, dan pernyataan tertinggi kedua dari indicator intensitas dengan pernyataan “Saya menggunakan google lebih dari 2 jam dalam sehari “dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 4,53. Kemudian pada variabel minat baca buku dari indicator kebermanfaatan dengan pernyataan “Membaca buku memberikan data/informasi yang lebih rinci dan luas” merupakan nilai rata-rata tertinggi yaitu sebesar 4,35. Sedangkan dari indicator intensitas minat dengan pernyataan “Saya membaca buku 1-2 kali dalam seminggu” dengan nilai mean 2,86

    Uji Efektifitas Ekstrak Etanol pada Daun Ketepeng Cina (Cassia Alata L.) terhadap Mikroba Penyebab Sariawan (Stomatitis Aphtosa)

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    Ketepeng cina Casia alata L. merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat tradisional dimana berfungsi mengobati panu, kadas, kurap, cacingan, sembelit, dan sariawan. Adapun kandungan dari daun ini yaitu alkaloid, tanin, asam krisofanat, senyawa glikosida, aloeemodina, zat pahit, zat samak, dan flavonoid. Dalam hal ini kita meneliti kandungan flavonoid dari daun Ketepeng Cina sebagai obat sariawan. Stomatitis aphtosa atau sariawan adalah radang yang terjadi di daerah mukosa mulut, biasanya berupa bercak putih kekuningan dengan permukaan yang agak cekung, bercak itu dapat berupa bercak tunggal maupun kelompok. Sariawan dapat disebabkan oleh luka tergigit, mengkonsumsi air dingin atau air panas, alergi, stress, kekurangan vitamin C, vitamin B dan zat besi. Pada luka yang telah terbentuk di mukosa mulut ini, akan terdapat jamur Candida albicans. Untuk mengetahui kandungan flavonoid dilakukan percobaan pada daun Ketepeng Cina dengan cara perkolasi dimana daun Ketepeng Cina dirajang terlebih dahulu kemudian diperkolasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol setelah itu diidentifikasi flavanoidnya. Flavanoid menurut beberapa literatur berfungsi sebagai obat sariawan. Oleh karena itu obat sariawan yang didapatkan dari penyarian daun ketepeng cina sebagai bahan alam kedepan sangat penting peranannya Karena kebanyakan obat-obat sariawan yang beredar dimasyarakat sekarang ini kebanyakan dari bahan-bahan kimia yang cenderung jauh lebih banyak efek sampingnya jika dibandingkan dengan bahan alam. Selain itu bahan alam ini mudah didapatkan dan relatif membutuhkan sedikit pengeluaran dari segi financial. Ekstrak etanol yang telah diperole selanjutnya diuji efektifitasnya terhadap bakteri penyebab sariawan. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan terlihat bahwa flavonoida yang terdapat dalam ekstrak etanol daun ketepeng cina (Cassia alata L.) mampu untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab sariawan, yang ditandai dengan penurunan jumlah koloni. Semakain tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak, maka jumlah koloni bakteri penyebab sariawan semakin berkurang

    The Development of Character Building-Based Two-Dimensional Shapes Multimedia on Junior High School Students in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

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    Mathematics is a branch of natural sciences that is capable of developing character and ability to think systematically, logically, and critically in expressing ideas or solving problems. To develop student

    Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Gel Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is a plant that has many benefits, one of which is as an anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory effect of cayenne pepper was tested on white rats in the form of a gel. Two gel formulas were used with different concentrations of propylene glycol as additive, 25% and 30%, respectively. White rats were grouped into 4 groups, negative control group (gel base), positive control group (Voltaren® Emulgel), gel formula 1 group (enhancer 25%), and gel formula 2 (enhancer 30%). Albumen was induced on the backs of white rats then samples were given. Skinfold thickness measurements were taken every 1 hour for 6 hours. The data obtained in the form of skin thickness values ​​(mm). The % Inflammation Inhibition (% PI) was calculated for each sample. Formula 1 and Formula 2 gave %PI of 32.58 ± 1.80 and 40.75 ± 5.71, respectively. Both formulas had an anti-inflammatory effect against edema on the back of rats although not better than Voltaren® Emulgel. Based on One Way ANOVA test, Formula 2 has a better anti-inflammatory effect than Formula 1. LSD test results show that %PI Formula 2 is similar to %PI Voltaren® Emulgel with a significance value of 0.117 (>0.05).Cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak manfaat, salah satunya sebagai antiinflamasi. Efek antiinflamasi cabai rawit diujikan ke tikus putih dalam bentuk sediaan gel. Gel yang digunakan ada dua formula dengan perbedaan konsentrasi propilen glikol sebagai enhancer, masing-masing 25% dan 30%. Hewan uji dikelompokkan menjadi 4 kelompok yakni kelompok kontrol negatif (basis gel), kelompok kontrol positif (Voltaren® Emulgel), kelompok gel cabai rawit Formula 1 (enhancer 25%), dan kelompok gel cabai rawit Formula 2 (enhancer 30%). Punggung tikus putih diinduksi dengan albumen lalu diberikan perlakuan sampel lalu diukur tebal lipatan kulit tiap 1 jam selama 6 jam. Data yang diperoleh berupa nilai ketebalan kulit (mm). Dari data tersebut dihitung % Penghambatan Inflamasi (% PI) tiap sampel. Formula 1 dan Formula 2 memberikan % PI masing-masing sebesar 32,58 ± 1,80 dan 40,75 ± 5,71. Kedua formula memiliki efek antiinflamasi terhadap edema pada punggung tikus meskipun tidak lebih baik dibandingkan Voltaren® Emulgel. Berdasarkan uji One Way ANOVA, Formula 2 memiliki efek antiinflamasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan Formula 1. Hasil uji LSD menunjukkan bahwa % PI Formula 2 memiliki kemiripan dengan % PI Voltaren® Emulgel dengan nilai signifikansi 0,117 (> 0,05). &nbsp

    Anticancer activity of a sub-fraction of dichloromethane extract of Strobilanthes crispus on human breast and prostate cancer cells in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The leaves of <it>Strobilanthes crispus </it>(<it>S. crispus</it>) which is native to the regions of Madagascar to the Malay Archipelago, are used in folk medicine for their antidiabetic, diuretic, anticancer and blood pressure lowering properties. Crude extracts of this plant have been found to be cytotoxic to human cancer cell lines and protective against chemically-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in rats. In this study, the cytotoxicity of various sub-fractions of dichloromethane extract isolated from the leaves of <it>S. crispus </it>was determined and the anticancer activity of one of the bioactive sub-fractions, SC/D-F9, was further analysed in breast and prostate cancer cell lines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The dichloromethane extract of <it>S. crispus </it>was chromatographed on silica gel by flash column chromatography. The ability of the various sub-fractions obtained to induce cell death of MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, PC-3 and DU-145 cell lines was determined using the LDH assay. The dose-response effect and the EC<sub>50 </sub>values of the active sub-fraction, SC/D-F9, were determined. Apoptosis was detected using Annexin V antibody and propidium iodide staining and analysed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, while caspase 3/7 activity was detected using FLICA caspase inhibitor and analysed by fluorescence microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Selected sub-fractions of the dichloromethane extract induced death of MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, PC-3 and DU-145 cells. The sub-fraction SC/D-F9, consistently killed breast and prostate cancer cell lines with low EC<sub>50 </sub>values but is non-cytotoxic to the normal breast epithelial cell line, MCF-10A. SC/D-F9 displayed relatively higher cytotoxicity compared to tamoxifen, paclitaxel, docetaxel and doxorubicin. Cell death induced by SC/D-F9 occurred via apoptosis with the involvement of caspase 3 and/or 7.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A dichloromethane sub-fraction of <it>S. crispus </it>displayed potent anticancer activities <it>in vitro </it>that can be further exploited for the development of a potential therapeutic anticancer agent.</p

    Investigating the effect of molasses concentrations on the characterization of evaporation boat waste for crucible materials candidate

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    The crucible is a container wherein metallic materials are melted in order to generate new objects or alloys. Crucibles are typically formed of ceramic, graphite, silicon-carbide, and steel. Until now, there has been no study on the use of evaporation boat waste and molasses for the manufacture of crucibles. This study shows that molasses was used for binding the crucibles production formed from evaporation boats waste. The goal of this research was to ascertain how using molasses affected the properties of the crucible produced. Evaporation boat waste is made into powder (mesh 80) using a hammer mill. Molasses, evaporation boat waste powder and water with a certain concentration are mixed homogeneously using a mixer. The mixed material is put into a mold that has been adjusted to ASTM C1161-18, and then the compaction process is performed (20 MPa) to produce a green body. The resulting green body underwent a 16-hour drying time in an oven set at 100°C. Afterward, it was sintered for 240 minutes at 1150°C. The specimens in this study were characterized using XRD, SEM, density, hardness and 3-point bending tests. The test results show that molasses as a binder in the manufacture of crucible specimens does not result in the formation of a new crystalline phase. 5% molasses produced the best specimens. In specimens with 5% molasses, the density, hardness, flexural strength, and weight percentage (%) crystal phase of BN and TiB2 were 2.25 g/cm3, 61.6 HRA, 49.96 MPa, 67.5%, and 32.5%

    Search for Doubly-Charged Higgs Boson Production at HERA

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    A search for the single production of doubly-charged Higgs bosons H^{\pm \pm} in ep collisions is presented. The signal is searched for via the Higgs decays into a high mass pair of same charge leptons, one of them being an electron. The analysis uses up to 118 pb^{-1} of ep data collected by the H1 experiment at HERA. No evidence for doubly-charged Higgs production is observed and mass dependent upper limits are derived on the Yukawa couplings h_{el} of the Higgs boson to an electron-lepton pair. Assuming that the doubly-charged Higgs only decays into an electron and a muon via a coupling of electromagnetic strength h_{e \mu} = \sqrt{4 \pi \alpha_{em}} = 0.3, a lower limit of 141 GeV on the H^{\pm\pm} mass is obtained at the 95% confidence level. For a doubly-charged Higgs decaying only into an electron and a tau and a coupling h_{e\tau} = 0.3, masses below 112 GeV are ruled out.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial

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    Background: The EMPA KIDNEY trial showed that empagliflozin reduced the risk of the primary composite outcome of kidney disease progression or cardiovascular death in patients with chronic kidney disease mainly through slowing progression. We aimed to assess how effects of empagliflozin might differ by primary kidney disease across its broad population. Methods: EMPA-KIDNEY, a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial, was conducted at 241 centres in eight countries (Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, the UK, and the USA). Patients were eligible if their estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 20 to less than 45 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or 45 to less than 90 mL/min per 1·73 m2 with a urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (uACR) of 200 mg/g or higher at screening. They were randomly assigned (1:1) to 10 mg oral empagliflozin once daily or matching placebo. Effects on kidney disease progression (defined as a sustained ≥40% eGFR decline from randomisation, end-stage kidney disease, a sustained eGFR below 10 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or death from kidney failure) were assessed using prespecified Cox models, and eGFR slope analyses used shared parameter models. Subgroup comparisons were performed by including relevant interaction terms in models. EMPA-KIDNEY is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03594110. Findings: Between May 15, 2019, and April 16, 2021, 6609 participants were randomly assigned and followed up for a median of 2·0 years (IQR 1·5–2·4). Prespecified subgroupings by primary kidney disease included 2057 (31·1%) participants with diabetic kidney disease, 1669 (25·3%) with glomerular disease, 1445 (21·9%) with hypertensive or renovascular disease, and 1438 (21·8%) with other or unknown causes. Kidney disease progression occurred in 384 (11·6%) of 3304 patients in the empagliflozin group and 504 (15·2%) of 3305 patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0·71 [95% CI 0·62–0·81]), with no evidence that the relative effect size varied significantly by primary kidney disease (pheterogeneity=0·62). The between-group difference in chronic eGFR slopes (ie, from 2 months to final follow-up) was 1·37 mL/min per 1·73 m2 per year (95% CI 1·16–1·59), representing a 50% (42–58) reduction in the rate of chronic eGFR decline. This relative effect of empagliflozin on chronic eGFR slope was similar in analyses by different primary kidney diseases, including in explorations by type of glomerular disease and diabetes (p values for heterogeneity all &gt;0·1). Interpretation: In a broad range of patients with chronic kidney disease at risk of progression, including a wide range of non-diabetic causes of chronic kidney disease, empagliflozin reduced risk of kidney disease progression. Relative effect sizes were broadly similar irrespective of the cause of primary kidney disease, suggesting that SGLT2 inhibitors should be part of a standard of care to minimise risk of kidney failure in chronic kidney disease. Funding: Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and UK Medical Research Council